Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 393 Near Death

The living people silently searched for other survivors in the rubble. Several soldiers struggled to pull out medical equipment from a vehicle and then treated the wounds of some wounded people.

The whole process was immersed in silent silence.

No one seemed to feel lucky to have survived, only a faint suppressed sadness permeated the cold air.

Sudden light from the sky. What is that, some kind of terrible demon unleashing abilities that humans cannot understand? Or is it that the Holy Light was angry because of something, so it sent down divine punishment?

The insignificance of human beings under the majesty of nature has no possibility of resistance. At that moment, the entire military base was submerged. Those brave soldiers faced the falling snow of thousands of years, and their war experience and experience in the past years Hard training has no effect.

Then a sudden demonic wave swept over the survivors' convoy.

The good news is that after the demonic tide passed, one-third of the soldiers still survived.

The bad news is that all the rest of the news is bad news.


The unique roar of steam chariots came from a distance. Some soldiers took out their telescopes with difficulty and looked in the direction of the sound. Then they saw a row of war chariots speeding towards their direction. .

Ten minutes later, a reorganized team stopped not far away. It could be seen that the tracks of these vehicles had all been modified. One vehicle should have been dismantled, and then the parts from that vehicle were used to upgrade the rest of the vehicles. , which increases the contact area between the wheels and the snow, otherwise it would be impossible to drive so fast on the snow.

The team that came over was the undead regiment formed by veterans. As mentioned before, this group of veterans who suffered from post-war stress syndrome could not rest peacefully in the camp. Even if they He sleeps and also likes to camp on the spot near the battlefield. It was this habit that allowed them to go a long way into the battlefield, and they were lucky enough to escape this big avalanche.

Major General Ulysses leaned on his spear and walked hard to the surviving soldiers. In fact, he did not need to ask too many questions. For decades, this lame veteran had almost always stayed in the most intense areas of the battle, so Just looking at the marks left on those cars, you can know that these people have just been attacked by demons, and the numbers are staggering.

The only thing that is a little confusing is that judging from the scratches, there should be no possibility for these people to survive.

Turning sideways, he saw a man huddled alone beside him. The surgical clothes he had not taken off in time were particularly eye-catching on the battlefield. Ulysses knew that this man was Sherlock Holmes's partner, probably named Watson. , has been following the accompanying medical team.

So he walked over.

"Where is Miss Nightingale?" Ulysses asked calmly.

This major general was not a war madman whose mind was full of blood and gunpowder smoke. He knew that Nightingale was a special existence, both in terms of social significance and psychological impact on frontline soldiers, so he did not care about the wounded. He didn't even ask how many people died. People always die in wars.

He just wants to know, where is the girl?

The man in front of him didn't speak, but was shaking even more violently.

"Miss Nightingale! Where is it!" Ulysses' voice sounded a little harsher.

Still no response.

The veteran walked up to Watson and pulled him up. The military doctor who could assassinate the third-level contractor with a mortal's ability was now lifted up like an empty sack.

His hands were hanging weakly, his head was tilted to one side, his eyes were lifeless, and the blood on his blurry face was soaked in tears and frozen into ice crystals. With that face, I don't know if it can still be called beautiful.

Second Lieutenant Millsap saw this scene from a distance. He ignored the open wounds on his body and rushed over quickly. He held the veteran's hand and wanted him to let go of Watson, but he pulled hard several times. , but did not pull.

In this case, no one seems to care about the difference in military rank anymore.

"Where's Miss Nightingale?"



Ulysses looked at Captain Millsap with a look that looked like a fool. Obviously, for those demons, there should not be such behavior as [capturing people].

"Let him go!" the young officer yelled at his superior. Perhaps this was the first time in his life that he spoke to his superior in such a disrespectful tone: "I don't know why this happened, but it's not Blame him, you should be able to see the number of those demons, even if your people are here, the result will not change in any way.

Nightingale was captured!

That's it.

Everyone tried their best! "

Major General Ulysses listened to the other party's words. He let go of his hand, and with a pop, Watson fell to the snow. His spine had almost no idea of ​​supporting his body, and he just lay down slumped, looking up with his face covered with red ice crystals. looking at the sky.

The most beautiful person in the world is right next to him, but he can only watch her disappear before his eyes.

It is not easy for ordinary people to understand Watson's psychology at this moment. In fact, he doesn't understand it very well now. He just suddenly feels that he seems to have returned to his childhood. The moment he saw his parents' bodies falling on the beams, he was also Such powerlessness, unwilling to think about anything, unwilling to move at all.

The surroundings fell into silence again.

Yes, it sounds so ridiculous that countless demons kidnapped one person, but it has already happened, and no matter who was here at the time, it was impossible to stop it.

What else but silence?

All the living wounded have been rescued. Using not much medical equipment, the soldiers performed simple bandages, then set up a windproof ring with war vehicles and lit a bonfire. Such a huge volcanic eruption and avalanche, Some nearby military bases must have noticed the strange phenomenon, but they didn't know when they would be able to come to the rescue.

Just like that, I don’t know how long it took.

Suddenly, several veterans who were resting next to the car seemed to notice something, and quickly stood up. Several people boarded the artillery platform on the upper level of the car and aimed at a certain position in the wind and snow. Ulysses' Holding the spear in his hand, he stared ahead cautiously.

