Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 494 Exploded

In the cockpit of the airship, Sherlock was smoking a cigarette out of boredom.

Suddenly, a communication signal came in. Sherlock slowly exhaled the smoke in his lungs and pressed the connect button.

"Hello, this is Airship 1331. The flight is currently being hijacked. The person talking to you is Mr. Robber. What are your instructions?"

I have to say that as a robber, Sherlock's mentality sounds very calm, which is much better than a madman with a violent temper who points a gun at the flight attendants and screams.

Um. It seems that sometimes, a calm madman is more terrifying.

"Hello, Mr. Holmes." A voice that sounded quite young came slowly from the communicator.

"Hey, you know it was me who hijacked the airship." Sherlock was not surprised at all: "Since the hijacking was successful, I have not sent out any distress signals, so are you always from the Inquisition? Or from the Royal Bureau of Investigation? ? Is that some small organization that was formed not long ago specifically to target me? "

The tone of his speech was quite relaxed, and it could be seen that he was in a good mood now.

"I am the current justice of the trial court and the leader of the wanted group No. 221B." The other party's voice was also very calm, which indicated that the conversation between the two people should proceed smoothly.

"I'm sorry." Sherlock changed his posture and said, "Then what do you want to say when you contact me now?"

"First of all, I want to praise you for the rescue operation half an hour ago. Your technique was indeed very clever. You were able to rescue Miss Morstan under tight security without showing up during the entire process. It really impressed me."

"It's really an honor to be praised by the Chief Justice of the Inquisition." Sherlock's words were very polite, but his tone was not polite at all: "But when it comes to this, I have to take the opportunity to be my partner. I want to ask my wife, in order to catch someone, you can put unwarranted charges on a law-abiding citizen, and even sentence her to death while the trial is going on. Isn't this a bit unscrupulous? ?”

"Hahaha————" The justice couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "It's really interesting that a wanted criminal is actually talking about 'conscience'? If you have a conscience, why don't you just surrender? That is the best way to solve all problems. Good way.”

"I'm sorry, I can't do such a thing as surrendering. As for my conscience, at least I have been accused of murder, defined as a wanted criminal, and all the crimes I have committed. If one day I really If I were arrested and shot, I would never feel unjust.

But sitting in a high position in the empire's highest judicial authority, he is using extra-legal means to achieve his goals and explaining everything in a high-sounding way. It's really unbearable. "

There was a hint of disgust in Sherlock's tone, as if he had met an old man throwing himself in front of a carriage on the street.

Robbers can at least make people fearful; stealing is at least a craft; even if it is fraud, it only requires brains to defraud money; but lying in front of a car and touching porcelain, this kind of behavior cannot generate respect in people. .

"." Perhaps sensing the disgust in Sherlock's tone, the other side of the communicator was silent for a second or two, and then the voice of the justice sounded again: "Indeed, charging an innocent person with unwarranted charges is such an act. It’s indeed despicable, but as long as I can catch you, kill you, and take a few lives, so what?”

"Don't say it so righteously. You are risking someone else's life. How is this different from murder?"

"Of course there is a difference. Sacrifice a few people in exchange for the arrest of a criminal who can threaten the foundation of the empire. This is what the judiciary must do. If you want to accuse me, why not surrender as I just said? .”


It was like hearing an embarrassing joke.

"The Chief Justice of the Inquisition is killing people, and at the same time he is expecting me, a wanted criminal, to surrender voluntarily in order to save people. When did the world become so ridiculous?" Sherlock finished smoking and put the cigarette butt without any awareness of fire prevention. Throwing it into the gap of the airship's console: "Also, having said so much, why aren't you worried about the conditions of the passengers on this airship?"

"No need to worry." The justice said leisurely: "I can regretfully tell you now that I have loaded explosives in advance in the cabin of your airship engine. As long as it is detonated, the whole thing will be destroyed at an altitude of one thousand meters. The airship will turn into a moving sea of ​​​​fire, and you will have nowhere to escape. All parachute packages are empty. The fact that you can cause chaos in London's Victory Square from high altitudes is also a flaw I deliberately left.

All this has been in my plan for a long time.

Mr. Sherlock, you are in a dead end. "

Just as the Chief Justice had expected, the communicator suddenly fell into dead silence.

A flying airship detonated at high altitude. If the gas in the airbag above the airship was ignited, an extremely terrifying explosion would occur.

Without a parachute, the survival rate can only be 0%, even for contractors.

The silence lasted for a while, and finally Sherlock's voice came again.

"So, you are going to drag all the passengers on this airship to be buried with me?"

"It's a sacrifice."

"Only voluntary death is called sacrifice, and passive death is called murder!" Sherlock corrected. The voice on the communicator sounded relatively calm, but the justice still caught the panic hidden in the other party's tone.

Yes, the other party will definitely panic. He broke into the gate of hell and came back alive. This man who created a miracle did not die in hell, but died in an air prison. Even the most carefree person will feel panic, right? .

"I don't want to argue with you anymore. Maybe you are right. I did forcibly sacrifice the lives of some citizens of the empire, but when you die, I feel at ease, and the empire feels at ease. It is all worth it."

"But how are you going to explain it to the people?" Sherlock said while suppressing his anger.

"No matter what era it is, people have no right to know the truth. People have different perceptions of things, different definitions, different levels of acceptance and different standards for distinguishing good and evil. If all the truth is shown to people, then society will still be How to be stable?" The chief judge of the trial court said calmly: "So, people only need to work hard and enjoy the stable life brought by the empire, which is enough for them to be happy. Their current diet, food and clothing, enjoyment, marriage, and family , work, etc. Everything is based on social stability.

