Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 425 Exposed

I don’t know which sage once said that the only lesson mankind has learned from history is that mankind cannot learn any lessons from history.

But history still needs to be remembered. Those big or small things that have happened in the years are like monuments of good or bad, no matter what kind of thinking and warning they will give to future generations, even So even if they are useless, they must be recorded and preserved, because it is proof that human beings have walked through the long history step by step.

Therefore, tens of millions of years ago, those primitive people who were not yet enlightened would carve simple and easy-to-understand rock paintings in caves. Before paper was invented, people would carve history on bamboo slips and use Words, paintings, books, or worst of all, word of mouth.

In short, in this world that has been in despair for centuries, there are still buildings like history museums that exist in every era.

During this period, Sherlock would walk into this building every day on his way out to distribute leaflets; or in other words, on his way here, he would hand out two leaflets and he needed to come here to read what happened in the past few hundred years. He needs to understand history so that he can understand the mentality of people in this era, live better in this world, and find a better way to leave this world.

Yesterday, he read about a genetic revolution that humans began to implement around the beginning of the last century. The purpose of this revolution was to improve the stability of human genes so that they could pass through cracks in the void. After decades of hard work, They did succeed, and the result was the embryo. However, due to the arrival of Dante, the final result of this experiment was ruthlessly stolen.

Therefore, in this world, Lord Dante is considered a heinous sinner who cruelly strangles the hope of mankind's future in the cradle.

After that, humans could only use the remaining records of genetic experiments to try to cultivate embryos with the same abilities again. Of course, a large part of the success of this experiment was due to coincidence, so the embryos after that The cultivation results are not very satisfactory.

While reading these records, Sherlock suddenly realized one thing, that is, the reason why this woman [Lilith] looks very similar to Nightingale is because she was cultivated as an embryo. She was born in an experiment, so she has some of Miss Nightingale's genes.

Sherlock's learning ability and acceptance ability are pretty good. Now, he can accept and understand the word "gene". I really wonder if those scientific researchers will bring this concept back to his own world. His portrait is posted on the wall and worshiped every day.

The development of science and technology in the past one thousand years has brought baptism to human cognition again and again. Sherlock immersed himself in these history books, like an opportunistic and bad student, who did not listen to a single class in the whole semester. However, I just relied on crazily taking supplements during the final few days.

The sky is always red, and there is no sunrise or sunset. He spends almost five or six hours here every day. The business of [Old Miller Detective Agency] is still tepid. If Melissa knew, he would not bother to hand out flyers every day. , just going out to read historical documents will probably deduct a few months of his salary.

Since borrowing books from the library requires status, Sherlock can only read in the library every day, standing next to the synthetic wooden bookshelves, or leaning in front of the white painted walls. It is not a tall green tree. Nowadays, this kind of plant cannot survive outdoors at all and can only be transplanted indoors. The conversion between carbon dioxide and oxygen can make people feel a little bit of life. Occasionally, people will still pass by outside the window with their hands held high. Citizens carrying banners shouted things like 'Traitors must die! ’ slogan.

In fact, think about it now, even if the humans here find a way to cross the rift in time and space, and the people in their previous world agree to their settlement, the anger that has been suppressed for hundreds of years will not be able to make everything move toward peace. The conflict between the two worlds seems to have reached an irreconcilable level.

In other words, if one day the planes and cannons here really break through the gate of hell, then with the contractors on the other side, the electrical technology that has just started to be researched, and the steam train that has been used for hundreds of years, it will really Can you beat this?

On this day, Sherlock came to the Archives again as scheduled.

He read a record about the artificial sun. It was clearly recorded in the text that this artificial sun actually has a console. This console can set the sun's start and sleep time. When it is sleeping, it It blocks the light and heat emitted by the sun, and then releases the absorbed heat when turned on, simulating the alternation of day and night.

And the controller itself is a supercomputer built by combining the limits of what human technology could achieve at that time. It uses solar energy as energy and works day and night. Its core purpose is to find a way for mankind to survive. Methods. Initially, the prototype of the gene stabilization experiment was simulated by this computer.

However, when people from the other side of the space-time rift invaded, this huge console was snatched away, which resulted in the sun being unable to turn off and could only emit scarlet light all year round.

Although it was just a very simple description, Sherlock had a vague feeling that the towering Holy Light Temple might have something to do with the console of the artificial sun.

If this is the case, has that computer been running for such a long time, adhering to its ultimate mission, constantly looking for ways for humans to survive?

After so many years, has this computer found a solution?

Also, the reason why those servants of God look like crooked melons and cracked jujubes is because they are too close to this computer and have suffered too severe radiation?

Well, now Sherlock can understand even high-end terms like radiation naturally.

"You've been absent-minded lately." Melissa said.

"How do you know?" Sherlock brought a portion of potato soup to the table, took off his apron, and sat at the table.

"Before, when I arranged work for you, you would always mumble a few words, but now you just accept it naturally."

"What's the use of me mumbling, I still have to do the work that needs to be done."

