Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 383 The servants of God are so arrogant

Chapter 383 The servants of God are so arrogant~~

Sherlock walked into the room

This was the first time he saw a servant of God.

He saw a man lying on the ground, supporting his body with both hands, tilting his head up to look forward, and his undeveloped legs like a baby stretched out from under the golden robe. His skin was delicate and made him look miserable. , and weird; some people stare at themselves with their only remaining eye; some people have tooth marks that are turned outward, and the spaces between the yellowed teeth are full of gaps caused by underdevelopment.

These servants of God seem to have lived in that temple where no outsiders can enter for a long time and are with each other all day long, so there is no barrier between them. They eat together and sleep together. Now, they are also shrinking from each other. Together, they are like a strange little group that excludes foreign objects.

Sherlock looked at those twisted bodies. If he saw such a group of people on the streets of London, he might have a little sympathy, but now, he didn't have any emotions and just moved them casually. I sat down on a chair in front of the seven people who had gathered in a pile. I straightened my collars that were turned up because of the too much movement just now. I suddenly found some blood spattered on my fingertips. I reached out and picked up the clothes hanger on the side. He pulled over a thick cloak embroidered with gold threads and wiped it casually.

"Who are you?"

In front of me, a high-pitched voice sounded. The speaker was an older-looking servant of God. His body looked the same as that of an ordinary person, but he was a little thin. However, the distance between his eyes was wide and his eyes were a little protruding. , the coldness of the night looks a bit scary.

"You can call me Sherlock."

"What are you doing here?" the servant of God continued to ask.

In fact, it is difficult to put yourself in their shoes and guess the mood of these people at this moment. According to their understanding, they must not understand why this person dares to break into this door so disrespectfully and sit in front of them so casually.

But after all, they are just physically disabled, and most of their IQs are normal. They feel a little relieved when they see that the other party does not rush towards them like a wild beast that has lost its mind and continue to use violence against them. It seems that this guy only dares to attack those ascetics. , and he is still afraid of his noble status.

Therefore, they did not question or scold, let alone scream or panic. They still upheld the noble behavior that a servant of God should have, waiting for the soldiers outside to rush in, drag the madman out, and then deal with him in accordance with military law.

Oh, no, this is no longer a matter that can be solved simply by military law. After all, this person's behavior is a great disrespect for the Holy Light. He should be hung up and burned with fire until all the bones and muscles are gone. Only by turning into coke can the sins in the body be washed away.

But the guy in front of me didn't know whether it was because he was unaware of the huge crime he had committed, or because he wanted to die. Anyway, there was no trace of fear on his face, and he just continued calmly:

"This may sound offensive, but I have to admit, I hate you guys.

No matter it's appearance, voice, behavior, or that condescending expression, in short, it's just disgusting to look at. It's obviously just piles of cow dung, but it's forced to put on a layer of better-looking clothes, trying to pretend gold.

But you are not gold, because gold does not ooze disgusting juice, let alone stink.

Well, long story short.

I know that killing a servant of God will cause a lot of trouble, so I won’t kill anyone. You all go out now, whether you walk or crawl, and apologize to everyone you can see outside. Just apologizing is enough. , I will forgive you, how about it. "

Sherlock said solemnly, and after he finished speaking, he waved his hands in a friendly manner, as if to say: 'Look, I'm quite easy to talk to, right? ’

However, the servants of God in front of them all stood still, no one moved, let alone spoke. It was not clear whether they were frightened or did not understand what the other party wanted to express.

Let’s not talk about how unrealistic this idea is to ask the lofty servant of God to crawl out and apologize to everyone he sees. Let’s just talk about the apology.

What are you apologizing for?

What happened and you need to apologize?

The seven people in front of them seemed to be unable to keep up with their thoughts. Before their eyes could show anger, they were filled with doubts. After a long while, he finally turned his attention to the obviously humiliating words that the other party just said.

Cow dung, disgusting, stinky to heaven

These servants of the gods were invited by the senior generals of the imperial military. They were invited to step down from the temple and come to this battlefield on the grounds of the survival of mankind, the war with demons, and the future of the entire race. From any perspective, they should be treated with absolute respect.

