Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 531 The Death of Dante (Part 2)

No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot withstand the passage of time.

Lord Dante has become the faith of this world. He has saved tens of millions of people and indirectly destroyed a world. Even in his old age, he can still say with extreme arrogance that he can take anyone's life. This is a man. The self-control of a man of absolute power.

But a strong man is now lying on a hospital bed, enduring the irreversible aging and pain that time has brought to his body.

But there was nothing we could do.

He had never been defeated in his life, and even if he misjudged a few times, he could still use absolute power to correct the situation. However, at this moment, he suddenly felt that he had never possessed anything.

Without a family, he spent his life either shedding blood on the battlefield or waiting for the sun to rise and set in a stone house in a seaside town.

Because of his strong physical condition, he hardly needs to sleep, so every day and night seems to be extremely difficult. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, there will be a day when he gets tired of it.

He is admired by the world, but there are only a few fishermen who have always accompanied him. The town is a cage. Although he can break out of the cage at any time, what is the difference between the world he protects and that small town.

Dante is the most conservative and old-school man. He has a sense of responsibility that all people of that era have. Perhaps it is precisely because he has never married a wife and had children, and has never had a sense of belonging to a family, that he puts this world into his own hands. As his own home, he used his absolute power to give this incredibly huge family a sense of security for more than 30 years.

But it wasn't until he was about to die that he suddenly realized that there was no one beside his bed.

No, it was even scarier than being empty, because there was clearly a person standing there, the most beautiful and kind-hearted girl in the world, who had saved countless lives unconditionally.

He brought this girl into this world and watched her grow up little by little, from a young girl to an equally revered monument. Sometimes, Lord Dante would even feel complacent because of the newspaper reports about Nightingale. .

Emotionally speaking, although it is incredible, sometimes I calmly feel that this is the emotion an old man has when watching his children grow up.

However, this girl is clearly standing beside the bed, and as long as she reaches out her hand and touches herself, those injuries will disappear.

But she remained motionless.

This girl had saved so many people, but she didn't want to save herself. She even carefully explained the reasons why she didn't save herself, just to let herself lie on the hospital bed like this, lying in plain sight.

He is the patron saint of this world, he is Dante Alighieri!

But he has no home!

He has no relatives!

No lover!

No children!

Nothing! ! !

In an instant, a strong sense of emptiness burst out in the old body, causing him to open his mouth slightly and let out a moan.

There seemed to be extra pain in the groan. The absolute strong man who once braved hell and killed the entire world in a year and seven months. No matter how injured he was or how desperate he was forced to be, he would never give in. Here, For a moment, he was defeated by the nothingness in front of the hospital bed. In just that moment, he was completely defeated, so defeated that he couldn't even get up.

"Don't you save me?" Master Dante turned his head and looked at the girl. Just now, his body felt cold because of the cold air entering his body, but now it was suddenly extremely difficult to even turn around. In a few minutes, he seemed so powerful. He has been aging for several years.

Nightingale looked at the old man in front of her quietly. Perhaps she had seen too many lives and deaths, so she was particularly calm.

"No help."

"I'm not afraid of death, but I watch you grow up day by day. I know where you come from. I am the person who knows you best in the world."

"Do you think it's kind to bring me back to the world and let me grow up instead of killing me in hell?" Nightingale's voice was still exceptionally calm:

"You may have killed too many people and have forgotten the meaning of life itself.

Ahimsa never has anything to do with kindness.

And as I said just now, I don’t have any sense of belonging to hell, but if you bring me into this world, then please raise me seriously instead of just throwing me into a seemingly kind and happy family. .

If you don't have a family, you can't imagine what absolute rights a father has in a child's world.

And when a daughter has no blood relationship with her father, what kind of things will a man do when he watches the girl he has absolute control grow up little by little and become beautiful and amazingly beautiful!

You can't possibly know how hard I have worked to avoid those things from happening. "

Just like that, all the conversations in this room ended, and the advanced medical testing equipment next to Mr. Dante made a deafening sound.

No one asked any more questions.

No one answered anymore.

The old man and the girl beside him remained silent for some time. Nightingale turned around and walked towards the door of the room.

She is leaving.

The old man suddenly made a move. He turned his head and looked at the back, and then stretched out his hand, as if he was trying hard to grab something. People who have never been near death may never imagine that if there is no one in front of the hospital bed at this time, , how empty it would be.

He wanted to say something, let the girl stay, or admit his mistake, but everything was stuck in his throat.

The door was opened and then closed again.

That 'click' sound, like a nuclear explosion that destroyed everything, resounded over the entire empire.

Master Dante opened his eyes and looked at the empty room. The old man who looked at the world began to unconsciously recall every bit of this life in his mind.

Magnificent, glorious, invincible, lonely and lonely.

The corners of his mouth turned up and murmured during this long memory, and then fell down again, either with relief or sadness. Just as he once said, he was just an ordinary old man after all.

Finally, the old man's eyes began to stare at the ceiling, and the curves on the advanced medical equipment began to change, becoming slower a little bit, and the beating peak slowly dropped. Amidst the sudden alarm sound, the medical personnel of the search and rescue team rushed in. The moment they saw the old man and the instrument values ​​in the room, everyone's hearts seemed to have stopped.

Some unknown drugs were injected into the old man's body. Several doctors pressed hard on the old man's chest, but the strong bones and muscles made the pressure seem so weak.

The old man's breathing became rapid.



In the end, it was as slow as that unbearable long night of silence in a seaside town.

Until everything stops and there is no more life.

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