Just like this, two years have passed, and the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army have continued to grow stronger. With the addition of Tom's master and apprentice, and the lunar technology obtained from Vegapunk, the equipment of the Revolutionary Army has also been updated.

But all this requires money, and the construction of Hades requires even more money.

Due to the lack of stable territory, the revolutionary army is short of money, resources and manpower.

Most of the funding sources for the revolutionary army came from the funding of the revolutionary army by the newly established kingdom after the overthrow of the kingdom, as well as private funding, which could support the operation of the revolutionary army before.

However, it became more tense after the construction of Pluto. In addition, the large amount of materials required to build Pluto, as well as the manpower and material resources needed to operate the factory, made it even more difficult for the revolutionary army, which was already short of gold and silver.

A skillful woman cannot make a meal without rice. Dolag holds the design of Pluto and has outstanding craftsmen, but he is troubled by not having enough resources to build Pluto.

Although it is said that the construction bit by bit will be achieved one day, the future is full of uncertainty.

Too late and things will change.

Looking at the tens of billions of funds thrown out by the two tycoons in the group, Dorag's eyes were filled with excitement.

At this time, the voices of several young people came from outside the door.

Then the door was pushed open and four young boys and girls came in

"Luffy, I told you to knock on the door when you came in."Dolag said helplessly.

"Old man, I heard that you are going on a mission recently. Can we go together?"Luffy put his hands on the desk and looked at Dorag and said.

Behind him, Ace, Sabo and Kerra were also looking forward to it.

Kerra was a member of the Revolutionary Army who arrived two years ago, and then joined Luffy. , Ace, and Sabo grew up and trained together in the Revolutionary Army, and the four became friends since they were similar in age.

"Who told you?"Drag asked looking at Luffy and the others. Ace, Sabo, Kella and the others missed Dragog's sight.

"I can't say."Luffy said

"I can guess it without telling you, it’s Eva, right?"

"No, he didn't tell me."Luffy said, pretending to look elsewhere.

"Sure enough it was him."

Behind Luffy, Ace and the others couldn't bear to look at him and covered their eyes. Your expression is clearly admitting that the master is just deceiving you.……

"Master, let us go, we have grown up, and we have mastered two of the six postures you taught us, and we are already able to participate in the mission."Saab said.

"Don’t you want us to join the revolutionary army? If you don't let us know what you are doing, why do you want us to participate?"

Ace also said.

"Please Mr. Dorag, we also want to do something for the revolution."Kerla followed.

Dorag looked at the teenagers in front of him, his eyes moved in their eyes, and after a while he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Well, originally I wanted to wait for a while before letting you get into the task, but now it seems that you can't wait any longer."

"I can't wait any longer."Luffy said dissatisfied. They have been staying in this place for the past few years. They train every day except for training. Moreover, this place is not like Windmill Village, where the environment is beautiful, the scenery is beautiful, there are mountains, water, trees and prey.

Apart from the desert, this place is nothing but desert. In the Gobi, even if he wants to go out and play wild games, the only fun is the seaside, but he is a capable person... he can't go to the sea, so he can only watch from the shore.

"This mission is quite special. We are going to rescue people. Although the enemy is not strong, the core content of this mission is to safely rescue the enslaved people, so you can go, but you must listen. Commander, this is no child's play."

After hearing Dorag's words, Sabo and others who were still happy that Dorag agreed to their request also nodded seriously.

Although they are not old, Kerra fifteen, Ace and Sabo fourteen, The youngest Luffy is only twelve years old.

But during their time in the Revolutionary Army, they received an education they had never had before. The wild children who have been running around in the mountains have also grown up in their own way, and the philosophy of the Revolutionary Army has also evolved. During this period, it gradually affected them.

They no longer talked about going to sea to become pirates. With a certain ability to distinguish right from wrong, they also understood that being a pirate is not a glamorous role.

And freedom does not come with becoming a pirate. Yes, that is just an escape. Real freedom is to face those who deprive others of their freedom and defeat them.

After playing and making trouble, their nature is still lively and free, but it is related to the lives and freedom of many people, and they are also Became serious

"yes."The teenagers responded loudly

"So where are we going to perform our mission?"Saab asked.

"The Kingdom of Bridges."

The Bridge Kingdom should have been put on the process long ago, but after the incident in the Water City, the World Government's attitude towards the revolutionary army became fierce and sharp.

They sent a large number of CP and navy, all over the world A hunt was launched for the revolutionary army, and every information suspected of being a revolutionary army would be subject to strict investigation by the CP.

Under this situation, Dorag decided to stay dormant temporarily and wait for the storm to pass before carrying out revolutionary activities.

And now Pluto is planning The map is in hand, and the initiative is already in their hands.

The more intense the World Government's pursuit of them, the greater the threat they pose to the World Government now. Unlike the

World Government, which has a steady stream of troops to supplement, each The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army are very precious.

It is not appropriate to confront the World Government head-on at this time.

Moreover, during this time they can safely upgrade the ranks of the Revolutionary Army. Luffy and the others also need time to grow, and master and apprentice Tom also need Time to study Pluto's blueprints and lunar technology.

Two years passed like this, and it was finally time to take action.

To fight against the world government, they needed more manpower.

And the Kingdom of Bridge is the best source of manpower.

Bridge The Kingdom is also known as the Kingdom of Labor. The people here are all captured by the World Government. Some are criminals, some are slaves, and some are residents of non-joined countries.

They all have one identity, that is, they are enslaved by the World Government to build bridges. Kingdom of Bridgeslaborers.

As enslaved and oppressed people, they naturally stand on the opposite side of the world government, and they are also the fresh blood the revolutionary army needs.

PS: First update

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