Therefore, in the face of such ridicule and humiliation, their already distorted faces became even more ugly, and their eyes naturally showed an extremely malicious look. It is an unpardonable crime to humiliate the followers of the Holy Light!

And just then.

There was just a creaking sound, which was the sound of the barracks door being pushed open. It seemed that soldiers had already rushed over, so the expressions of the seven people looking at Sherlock became even more gloomy, as if they were looking at a dying man. man of. Soon, with the sound of the door axis turning again, the partition door in front of me was also pushed open.

However, what made these servants of God a little confused was that the soldiers who came in were not fully armed and nervous-looking soldiers, but only one person. This person was wearing a crisp plain suit, had blond hair, and was extremely handsome. Compared with these ugly-faced servants of God, they are so jealous that they want each other to die quickly. Moreover, this person did not carry a weapon and did not show the slightest panic. He just walked in unhurriedly and stood there. Arriving at Sherlock's side.

Okay, this is a battlefield, and there are many strong people in the army. A third-level great contractor coming to deal with this kind of thing is naturally more powerful than a group of people holding guns and rushing into this room yelling. Be more respectable.

A servant of God was quite satisfied with the military's handling of the situation, but he still maintained his due majesty and pride, and shouted angrily in a deep voice: "What are you waiting for? Get this guy out quickly, he just offended the Holy Light! He uses filthy words to shame."

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly closed his mouth.

Because he found that the person who walked in was looking at him with an extremely contemptuous look. It felt like looking at a pile of ugly and extremely disgusting cow dung. He was so disgusted that he almost stopped. Stop breathing.

Unlike Sherlock, he is not happy with the nature of these servants of God, but Watson really feels that these people are disgusting in the most naked and heartfelt way. He likes beautiful things, but he is definitely not pure without vision. A believer in appearance, when facing those with disabilities, he can always see some beautiful brilliance of strength and kindness in those miserable and tired bodies.

But facing these servants of God, he could only see ugliness. From the inside out, there was no blind spot that made him feel disgusted!

"What did you tell them?" Watson took a step back and took a few more measurements, as if he wanted to keep himself away from these people.

"I asked them to go out and apologize to those people outside." Sherlock shrugged and replied.


"Yes, what else can be done? Look at the bodies of these people. They are all trash in the true sense. They can't do anything on the battlefield. All they can do is apologize. As for how many people are really killed? It’s not impossible to vent your anger, but it’s likely to cause trouble to the people in the team, so let’s forget it, right?”

Look, I said before that Shylock is a very rational person, right? He made the servants of God apologize instead of directly digging out their brains, which has fully proved this, but you can listen Come out, if killing the servant of God would not cause trouble to others, then these guys in front of you would probably have turned into limp corpses by now.

No one knew who the guy who just walked in was, but the two of them were openly discussing whether to kill them in front of several servants of God, and their tone was calm, as if they were discussing tonight. It doesn’t matter what flavor the canned food is in. In this context, calmness will give people more terrible pressure. Finally, one of the servants of God couldn’t hold his breath anymore. He wanted to stay away from these two madmen, but the only The exit was behind the opponent, and it was impossible for him to smash the boards of the barracks and rush out, so he could only roar angrily:

"Come here! Soldiers! Guards!!!"

However, no one responded to him. Even the two people in front of him completely ignored the somewhat hysterical servant of God and were still discussing on their own:

"Our trip has been delayed for several days. People have been dying in the advance troops. The longer the delay, the more people will die."

Watson's tone seemed a little heavy, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Yes, establishing the Holy Light really requires these servants of God to do it in person. This will at least make the soldiers feel that this expedition has always been under the blessing of the Holy Light. Compared with ammunition and rations, the spirit The support is also very important.”

As he spoke, Sherlock turned his head, looked at the nervous servants in front of him, and smiled helplessly, as if he was rejoicing for these people. Although they were very unpleasant, they were still somewhat exploited. value.

Then, he looked at Watson again: "How did you get in?"

"He walked in."

"No, I mean, after such a long time, no soldiers rushed in to drag me out, which means there must be someone guarding the door, right?"

