Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 390 Light, Demonic Tide, and the Only Prey

Everything was so quiet, and there were even many people under the sky who didn't notice the strange celestial phenomena above their heads.

But there were still some people who saw the thick beam of light, stared blankly, and stood there, completely in a daze. They didn't even know whether to be surprised or fearful first.

Just watch the light fall on the top of the mountain.

A gust of wind blew.

The wind came from the upper layer of ice and snow on the mountain top, drifted down leisurely in an instant, and blew the hair of an imperial soldier.

Like a wet drop of water before a tsunami,

And in the next second, a violent wind that could never be formed by the power of nature suddenly set off on the high mountain. The beam of light seemed to have an entity, condensed with the power of billions of cannonballs, or maybe it was All the fires that had erupted in the past three hundred years of war, and even all the energy that could be released when the stars in the sky were reborn or extinguished, condensed into a giant sword that fell from the sky and struck fiercely on the snow-capped mountains.

As the violent wind soared into the sky, the white snow that had accumulated for millions of years poured into the sky like a torrent of ice and snow, blocking almost all the starlight. A huge roar finally broke out at this moment, and it captured everyone in an instant. The resonance from high altitudes penetrated directly through the eardrums of some people, their eyes went dark, and they fainted from the shock.

No one knows where this light comes from, let alone what it is. Anyway, all this happened in the moment it appeared, and then the light disappeared, as if it had never appeared. Passed by, but the remaining high temperature instantly evaporated the ten thousand-year-old snow that was blown up into the sky into water mist all over the sky, and vaporized at the same time.

If at this time, a person was riding an airship and could look down at the top of the mountain from a high altitude, he would be surprised to find that a large hole with a diameter of about twenty meters had been penetrated through the entire mountain.

As for the depth, it is completely beyond the distance that the naked eye can reach.

Everything happened too fast. The strange brick in Sherlock's hand completely lost its reflection in the sudden roar and turned into a thin black square again.

Sherlock didn't have time to tinker with this thing, so he rushed out of the barracks, and then saw the soldiers outside the door who were standing still, or were so shocked that they collapsed and kept vomiting.

He didn't see the beam of light, but following people's gaze, he saw the bald mountaintop, the large piece of snow that strangely disappeared on the mountaintop, and the roaring and splashing of snow from the mountaintop. A touch of bright red.

It was more than just a touch of color. Although this situation was impossible from a rational, cognitive, or physical perspective, people still seemed to be horrified to discover it.

The mountain seemed to have turned into an erupting volcano because of the penetration of that beam of light.

From the existing geological knowledge, the most basic reason for the formation of volcanoes is because the high-pressure lava more than 50 kilometers under the earth's crust found a gap that leads directly to the surface.

But 99% of the gaps in the earth itself appear between the gaps between continents under the squeeze of plates. How can it really be possible that a beam of light penetrates directly under the mantle rock layer?


The mountain began to shake, and the high temperature began to spread outward along the cold mountain body that had been built for hundreds of millions of years. The blood on the top began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then was quickly frozen into ice cubes by the low temperature below that did not have time to balance. The large tumbling down, the vibrations and the loud noises emitted instantly formed the most terrifying mountain avalanche on this continent, but after detection by battlefield geologists, it was determined that it could not occur!

From an aesthetic point of view, this scene will be so magnificent.

Lava measuring kilometers in size rolled out of the top of the mountain, and ice and snow mixed with magma seemed to pour down from the sky.

Between the scorching scarlet and the white thousands of years of snow, there is an extremely gorgeous ice layer. After continuous melting, it was frozen again. The mountain was painted into colorful clouds in a few seconds, red fire and cold white. Confused, the steam engine made a hissing sound as it dissipated heat, carrying huge and thick smoke and dust, spraying crazily into the sky.

Sherlock stared at this unnatural scene, even though he couldn't help but be shocked by it, and at the same time, there was a vibration under his feet.

The pressure dump in the earth's mantle will inevitably cause earthquakes. Although the gap on the top of the mountain will not cause a terrible fission like a crack on the continental shelf, it is still devastating to tiny humans.

Captain Millsap had a bandage on his head and one arm hanging on his chest. The vibration under his feet finally calmed him down. Looking at the raging lava and ice and snow sloping down from the top of the mountain, his whole body was trembling. .

But the imperial soldier's strong spirit finally allowed him to roar at the top of his lungs.


In fact, there are no orders. At this moment, it is impossible to calmly issue orderly commands. Fortunately, the soldiers, wounded, and field doctors all have honed some tough psychological qualities during the battle. In this deadly situation, In the torrent, they tried their best to throw all the wounded people they could carry onto the transport truck. The camp was filled with curses, yells, calls, and "Leave me alone, leave!" 'Wait for the cry.

In a barracks that had been converted into an operating room, Watson had just clamped a soldier's deep femoral artery with a hemostatic forceps, preparing to ampute the injured area. Behind him, Nanding As soon as Geer's hand slowly moved away from a soldier, he raised it tremblingly and wiped the fine sweat from his forehead.

The fact that she was still sweating under this temperature seemed to indicate that she was extremely exhausted.

After the loud noise that could make people deaf, and the vibration under his feet, Watson immediately rushed out of the operating area, and then saw the terrifying scene in front of him. After a brief daze, he didn't even think about it. , rushed back to the operating room, picked up Nightingale and rushed out of the door!

He did not save the wounded, or even care about the soldier who had a broken leg in his charge. He was a doctor, and it was indeed his duty to save lives and heal the wounded, but at this moment, he could only save one person.

