On the shore, Ivankov and Lightning watched Dorag and the others disappear.

"It seems that Mr. Dolag values ​​Ace and the others very much." Lightning said, holding up the red wine glass, and then took a sip.

Taking Ace and the others on such an important mission is obviously to train them.

"Of course, they are the future." Ivankov said with a smile.

Luffy is Dorag's son, Ace is Roger's son, and Sabo also performed extremely well. With such an outstanding young man growing up in the Revolutionary Army, he has great expectations for the future of the Revolutionary Army. But I was even more optimistic.

On the table in the previous conference room, there were four reward notices displayed. Their faces were traced out with a pen. They were only five points similar to me. Unless you compare them with my face, you would not be able to recognize them at all. came out, and they didn’t even have names. They only described their crimes and characteristics.

However, the bounties were surprisingly high. The bounties for four teenagers who were no more than 13 or 14 years old almost reached 50 million beli. They all had The same identity, revolutionary army


The events of the Bridge Kingdom were naturally reported in the newspapers with embellished details by the World Government.

The content basically describes how evil and lawless the revolutionary army is.

Killed and wounded the defenders, and let the criminals run away.

The movement of these criminals will threaten the security and stability of various regions and is a potential dangerous factor.

The World Government has published a wanted fugitive in the newspaper. Once you find any clues about fugitives, please contact the Navy immediately, and the Navy will arrest them.

Note: These criminals released by the revolutionary army are very vicious criminals. Do not contact them easily, and do not be deceived by their appearance and words to prevent being harmed by them.

The whole article has two purposes: to search for the revolutionary army and the workers they rescued all over the world, and to try to get the public to report any traces of the revolutionary army.

Apart from that, it is the old rule to discredit the revolutionary army and turn the conflict between the revolutionary army and the world government into a conflict between the revolutionary army and the people.

Because the Revolutionary Army released criminals who might cause crimes and might harm them, the Revolutionary Army was the culprit of all this.

Therefore, during this period, if someone is harmed, they will subconsciously associate it with the revolutionary army.

And because people with limited sources of information will never know the truth of the matter, all they know is what the world government lets them know.

Everything they think is guided by the World Government. After so many years of guidance, the Revolutionary Army has become the most evil criminal organization in the world.

Regarding this incident, they easily accepted this"fact".

They have no idea that the criminals in the World Government's mouth are actually residents of non-franchised countries who were captured by the World Government and used as labor slaves.

And the reality is just as the world government expected.

After the report was released, people complained and discussed that the revolutionary army had attacked a certain kingdom again. After seeing that the revolutionary army released a large number of criminals, there may be thousands of extremely vicious criminals exiled to various parts of the world. hour.

Suddenly, alarm bells rang in everyone's mind.

As the saying goes, if it doesn't concern you, hang on high; if it does, blame your father and mother.

When they thought that such criminals might appear around them, they became anxious and began to be more wary of strangers around them. Reporting incidents also occurred frequently.

Unknowingly, they have become the eyes, ears and minions of the World Government.

At the same time, those who did not join the revolutionary army and chose to leave alone either wanted to live a peaceful life or wanted to go home and did not want to participate in such things...

However, they regained their freedom and were ready to face a new life. They were not happy for long. They suddenly discovered that they in the newspaper reports had turned into extremely vicious criminals, and they were wanted all over the world.

Most of them were originally just ordinary people who were captured by the world government and worked as laborers to endure arduous slavery every day, living a life like hell.

He was finally rescued and freed, but he was treated as a wanted criminal and described as a criminal.

They are just ordinary people. They have always been victims and have never harmed anyone. Why should they suffer such treatment?!!

When they saw the wary and scrutinizing eyes in the town, they suddenly realized that they had not gained much freedom after leaving the Kingdom of Bridges. They were still wandering at the gate of hell and became a group of lonely ghosts.

What binds them is not the Kingdom of Bridge, but the World Government!

If the world government is not overthrown for a day, then they will still be lonely ghosts.


The content of the report spread around the world, and people were very concerned about it and worried that they would be harmed by this large-scale escape of criminals.

But others didn't care about this. This was a contest between the Revolutionary Army and the World Government that had nothing to do with them. Seeing that the World Government was defeated here, most of them laughed it off.

Only the bounties that appeared in the reports attracted a few people's attention.

On an island in the new world.

Shanks and his friends are resting on this island.

Their adventure continues.

Several years have passed since the last time I met Dorag in Windmill Village, and he has also made a name for himself in the new world.

The original three emperors of the new world have become the current four. He is the new four emperors, red-haired Shanks.

Shanks took the newspaper delivered by Newsbird and flipped through it, and unexpectedly discovered that the revolutionary army was causing trouble in the Bridge Kingdom.

Before, Shanks didn't pay too much attention to the friction between the two parties, but after meeting Drago last time, he found this person very interesting, and he also took away Luffy and his captain's Son Ace.

He was also curious about what the two of them had become now and whether they had grown.

After Shanks browsed it for a while, he roughly understood what happened. He also knew a little about this Kingdom of Bridges when he was in the East China Sea. It was an enslaved country, and the workers there were all captured by the World Government. of.

Knowing this, Shanks understood the meaning of this report.

He shook his head slightly, the World Government's tricks were still so disgusting.

He didn't find any news about Luffy from the report. He was about to put the newspaper aside when he found four bounty orders in the corner.

PS: Second update

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