Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 474 Begins with a sudden explosion

Not too surprised, just unhappy.

Sherlock understood why someone would send only such a person to assassinate him, because the guy behind the scenes was not afraid of catching him, let alone what secrets this person would reveal.

A bomb has long been sewn into this guy's stomach. Think about it, as long as this guy shoots, the bomb in his stomach will enter a countdown. If he doesn't go to a certain place at a specific time, press the button of this bomb. Release the button and this thing will explode.

A very unpleasant tactic, probably because as long as you are caught, you will definitely die.

This desperate method of killing all the task executors is quite "unaffordable".

That's why Sherlock was unhappy. At the same time, he was also a little confused. The sniper in front of him was obviously a very confident and professional person, otherwise it would be impossible for him to assassinate him with a special bullet. Moreover, before While in the car, if it hadn't been for the flashing scene before his eyes, Sherlock might actually have been shot.

Why would such a powerful guy be willing to complete such a task with no escape route? Who can convince him?

Some questions were lingering in Sherlock's mind, but he had no time to ask, because the beeping sound in the man's chest had become a long and heart-stopping sound, and then.


This bomb was definitely not a low-quality bomb that could be made in a civilian workshop. It obviously had a technological level that could only be found in a military factory. The huge impact instantly enveloped Sherlock and affected the entire building.

This is not over yet, because the bomb seems to be more than just this moment. At the moment when the bomb in Mr. Sniper's chest exploded, no less than a dozen explosion points detonated simultaneously on the entire street, and in an instant, the fire went straight to the sky. Soaring to the sky, the brand-new circuit pipelines in the uptown area, the steam pipelines that had not yet been abolished, a cathedral undergoing worship, the shops along the street, and a small textile factory at the end of the block were all engulfed in flames.

The most unacceptable thing is that there is a school on this street.

This sudden explosion involved everything. Pedestrians on the surrounding streets were all dumbfounded. They looked at the fire shooting into the sky not far away and the building rubble that was blown into the sky. They screamed and ran away, and some larger rocks fell from the sky, falling to pieces on the ground. No one knew how many residents were injured.

But all this happened, less than two minutes after Sherlock rushed out of Godfrey's car. Irene's heart beat wildly with the sudden explosion, and she immediately ordered her bodyguard to stop the car. Then he looked through the car window and looked at the burning neighborhood in the distance in disbelief. He seemed unable to understand why the explosion happened suddenly without any warning.

The members of the London Public Security Bureau who followed were also dumbfounded.

It's hard to believe, but this group of people are really doing things impartially, because they really received the arrest warrant for Sherlock Holmes. This task follows the process of the highest judicial institution in the empire, from beginning to end. It was sent to London in accordance with the procedures, and it had the signatures and dictations of the security personnel of the ancient Roman city, as well as many staff members. More than half of them even took the oath proclaimed by the Holy Light Revelation.

But some people will wonder why such a big thing was concealed for three years without any news being revealed, but it suddenly broke out when Sherlock returned from hell in glory, with countless witnesses At the same time, he stood up and wanted to accuse the hero who was about to ascend to the altar for the death of Emperor Augustine.

No one knows the reason. Anyway, during the entire judicial process, everyone who handled this arrest warrant was stunned by the words on it. It was not until this order arrived in London that the people from the Public Security Bureau, with incredible feelings, handed over the arrest warrant. The deputy handcuffs were handed to Sherlock.

Of course they didn't know what Emperor Augustine had done. They didn't know that the emperor who had occupied all levels of the empire for 60 years wanted to use the hope of the entire empire to counterattack hell in exchange for the possibility of living a few more years.

They didn't even know that a sniper would suddenly attack halfway on the road, and they didn't even know that more than a dozen extremely lethal bombs had been planted in the neighborhood where the sniper was and in several surrounding streets. of bombs.

Anyway, in their eyes, it was the guy who had killed the Emperor for the first time who refused to be arrested, and after he entered a certain street, he directly caused a tragic explosion in upper London.

They were all dumbfounded. The impact rushed out along the alley, knocking over several speeding cars, and the pursuing vehicles behind them collided with each other one after another.

People from the administration got out of their cars and watched the fire blazing from the top of the roadside building toward the sky. Several people trembled and quickly connected to the portable communicator in the car.

"Reporting to the General Administration—Reporting to the General Administration—we need support. Repeat, we need support in the arrest of the suspect Sherlock Holmes."

The uptown area of ​​London has always been a very peaceful place. Even if there are many intrigues or intrigues, these things only happen behind the scenes. On the surface, this place has been civilized for centuries. And peaceful.

According to statistics, 90% of homicides in London occur in Lower Town.

Therefore, the thick smoke billowing in the sky and the police carriages passing by on the road made the residents here seem abrupt and uneasy.

A few hours ago, three streets were destroyed.

The casualty statistics have not yet come out, but in the church at the end of the street, more than 300 Holy Light believers who were praying, none of them survived; more than 600 children in class in a school were all turned into burnt flesh. .

These children all came from prestigious aristocratic families in upper London, and their sudden tragic deaths had driven countless people into madness.

As the pioneer city that ushered in the steam age and the development center of the electric age, London is home to too many businessmen, politicians, and cutting-edge talents in various fields. It is obviously impossible to calm down this explosion.

Outside the City Hall, countless angry citizens gathered. Director Lestrade was sitting in the office of the Mayor of London, listening to the constant shouting and abuse outside the window. He looked at the document in his hand that had been engraved at an unknown time, and wiped it out. He patted the sweat on his forehead.

"Mr. Mayor, do you want me to announce to the public that this explosion was caused by Sherlock Holmes?"

Another chapter, happy new year! ! !

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