Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 435 Eat

The hope of saving this world.

In Sherlock's original world, this kind of sentence only appeared in legendary stories about putting children to sleep. Most of them were about knights saving princesses, or a powerful wizard sealing away demons. In short, this legend was quite popular in the Middle Ages.

Of course, after the demons invaded his world, there were countless such prophecies: after hundreds of years of battles between humans and demons, the world experienced countless disasters, a soldier was blessed by the holy light, and carried the supreme power with him. The glory rushed into the gate of hell, stepped on the corpses of countless demons, and held the world on its shoulders.

The protagonist of this story is Lord Dante.

But who knew that during the one year and seven months that the protagonist had lived in hell, he would throw his own legend to another ambiguous person, and now Sherlock discovered to his sorrow that this person actually Just yourself.

What the hell is this unfolding, what does the hope of this world have to do with myself. Moreover, although Sherlock is arrogant and conceited, he certainly does not think that he can save the world. After all, he cannot jump to the sun and explode a star with one punch.

And looking at the old man in front of him, as well as the face that had some age spots, he knew that the other person seemed to be unable to figure out why one person could shoulder the hope of the entire world.

"In this world, there are very few people who can live beyond 70 years old. I am already an old man, and I estimate that my life span will only be one or two years. But I still have some views on this world," the old man said softly:

"The creation of the sun in the sky has consumed the world's materials to an extremely terrible level, and self-reproduction is about to be extinct for a century. The government has always said that the iron lump in the sky can last for at least 400 years. These 400 years In the next few years, the development of science and technology will surely be able to re-develop a method to travel through the cracks in time and space.

I do believe these words.

But there are some things that the government never dares to say. For example, the resources we have left will not last 400 years at all.

I am an accountant, so just by casually calculating the survival rate of newborn embryos in the past ten years, I can tell that in another 80 years, humans will become extinct.

There is no need for attacks from mutant creatures or the sun to burst out with more radiation. Just let nature take its course and human beings will disappear from this world. "

"I admit that the Survivor Alliance has done a lot for this world. Whether it is the establishment of this city, the distribution of resources after human gathering, or even the spiritual and material protection of life or entertainment, we have done our best. .

But the world is fundamentally shaky.”

The old man's words seemed to be condemning the world to death in his own name, but Sherlock didn't think he was being alarmist at all.

"Do you know who is employed in my factory?"

Sherlock didn't say anything, but he probably knew the answer when he thought of the strange-looking man with wide-spaced eyes like a fish who was at the door just now, as well as the strange-looking workers he occasionally saw along the way. .

"They are all people who are destined to die." The old man continued without waiting for the other party's response:

"They have no job, no income, and no housing. They should have been able to survive for a few years and then die on a street somewhere. Their bodies were pulled to an underground reproduction factory and turned into fresh artificial amniotic fluid and embryo nutrients.

The funny thing is that they died not because they were lazy and unprogressive, but because they had radiation sickness but had no money for radiation stripping surgery.

It is difficult for them to find jobs, and people are afraid of them. When they see people with signs of radiation, they will subconsciously stay away, fearing that they may also be contaminated.

In a race that claims to be civilized, people are naturally classified into inferior, ostracized, and shunned ranks. The saddest thing is that no one is wrong in this whole process. . "

"Also, as I said just now, very few people in this world can live to be 70 years old. In fact, most people will die in their 50s.

Because the medical policy for people over 50 years old already had a free-range attitude two centuries ago.

The world cannot afford to support old people who are unable to work.

When people are young, life is also hard. They have to engage in heavy studies or labor to survive. Extreme mental pressure will be released in some industries that are tacitly approved by the government. You were recommended by that boy Miles. So you should know that places like underground arenas cannot truly exist hiding from the government.

Bars, hallucinogens, sex venues, and casinos, the appeal of these places to the public has long reached an extremely terrifying level. People work hard and then invest their money in these places, otherwise they will not have any fun in life. , and then the income from these places will enter the scope of government coordination through various channels and be used for scientific research and development and the reproduction of embryos.

In this way, people bathe in the same sunshine all their lives, spend their lives tired, desperate, and muddleheaded, and then die, generation after generation. The concept of family has become blurred. When people hold the children cultivated with their own genes, Even the emotions and anger gradually disappeared from the eyes. In fact, in the eyes of 50% of people, these words, father, mother, and relatives, are just used to conveniently refer to each other.

People do not need to get married, they just need to donate their biological markers at a suitable age.

Love is just an excuse for two people to have a night of partying in a hotel under biological impulse. When they were separated, they didn't even know each other's name.

Maybe it's because I'm old, so sometimes I always wonder, what's the point of such a race continuing to exist? "

In this small room, calm voices echoed between the walls. Sherlock is good at empathy and at guessing other people's thoughts and behaviors from their thoughts. This is a trick he often uses when solving cases. .

But listening to the old man's gossip about the world, he couldn't guess the other person's emotions.

I can only catch a trace of sadness from that calm voice

"More than 30 years ago, Dante lived in my house for a few months. Looking back now, I regret it. It's not that I regret helping a traitor, but that I regret letting him tell me about the world on the other side of the rift in time and space.