Soon, a slender and huge silhouette appeared at the edge of the line of sight. Facing the biting wind, it struggled to reveal its true form.

That's a demon.

Almost all of the surviving Imperial soldiers knew this demon, so they all widened their eyes in disbelief, and then watched the demon getting closer and closer to them, until they came close. He flopped down on the snow, and his heavy body was mostly buried in the snow.

At this point, the big hand that had been protecting him finally relaxed a little.

Major General Ulysses was the first to recover from the shock. He came to the huge collapsed body and removed the devil's palm forcefully. Then, between the hollow space between the palm and the chest, he saw that person.

"Medic! Come here, he's still alive!"

He is still alive!

There is no need to emphasize who [he] is, because everyone knows who he is, although from any angle, he cannot be alive.

Sherlock Holmes

This demon belongs to him, and the landslides, volcanoes erupting, thousands of years of snow pouring in, and divine light falling from the sky are definitely not something that human beings can resist. In that case, the only one The only people who are likely to survive are the soldiers around them now.

If there is any exception, it should be him.


There were no medical soldiers, but there were still some soldiers who knew how to do field medical care. They rushed over and lifted Sherlock out. The moment they touched Sherlock's skin, they only felt a coldness passing from their fingertips straight to his heart.

Long-term hypothermia, hypoxia, shock-like effects caused by slow blood flow in coma, hunger, and various vital signs have reached critical limits.

Even a powerful contractor cannot really ignore all this.



"Where's the ventilator? I remember whose car had one?"

"It was broken just now and can't be used!"

"Damn it! Stimulants! Where are those hallucinogens you hid? No matter if they are useful or not, you have to give him something!"

"Are you crazy? That will kill him!"

"If you don't do anything, he will still die!"

"His heartbeat is almost gone, damn it! Damn it!"

Some soldiers surrounded him. Some took off their military medics and wrapped their cold bodies. Abuse and quarrels spread around, but in the face of such a situation, what could these people do? The man has already proven that he can create many miracles, but at this moment, he just closed his eyes, seeming to tell everyone in this way that he is not a god after all, and he is not omnipotent.

what to do?

Who else could he be?

"Please give way."

An extremely weak voice sounded from the outside of the crowd.

People turned around and saw the lost military doctor just now. He was now staggering and walking towards this side. On his pale face, the solidified blood-colored ice crystals cracked and fell off bit by bit.

The crowd parted a way, allowing the military doctor to approach Sherlock, and then he knelt feebly in front of him and took out a knife.

"Puff!" With a sound, it penetrated Sherlock's chest!

At this moment, several soldiers felt their heads buzzing, and they subconsciously shouted and wanted to pounce, but they were quickly grabbed by several veterans!

kill? ?

Of course, this was not killing anyone. The scalpel in Watson's hand was directly inserted into Sherlock's chest, and then began to cut along a subtle path.

There were some exclamations and roars in the crowd, but fortunately they were stopped by the soldiers under Major General Ulysses. Watson's expression was extremely calm, and the sounds around him did not have any impact on him. He just focused on the knife in his hand. The knife avoided all the critical blood vessels and reached somewhere just below the sternum.

Then, in full view of everyone, he put his hand into the other person's chest and held the dying heart.

Use force

Use force

His hands were holding the heart in a fixed rhythm, helping it forcefully squeeze the cold blood to every part of the body.



The people around him stopped shouting and looked at the extremely rough treatment in front of them. They were startled by this sudden word.

Some people reacted and quickly took out a hidden cigarette from their jacket pockets, intending to light it for the other person, thinking that he had some habit and needed to light one during the treatment.

As a result, Watson shook his head:

"Yours is no good. Take three of the cigarettes in this guy's left windbreaker pocket, boil the leaves in water, and smoke them into a syringe."

Watson spoke in an understatement. Everyone present understood his words, but they were so shocked that they remained motionless.

Because they seemed to have thought of what the other person was going to do.

But! But!

"Go quickly!"

This is a very long dream, because the feeling of time is stretched very long here.

This is another very short dream, because the things presented in the dream are so monotonous and boring, as if millions of years have passed, there will be no difference from a few seconds.

Just some green liquid and some bubbles that keep appearing in front of you.

In the past thirty years, Sherlock has entered hell every time he fell asleep. This has become a normal life for him.

But since he came to the front line, this normal life has changed, because he can no longer enter hell in his sleep.

After thirty years, he was finally able to sleep well.

It's quite uncomfortable.

During this period, Sherlock found that every time he entered a deep coma, he would become a floating sight.

Here, he can't do anything. He has no arms or legs. Naturally, he can't make any movements. He can only watch the bubbles in front of him rising continuously, but he can't move his eyes, so he doesn't know where these bubbles are. Where does the bubble come from and where does it go?

I don’t know how long it’s been like this

Suddenly, he heard the door being pushed open.

This sound was very strange, as if the door shaft was made of some weird material. Sherlock had never heard it before, but he just knew that this was a door opening.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of footsteps, which was the sound of high heels, but Sherlock only had an immovable perspective, so he could not turn to the direction of the sound to see who the owner of the sound was.

Fortunately, with the soft clicking sound, the sound of high heels got closer and closer.

Finally, through the green liquid and bubbles, Sherlock saw a woman approaching him.

That's Nightingale

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