In other words, they still don't know about the Space Pirates.

Qiao Mulinsen:"Yeah, why do people want to play close combat with you? Since there are powerful pirates and weak ones, then there are naturally strong and weak technology among space pirates.

Is this possible? , the people on the moon relied on their own technology to create Pluto, a terrifying weapon that can destroy an island with one cannon.

So is it possible that there are space pirates with more advanced technology than the people on the moon? They have a cannon A weapon that can destroy a planet?

If this is the case, then do they still need to fight hand-to-hand with the strong men in the pirate world?"

A weapon that can destroy a planet with one shot?"!


In an instant, upon hearing this absurd idea, their long-standing cognition was shattered.

They have never thought about this problem at all. The aliens may not fight them at all. When they think they are a threat to themselves and it is difficult to deal with them, they may choose to directly destroy them and the planet together.

And as long as the planet is destroyed, no matter how strong they are, they will not be able to survive.

They subconsciously want to say that this is impossible, how can humans create such a weapon.

But things like Pluto that should not have been created have been created by humans relying on technology, so what else is impossible?

Pirates at sea can use Pluto to destroy an island, so is it any wonder that pirates in space can use the cosmic version of Pluto to destroy a planet?

To the universe, a planet is nothing more than a speck of dust.

Even if it is extremely huge to them, when converted to the sea, this planet is just an ordinary island.

Dragon Slayer:"Does such a weapon really exist?"

Dorag felt that the corners of his mouth were a little dry. He had never felt as threatened as he did today.

Even though he had been hunted by the World Government and lived under the shadow and high pressure of the World Government, he had always enjoyed hardships and persevered for his ideals and goals.

Because he believes that one day he will be able to succeed, and even if he cannot do it in his lifetime, his will will not be cut off. Those with ambitions will definitely continue his ideals and goals, and one day he will overthrow the world government and restore a bright future to the world. future.

However, now he suddenly realized that there was not much time left for him.

Because I don’t know when an enemy hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than the world government is watching in the unknown space.

They are searching for prey in the vast universe.

Their planet is lucky to have not been discovered for the time being, but this is only temporary. When one day, luck disappears and the enemy comes, how will they face it and what fate will they usher in?

This sense of urgency squeezed Dorag's heart, and he felt that he needed to speed up.

Overthrow the world government, gather the power of the entire planet, develop technology, and arm yourself to deal with unknown enemies in the universe.

No matter from which perspective, this is a matter related to the future and destiny of all mankind.

Qiao Mulinsen:"Maybe there is, maybe there is not, but in the world of pirates, I tend to have it."

Qiao Lin raised the corners of his mouth slightly. This was not because he was scaring them. To be fair, everyone in Boruto next door started to fight. Star people, you, the Pirate King, are probably preparing for this when you create Space Pirates.

And once the battlefield reaches the universe, it's hard to say what will happen.

Another Dragon Ball next door, since running away from the earth, not to mention planets, even several universes have been destroyed.

As long as you keep your mind open, nothing is impossible.

So, will there be a star-destroying weapon like the Star Destroyer Cannon in One Piece?

Of course it is possible.

Qiao Lin's words did not reassure them. If it was possible, then it was possible, and Qiao Lin himself believed that the probability would be even higher.

After receiving this news, not to mention the ambitious and idealistic people like Dolag and Sakaski, even Blackbeard, who was wretched in the group and daydreaming, couldn't sit still..

Space pirates?

Can it still destroy planets?

Damn it, the planet has been destroyed, how can he still be the pirate king and fight the king of the world?

Blackbeard looked at the chat group angrily. The sudden appearance of the Space Pirates suddenly broke his plan.

He didn't want to get his wish one day, and aliens would come to visit him before the throne was ready, and then his empire would die.

No, when he succeeds in his great career, he will also pursue technology, go beyond the planet, and go into the universe. He doesn't know whether to be the king of the world or the king of the universe.

Blackbeard: Science is the bridge for human progress.

But compared to others, he can't do anything for the time being. He still has to wait for the fruit to come to his door. He doesn't know how much time is left in this world.

When will the Space Pirates discover his world?

These are all unknowns.

But when Blackbeard thought about it, maybe things weren't that bad. He had been here for so long and hadn't seen a world where aliens enslaved them. Maybe he wouldn't in the future, at least not while he was still alive.

How could we be so lucky that we just happened to meet him?

Water Sadness:"Haha, isn't this the Pirate King? It's said to be in the universe, so it shouldn't be like this, and there has never been an invasion of space pirates before. To suddenly appear at this time, that would be too much. It's strange."

Others saw Blackbeard's discovery and thought it made sense. After all, the pirate world existed for an unknown amount of time before the establishment of the world government.

The Omniscient Tree of O'Hara in the Western Sea was also planted five thousand years ago.

So many years have passed, and their world is at peace with the space pirates. There is no reason that something will happen now.

Thinking about it this way, they felt that their worries were a bit unfounded.

In the final analysis, I still knew something I shouldn't have known. I knew too much, but I couldn't do anything about it. As a result, I was just panicking.

Simply put, it means thinking too much and doing too little.

If they didn't know this, they wouldn't worry about the invasion of space pirates at all, and maybe nothing would happen...

Qiao Mulinsen:"The truth is like this, it's true. Thousands of years have passed in the past, It makes no sense to appear suddenly now.

PS: Third update

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