"I know you are unhappy working here." Melissa didn't eat, but said calmly: "I'm sorry."

Sherlock was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why the stingy girl boss in front of him suddenly apologized to him. Now that the vacation was over, little Miller started to go to school. There were only Sherlock and Melissa at the dining table. The atmosphere seemed very wrong.

"Actually, the salary I pay you is very small, you should be very clear about this." She continued: "I always try to deduct you, thinking about asking you to help cook and clean the house. I know, these This is not your job. I am a very bad boss."

"Well, actually you can pick the important ones." Sherlock could tell that Melissa must have something important today.

"You can tell me the truth. Are you looking for other jobs recently?"


Melissa shrugged: "You have been very active when you went out to distribute leaflets recently. Although I can't see it, I know that you didn't distribute many leaflets. You must have done other things in the process. I I can guess that you are probably looking for interviews with other detective agencies. After all, there is no development here."

Speaking of this, Melissa took a deep breath:

"That's right. If you find your next job, just tell me directly. I won't force you to leave. In fact, I have already decided that I want to sell this detective agency."

Sherlock was stunned for a moment. He had never thought that Melissa would want to sell this place one day: "Sell? Why?"

He couldn't help but ask.

Melissa smiled like a normal person: "Business has been tepid. You have been here for half a year. To be honest, even if we have been frugal, we still haven't saved much money. And I still haven't saved much money." Money is quite needed.”

"What do you need money for?" Sherlock tried to be calm and said while putting a portion of potato soup into his bowl.

"I need money to see a doctor. To be more precise, it's not me who sees a doctor, but little Miller. He has a cell mutation in his stomach and needs surgery before he is 11 years old." Melissa said: "And if we follow our current situation, With my income, it is impossible to save up for the surgery expenses.”

Sherlock took out a piece of potato, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it slowly. In the past six months, in order to avoid exposing his identity, he had hardly talked about any short-term topics with Melissa. He knew that Melissa had been frugal. However, he never knew that the money was originally saved for Xiao Miller's surgery fee.

This is not because he is negligent in observation, but he does not care because he knows that if he wants to survive better in this world, he must keep a safe distance from the people in this world, which naturally includes the disability in front of him. Human girl.

"I'm sorry that I only told you this today, but this should be good news for you." Melissa said, finally touching the chopsticks on the table: "Uncle Miller spent half his life to build this family. The detective agency has gained some reputation, but if it is to sell this place to treat his children, I think he would agree, right?"

"Of course, medical treatment is a big deal." Sherlock said, "So, if I find the next job, you will close the door and sell this place?"



He ate the meal in silence. He didn't quite know what he should say at this time. If he was bringing in a job seeker in this world, he should feel happy now. Just like Melissa said, here The salary is really not very high, but if she really wants to sell this place, where will she find another place to stay.

After eating, Sherlock put away the tableware and sat on the sofa where he usually slept, thinking about something quietly. Melissa was still sitting in front of the window, listening to the people coming and going on the street, looking like It's no different than usual.

"If this store suddenly improves, you don't have to close it." Sherlock asked suddenly.

"Maybe." Melissa said, but then she smiled helplessly: "But no matter how much improvement there is, it is impossible to earn the money for a major surgery in such a short period of time. In fact, I am very stingy. Yes, sometimes I even think, just let time move forward little by little. Little Miller will always grow up. If he gets sick or dies, it will be a normal result.

In this day and age, anyone can get sick and die. "

Melissa paused and looked out the window. Of course, she couldn't see anything. Then she continued under the gray blood-colored sunlight:

"But... I only have one relative in this world, little Miller."

In the afternoon, Sherlock came to the library as scheduled, and also came to the historical documents area as scheduled, wanting to continue his daily reading.

But standing under the green tree, he found that he couldn't read any more.

In this world, everyone may get sick and everyone may die. Such despair has become the norm in this world.

And is this normal state brought about by the looting hundreds of years ago?

After so many years, those people who were thrown into the cracks in time and space turned into terrible monsters one by one, and then wreaked havoc in another world, killing all the humans they saw. The flames of war burned out for centuries. This is also It's enough to be called a loss of life.

In this kind of thing, should it depend on who strikes first, or who kills more people?

Should people today be responsible for the mistakes made by people hundreds of years ago? And if the disasters caused by mistakes last for hundreds of years, will hatred also breed for hundreds of years?

This kind of problem is too complicated, and Sherlock knows that he will never be able to figure it out, or in other words, this kind of problem will never be able to reach a conclusion.

He is just thinking now whether he should look for some bigger cases and give [Old Miller Detective Agency] an extremely resounding reputation, but if so, his chances of being exposed will be greater. But if the detective agency really is closed. If you stay on the street by yourself, the chance of being caught seems not small.

As time passed by, Sherlock was just thinking wildly, without even turning a page of the history book in his hand.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel that something was wrong.

Because it's too quiet.

After such a long time, no one seems to have come in the entire historical documents area. Although there are usually no people here, no one even passes by in the corridor. Isn't this a little unreasonable?

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