Dorag and Robin were inspired. Not only them, but also others had something surging in their hearts.

"For the sake of this world and the future, I want to succeed, and I must succeed!"Dolag muttered silently.

Qiaolin's words stimulated Dolag's motivation to change the world.

Although he was very curious about Qiaolin's world, what he wanted to know more was what could help them now.

For example, the Devil Fruit we just talked about has another use.

Just now, Dorag learned about another use of Ivankov's hormone fruit, which is its application in agriculture.

The result can directly reverse the problem of food shortage in the revolutionary army. , and can even allow the revolutionary army to produce food externally.

So in addition to Ivankov's hormone fruit, do other fruit abilities have similar applications?

Dorag found that Qiao Lin's ideas were very different from theirs. Their thoughts on abilities The uses tend to be focused on combat and personal use, but what Qiao Lin is thinking about is how to spread the ability to more people and maximize its effectiveness.

He had never thought that Ivankov's hormone fruit could become the savior of famine. , maybe Qiao Lin can help them understand the real development direction of Devil Fruit through the education and vision he received.

Dragon Tulong:"@青木林sen, before you talked about the development of hormone fruits on plant hormones, I think it is very interesting , I wonder if other fruit abilities have similar development potential? Applications that can benefit mankind?"

Qiao Lin smiled immediately when he saw Dolag's words.

Qiao Mulinsen:"Of course there are many."

As Qiao Lin said before, these ability users are doing some superficial things with their Devil Fruit abilities that could have great effects.

This is like the apple that fell on Newton's head inspired others to discover gravity, and You smashed an apple on your head. You raised your finger to the sky, then washed the apple and ate it.

It was a waste to use such a perverted ability of Devil Fruit like this.

Dorag's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Dragon Slaying Dragon :"Appreciate further details."

Qiao Mu Linsen:"Let me just say a few. This thing is also very simple. Just change your thinking. Don't just think about killing. Think about how to use your abilities in life. You can find better uses..

For example, those with superhuman Devil Fruit abilities who can create things. The things they create are natural commodities that can be used in people's lives. Like Valpo, they can set up companies and then sell their own products. They create Wealth also helps others.

For example, MR.3's wax fruit can be used to make candles for lighting, Kalifa's bubble fruit can be used to produce shower gel, and the group of food ability users under BIGMOM are natural Food manufacturer.

In addition to those in the manufacturing department, there are also some with special abilities, such as the Revolutionary Army's Lightning. His scissor ability is a natural architect, which is perfect for infrastructure construction. There is also Mori, whose Push Fruit digs tunnels and builds roads. It's so easy.

The most powerful person in infrastructure construction is Doflamingo's Pika. This guy is a waste of money. If I were the world government, I would definitely snatch this talent away from Doflamingo."

Hearing Qiao Lin's words, Doflamingo was stunned. Pika, what's wrong with Pika?

Puppet Master:"Is Pika's ability very useful in this regard?"

Pica's biggest use against Doflamingo is defense, yes, defense.

This guy's Stone Fruit ability allows him to blend with stones and control them.

And Doflamingo's castle is made of stones. Built.

Pika integrated with the castle can perfectly control the invaders and fight back.

Pika is Doflamingo's best guard, whether it is to alert or destroy the invaders or transform into a stone giant to meet the enemy's attack, He can do it all.

But Pika can only be used for defense, because the limitation of his ability is too great. In an environment without stones, his ability can only act on himself, which is equivalent to the ability being silenced.

So at sea Basically there is no use for his ability.

After settling in Dressrosa, Doflamingo asked Pica to guard the house, where he can play the greatest role.

As for other uses, Doflamingo There was no need to think too much.

After hearing Qiao Lin say that Pika was the strongest in infrastructure construction, Doflamingo realized that he seemed to be just as wasteful as Dorag.

Qiao Mu Linsen:"More than that. It's useful. If Pika's ability is used properly, it can change the entire One Piece world!"

So powerful?!

He can actually change the entire world of One Piece!

Not only did Doflamingo stare at Qiaolin's reply with his eyes wide open, but Dorag and the others also stared intently.

Doflamingo! Are my subordinates really that bad?

Qiao Mulinsen:"If you don't believe it, let me talk to you about it.

Pika is a person with the stone fruit ability. His ability is to communicate with the rocks he comes into contact with and fuse them with himself to obtain the appearance, hardness and other properties of the rocks.

So he can transform into a giant rock giant and even fuse an island.

In addition, he can freely penetrate rocks and control the rocks he comes into contact with to change their forms.

During this process, Pika can hide in the rocks. Unless his body is hit, all attacks will be ineffective, and the damaged rocks will gradually recover.

Didn't you think of anything when you saw this ability?

Puppet Master:"What?""

Qiao Lin's lips curled up slightly, and he replied on the phone.

Qiao Mulinsen:"I'll give you a hint, the Kingdom of Bridges."

The Kingdom of Bridge?

In an instant, everyone's eyes widened, and they understood.

Just now, Dorag gave them a live broadcast of the process of capturing the Kingdom of Bridge, and the memory of the Kingdom of Bridge was also very clear.

The significance of the existence of the Kingdom of Bridge What is it?

Naturally, the world government wants to connect the isolated islands at sea with the land.

When these islands are connected to the islands and the land to the land, the communication between them will naturally no longer rely on sea transportation. After all, sea transportation is not only Facing the changeable and dangerous sea, there are also pirates plundering.

But it is different on land. When transporting on the bridge, the rough waves are no longer a threat. At the same time, compared with being on a ship at sea, it is less dangerous on land. It can better resist and fight pirates.

What is even more meaningful is that when the islands are connected, it will be easier for the world government to control the world. This is why this project The work of building the bridge lasted for seven hundred years.

What is the raw material for building the bridge, stones?

What is Pika's ability, assimilation of stones, and control of stones.

When these two meet, Pika becomes the most outstanding person in the world. The bridge-building master.

PS: First update

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