Nightingale had not recovered from the loud noise just now. In her dizziness, she found that she had been carried out of the operating room. Subconsciously, she was still thinking about those people waiting for treatment, but when she lifted her At first, after seeing the apocalyptic scene, she suddenly became calm.

She was frightened.

Of course, in this sudden fright, she did not scream or scream like an ordinary woman, nor did she yell to go back like those irrational people who want to show kindness. There were still people in the room. She just let Watson lead her onto a transport truck that was speeding past, and ran forward with the strong wind and loud noise in her ears.

The avalanche was more wild than imagined. The kinetic energy of the gravity pouring down from the high mountains caused the thousands of years of snow layers to collapse at an incredible speed. The carriage was violently jolted by vibrations, and an extremely realistic and extremely The desperate result is that it is impossible for everyone in this military base to escape.

In fact, had it not been for the fact that the operating room where Watson and Nightingale were located was at the far end of the snow-capped mountains, had it not been for the construction of this base occupying a huge space of more than 400 meters vertically, or had it not been slightly blocked by the building in front The momentum of the avalanche, and with those three or four seconds of reaction time, they would inevitably be buried in the torrent.

As for the soldiers of the empire who were closest to the snow-capped mountains, they were not so lucky, because they had no time to escape, or even turn around, or shout. Thousands of tons of snow and rocks falling from the mountains were The rock crushed through the base wall made of steel, pushed to the towering command tower, buried the barracks, and then swept wildly as far as the eye could see, swallowing up everything, crushing the flesh and blood.

Among these people, there are powerful third-level great contractors, chauffeurs with extraordinary driving skills, soldiers who were the first to react and rushed into the chariot, and scary frontline generals with high military ranks. But in the ice of nature, Faced with the disaster of fire, no matter who it is, it is impossible to escape.

And this includes Sherlock.

He was the one who reacted the fastest, he was the one who was the fastest. He even surpassed the speed of a state-of-the-art steam locomotive in a sprint with his legs. However, he still did not escape. The layers fell from the sky at the first moment.

Just bury it in it.

There are 45,000 people stationed in this military base. However, there are only less than a hundred transport vehicles running wildly on the snowy field. The roar behind them does not stop, and the accelerator under their feet does not loosen at all. Watson stands Behind a transport truck, looking at the still turbulent sea of ​​snow, he was shocked. He didn't think about how this terrible disaster happened, or whether Sherlock also escaped. He didn't even think about it. Paying attention to whether he was injured, he just subconsciously felt lucky that he had rescued Nightingale. At the same time, he looked at the speed of the frozen soil and seemed to be slowing down.

This indicates that he survived

This is the most normal reaction at this time, and it is a human's instinct to cheer for the survival of his own life.

Until a void crack opened in mid-air not far away.

The appearance of this crack in the void is so dramatic, because it is like the first drop of rain you feel falling on your shoulders on a cloudy day.

Wet and cold.

Of course a drop of rain won't do anything to you, but that's just the beginning.

So in the next moment, it rained heavily!

Although the emergence of void cracks cannot be said to be slow, the larger the crack, the longer it takes to tear open. A crack that can allow normal second-level demons to pass through will take a second or two to be completely formed.

Therefore, it is somewhat inappropriate to use "heavy rain" to describe the appearance of cracks in the void.

However, anyone who sees the scene in front of them will feel that this description is very appropriate, because the cracks in the void around them are like the surface of a lake under heavy rain. Every time a ripple is splashed, a crack will appear. Big or small, distant or near, densely packed, some were buried by the collapse of snow as soon as they appeared, while some were spewing demons out.

Under this huge avalanche that stretches to the end of the sight, any life is so worthless, and those cracks in the void will naturally be swallowed up. Watson doesn't know if the snow will pour back into hell through the cracks. , but he can be sure that after being buried, these demons will definitely not be able to crawl out. As for those who crawl out, they will definitely become an ice lump under the snow curtain.

But there were so many cracks that they occupied all the sight of the surviving imperial soldiers for a second or two. Among the 1,000 void cracks, only a hundred demons could get out, and among these one hundred demons , only one demon can escape the tragic fate of being buried. Even so, there are still overwhelming numbers.

These demons began to chase the surviving vehicles desperately, and they were as crazy as mad cows with firecrackers tied to their tails.

The surviving soldiers had some weapons, and they immediately began to pour firepower on this group of bloodthirsty and terrifying demons. There were bursts of black smoke and explosions. But how could the demonic tide that could not be drowned by mountain snow and torrents be destroyed by guns and bullets? withstand.

More and more demons were approaching. They jumped onto the vehicle and climbed onto the upper layer of the armor. Their stinking, sticky saliva was thrown onto the faces of the soldiers behind the semi-open transport vehicle. Countless fangs were left on the steel. There were countless scratches, the sharp bones collided with the ammunition, and blood of different colors shot out.

The human body cannot be compared with that of demons. Even if there are some contractors among the survivors, they are of no use in the face of such a terrifying number of demons. Those soldiers who are not wearing steam armor are close to the demons. With close contact, the consequences can be imagined. In short, a one-sided massacre seems inevitable.

But what everyone couldn't believe was that these demons didn't seem to have any intention of biting the prey in front of them. They jumped over the vehicles and even the food that was within easy reach. They ignored the ammunition and wounds that exploded on their bodies and continued to move forward desperately. Rush away.

Watson, like all the other Imperial soldiers, looked at this incredible scene in shock.

What made him feel even more incredible was the path of demons coming from all directions.

These guys seemed to be coming for me.

But something is obviously wrong. I am just an ordinary person. How could these demons come after me?

I don’t know how his brain circuit was formed. In short, at this moment, he seemed to think of something for no reason.

So, he turned his head and glanced at Miss Nightingale beside him.

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