"Yes." Watson nodded: "A few people under Major General Ulysses blocked the entrance to the barracks. Haha, speaking of which, the group of veterans have long disliked these guys."

Of course, Sherlock had already thought of this possibility. He dared to let himself be alone with the servants of the gods, and also blocked others from entering. Major General Ulysses was the only one left in this team.

He not only thought of these, but also thought of some deeper possibilities. After he injured two ascetics, which directly threatened the safety of these servants of God, no one came in to stop him. Instead, Hua Hua After being let in, he confirmed this again.

So, he suddenly laughed and turned his head to look at the servants of God:

"My lords, I suddenly realized that my behavior was a bit radical, and I apologize to you now."


The entire room, including Watson, couldn't help but be stunned.

what happened? Why were you discussing how to kill these people just now, and now you are suddenly apologizing?

This guy really has something wrong with his brain.

However, in the eyes of the servants of God, this change is good after all. At least it seems that the madman named Sherlock in front of him has finally regained some sense.

"I suddenly realized that you all came all the way to the front line to bring the Holy Light to this desolate land, right?" Sherlock asked truly apologetically.

"Of course." After hearing that the other party finally mentioned the Holy Light, the leader of the divine servant became proud again in an instant, and said with his head raised slightly.

"That's right. Holy light is the ultimate guarantee for human survival. What you adults are doing is for the future of mankind and for the victory of the war."

Sherlock lowered his eyes and seemed to be talking to himself. This behavior made several servants of God more certain that the other party finally realized that he had offended the Holy Light and felt some regret. The resentment in their hearts became even stronger. They thought, an offense is an offense. Can they make amends if they suddenly realize that they were wrong?

But the next second.

"In this case, let's not waste time here. As I said just now, the longer the time drags on, the more people will die. Therefore, I will find someone to report to the leaders of the war zone later and tell a few servants of God Because you couldn't bear the blood of the frontline soldiers, your Excellency resolutely gave up the safe marching route and took the initiative to apply to go to the most dangerous advance army position to bring the Holy Light to the place where it is most needed!"


A servant of God's mind went blank for a moment, and then he asked in a daze:

"What. Voluntarily gave up the safe marching route? When did we give up?"

After listening to Sherlock's words, Watson thought for a while, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Well, this proposal is very good. If the servants of God take the initiative to apply to follow the advance army and go to the frontline area to fight against the devil, then It will undoubtedly boost the morale of the entire expeditionary force, and at the same time, it can bring the Holy Light to the front line as quickly as possible, which will save many people on the front line from dying!"

"We have never said anything like that!" A servant of God shouted loudly and loudly.

"What are you two talking about? We are servants of the Holy Light, not soldiers, let alone madmen!"

"The military is supposed to protect our safety, how dare we let us deviate from the safe route?!"

"We want to go back to the Temple of Holy Light! Guards! Guards!!"

All the servants of the gods began to roar. They couldn't believe it. How dare these two lawless guys in front of them make up things they didn't say.

However, Sherlock and Watson completely ignored the roars of the parties involved and chatted on their own. The more they chatted, the more reliable they felt. So they both turned their heads and looked at the angry servants of God amiably. .

"Okay, this matter is settled. Thank you for your willingness to make such a big sacrifice for humanity. Of course, you also know that since you want to join the advance army, it is normal for your head to be bitten off by a demon accidentally. Things, but don’t worry, I will urge you along the way to show as much of your value as possible before you die.”

Sherlock smiled like one of those unscrupulous overseers who were ready to exploit the hard workers in a black factory.

"Are you crazy? Holy light,"

Sherlock looked at Watson with a distressed look on his face: "I said, these servants of God seem a little manic. They don't even understand their true thoughts."

"Yes." Watson squinted his eyes in distress, as if thoughtfully: "Obviously he wants to sacrifice for mankind, but he always denies his thoughts, but I can understand, the great servant of God Adults are always a bit proud, they just don’t want to admit it. But it doesn’t matter, I just have to talk to these people.”


"Of course, I'm very good at chatting." Watson smiled and said, "Just watch the door for me and try not to let anyone in, no matter what you hear."

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