I know that the world is going through war, and people are working very hard. It seems that there is an organization called the Holy See, and many believers will provide it with the money they earned from their hard work.

But that world is really much better than this one.

Too many. "

As the old man spoke, his eyes showed a glimmer of yearning for the first time, and then he looked at Sherlock with great anticipation:

"There's snow there, right?"

Sherlock was stunned for a moment. At that moment, he couldn't even understand the child-like longing in the other person's expression, as if he was asking about the shooting stars in the sky, the legendary elves, next month's birthday gift, or that The most beloved girl in my life who I have never met before will definitely appear.

He nodded:

"Well, all year round, the sunshine during the day will be very dazzling. At night, there will be stars, mountains, and seas in the sky. The grassland is so green that you can't see the edge at a glance. The snow is cold, and you can feel it in the palm of your hand. Dissolve.”

Shylock is not a man of literary talent. He just uses the simplest, even clumsy words and phrases to describe the most ordinary things in his opinion.

Rice fields, Milky Way, night, white on the top of the mountain, acres of woods

But the old man in front of him cried suddenly. Without any warning, the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes piled up, and the tears seeped into them, as if seeping into the weathered ruins of the world and the dust on the ground. He sobbed, like It was an old man suffering from Alzheimer's disease who suddenly woke up and remembered some good things in the past, but in an instant he found that everything had left him. The powerless sadness swept over him and he shed tears.

Only then did Sherlock realize that no one had told him about all this for thirty years.

After a long time, the old man gradually calmed down, and he put on the old-fashioned glasses again. Although at heart, he was still the account clerk of the small company, after raising such a large number of mutated creatures and crawling around in the underground world for many years, In the process of rolling around, he finally became more like a legend worthy of respect and awe:

His eyes fell on Sherlock. A trace of extremely complex emotions gradually emerged in the old man's somewhat turbid eyes. He was very hesitant, but he also had that burning yearning for hope.

This kind of hope is not a compliment. It must be described more accurately. It is more like the kind of enthusiastic gambler who has no choice but to do everything he can to bet on the last chance at the gambling table.

"I don't know why that guy Dante said you can save the world, but I decided to help you."

After listening silently for such a long time, the topic finally returned to him. Sherlock thought for a moment: "Do you believe him so much?"

"If a person can survive the siege of the entire world and rush into the rift of time and space, then he has created a miracle. If you want to save the world, you also need a miracle, so I can only believe in him."

"But you should be able to see that I can't think of any way to save you. In fact, I'm not very lovable in my original world." Sherlock knew that he would say such things at this time. , which is very detrimental to him, but he still said that letting a person living in this world help him is weird no matter how he thinks about it:

"I am a traitor. According to the logic of people's thinking in this world, I should be the kind of existence that can't be forgiven for being crushed into a pulp. If you help me, you will be regarded as an anti-human and anti-social race traitor. "

"Yes." The old man smiled. He who had cried bitterly just now because of the wind, frost, rain and snow all year round was so relaxed and determined at this moment: "It is indeed a difficult decision to help a traitor. But I already did that very early on.

This is a gamble.

If I really win the bet, then even if I am forever charged with crimes against humanity, so what.

Similarly, if you are really like him and can return to your own world, then in other words, I am involved in both miracles. If fate allows me to experience this, then this should not be a coincidence. "

In this life, no matter how you say it, Sherlock has never been a just person. The crime of [anti-humanity] is not an exaggeration at all if it is committed on him.

Therefore, after seeing the old man in front of him say such words so easily, he suddenly felt that the other person seemed to be very similar to himself.

A few years ago, I also wanted to kill the greatest emperor in hundreds of years. Although the final result put the whole world on a path that seemed good, in fact, it was a mistake.

And now, the old man in front of him did not hesitate to bear the charge of betraying the entire ethnic group for his wishful bet.

This is so similar to my own situation when I was smoking outside the ancient Roman city.

"How do you want to help me?" he asked directly.

"I go out of the city every month to hunt mutant creatures. I have weapons and manpower. Although those people don't have a good impression of you, my influence in their hearts is much greater than you think. They are always ready to kill you." Give me your life back, of course, I still have channels out of the city, and I have some acquaintances in various fields."

The old man spoke calmly, like a dying man recalling his achievements in this life:

"The most important thing is that I have money. Over the years, I have saved a lot of money. In this world, everyone hates traitors, but there are many desperadoes who are willing to do anything for money.

That's all I can give you. "

Sherlock listened to these vague resources. He didn't quite know how much useful power the old man's weapons, manpower, and money could be converted into, but what was certain was that these powers could not be compared to the entire Survivor Alliance government.

However, combat power is not the key to victory or defeat. He wants to escape from this world, not to overthrow the entire human government.

Thinking about it this way, these people are almost enough.

"Do you need anything else?" the old man asked.

Sherlock didn't hesitate and said directly: "I need your mutant creature."

The old man was not too surprised, as if he had expected it, and nodded: "Actually, I have raised so many mutant creatures over the years just to wait for this moment."

He said with a smile, as if he felt that his efforts over the years were not in vain:

"So, are you going to eat all these mutated creatures like that guy?"

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