Therefore, when society requires them to sacrifice, they may be a little reluctant, but they have no reason to refuse. "

Having said this, the judge took a deep breath:

"Tomorrow, the hijacking of the airship will be reported to the entire empire, and the hijacker is you, Mr. Sherlock.

However, while in mid-air, the airship suddenly exploded. This was because the pilot of the airship, several flight attendants, and all the passengers showed absolute wisdom and bravery in order to kill the heinous and wanted criminal. At this point, the explosion of the airship was actively triggered.

At this point, Mr. Sherlock Holmes was finally killed, and everyone on the airship died. But their heroic actions will be appreciated by the people of the entire Empire. They are heroes who died with honor.

I would like to thank them on behalf of the entire Empire. "

When he heard the word hero, Sherlock pursed his lips. Not long ago, this word always appeared in his body. Now that he thinks about it, the word hero seems to be a word that can be used at any time. The chips for selling are the same.

Sure enough, no wonder most people get the title of hero after they die.

Anyway, as the judge said this, he could even taste the complex meaning of sadness or emotion in the mechanical switching sound of the communicator. He exhaled a breath of filthy breath from his chest, and then said seriously: "Okay, It’s getting late, let’s hit the road.”

As he spoke, he took out a detonator behind the seat and pressed the switch.

There was no loud bang, no fire falling from the sky to illuminate the stained glass above.

The airship must have just tried flying over London, and I don't know where it will explode. However, the huge inflatable cabin should blow everything into pieces instantly under the high temperature. Even if it falls in the city, It shouldn't cause too many casualties.

Forget it, none of this matters.

As long as Sherlock is dead, then it will all be worth it.

Your Honor sighed tiredly and leaned back on his chair, recalling his experiences in the past. In fact, the entire 221B Wanted Team was established in less than two months, but every day after its formation was incomparable. of hard work.

Fortunately, there are the most cutting-edge talents in various fields here. Sherlock is a very powerful person, but even Master Dante can only live in a seaside town. Who in this world can truly fight against the entire world? What about ethnic groups?

It's all over, take a break.

The judge closed his eyes and relaxed his body. The long-term fatigue gradually used his brain, and he was about to fall into a deep sleep.

But at this moment.

"Report!! Report!!!"

With an extremely nervous shout, and with messy footsteps, an Inquisition official almost crawled into the church hall. He didn't bother to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and fell to the ground with a bang. After several laps, he finally stopped at the feet of the Honorable Judge.

"What's wrong?" The judge of the trial court frowned and asked in confusion, and noticed that the man in front of him seemed to be holding something in his arms.

"It's not bad." The man said, staggering up, and what he was holding in his arms turned out to be a radio.

The judge frowned, still not understanding what happened. When the court official raised the radio higher and got closer to the judge, he finally heard what seemed to be a voice coming from the radio.

He leaned down slightly and put his ear close:

[Zhizhi——I don’t want to argue with you anymore. Maybe you are right. I did forcibly sacrifice the lives of some citizens of the empire. But when you die, I feel at ease, and the empire feels at ease. All of this is worth. 】

[Zi La La————]

[No matter what era it is, people have no right to know the truth.

Therefore, people only need to work hard and enjoy the stable life that the empire brings them, and they will be happy enough.

When society requires their sacrifice, they may be a little reluctant, but there is no reason to refuse.


Maybe it's because the church hall is too deep and the radio signal reception is not very good, so there is always some noise.

But even if he couldn't hear it clearly, the sporadic discernible sounds made the judge stare in disbelief and tremble all over.

Because it was his own voice.

That's what he just said.

An extremely violent heartbeat exploded from his chest. The judge held the armrests of the chair with both hands and looked at the subordinate in front of him: "Is this a radio station?"

"Yes!" The official in front of him was in no better condition. Sweat seeped out from the pores on his body, soaking his dark blue robe.

"What radio station?"


"I asked you what station?!"

The official trembled nervously for a while before finally responding: "Holy Holy Journal!"

At this moment, all the strength in his body was drained from his body, and he collapsed on his seat.

I couldn't figure out why the Holy Journal's radio station was broadcasting the conversation between myself and Sherlock?

[Everyone on the airship died. But their heroic actions will be appreciated by the people of the entire Empire. They are heroes who died with honor. 】

[I will thank them on behalf of the entire empire. 】

As the oldest and most credible newspaper in the entire empire, the Holy Journal naturally has signal broadcasting stations throughout the empire. In fact, to be honest, 90% of the people benefited from the new civil long-distance signal transmission technology developed by the empire. The latter is the holy journal.

At this moment, the conversation between Shylock and the Chancellor of the Inquisition is spreading throughout the empire at an uncontrollable speed.

[Passive death is murder! ] Sherlock's angry voice vibrated from the speakers of countless radios.

Sherlock crossed his legs and sat on his red sofa chair with a hole in the middle. He felt that he was quite good at pretending to be angry.

He smiled with satisfaction.

Then he raised the gun in his hand and shook it at a Holy Journal announcer in front of him.

"This conversation has been recorded, right? It is estimated that within 10 minutes, someone will rush in and ask you to turn off the radio. I will not embarrass you, but before the police officers rush in, please turn this off." The dialogue played over and over again without interruption.

Oh, by the way, do you have the phone number of your boss' Ms. Milhouse's office? I need to give her a call before she goes crazy. "

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