However, he still hoped to join Sabo and the others, because he felt the warmth of friends in them, and they also saved him and the doctor.

Hearing Sabo's words, Siruluk was startled. He didn't expect Sabo to invite him.

Join the revolutionary army?

He had never thought about this before.

However, after hearing Sabo's evaluation of him, his face was startled, and then he showed a bitter smile. really.

Compared to him, a layman, the revolutionary army's method of saving the country was much more professional.

Although he was very reluctant to admit that his thirty years of research had no effect, he also knew that it was indeed the case.

The original cherry blossoms could influence him, the hopeless pirate, but they could not influence Valpo, the hopeless king.

People's physiques cannot be generalized.

He had seen Valpo's performance just after Sakura Snow. It was no wonder that Sabo, a revolutionary soldier, did not agree with his approach.

Thirty years of hard work brought about such a result, and Hiruluk was really disappointed.

Is there a way to save the country and the world... Some inexplicable desire emerged in Shilluk's heart.

But Siruluk's desire was soon shattered by reality.

What else did he talk about in the future? Whether he could survive today was a question. He was seriously ill and had taken a poison, so he was lucky not to die now.

This is simply impossible.

He was very touched by Sabo's invitation, but he had no choice but to refuse.

But it was Chopper's next fate that made him worried. Originally, he thought that after his death, Chopper would follow Kuleha and become a doctor.

But now it seems that Chopper going to the Revolutionary Army is a good choice.

Follow Kuleha to learn to treat illnesses and save people, or join the revolutionary army to learn to save the world. No matter which one you choose, it is very feasible.

Hiriluk looked at Chopper and saw that his eyes were full of expectation, and he was about to ask Chopper what he thought.

At this moment, Siruluk's head was dizzy, and a mouthful of blood could not help but gush out from his throat. He covered his mouth, and black blood seeped out from the seams of his hands.

He realized that he was dying and had to hurry up.

Siruluk's situation suddenly shocked everyone


"Dr. Siruluk, are you okay?"

"What's wrong with you? We'll take you to Kuleha. Just hold on."

Saab and the others quickly picked up Siruluk, and Chopper was so anxious that he burst into tears. He turned into a reindeer and wanted to take Siruluk to Kuleha.

Sabo and the others helped to put Siruluk in Chopper's house. Back.

At this moment, Valpo, who had been lowering his head next to him, suddenly raised his head. The cloth strip that had previously bound his mouth had been broken by him twisting around.

Valpo opened his blood basin He bit Luffy next to him with a big mouth.

These three teenagers are all very strong, but the youngest is an ability user like him.

As long as he swallows him and then fuses with him, he can become a double The fruit ability user will also bless this kid's physical skills. When the time comes, he will be able to escape from the other two people. After that, he only needs to contact the World Government and kill these kids in one fell swoop.

I believe that those who know the whereabouts of the revolutionary army will The World Government will not miss this opportunity.

He must make these guys who dare to attack him suffer retribution. And if this is not enough, he will also ask the World Government to hunt down the revolutionary army all over the world and mobilize allied countries to join forces. Help.

These guys are so brave. They even dared to move him. The tiger really thought he was a sick cat if he didn't show off his power.

Valpo opened his mouth as big as a man and suddenly pounced on Luffy next to him.

At this time, Luffy and the others were fighting for Siruluk was so anxious about his sudden illness that he didn't even notice that Valpo, who had been caught next to him, suddenly started to attack.

Only Dalton next to him saw this scene, but it was too late to stop him.

"careful!"Dalton quickly warned.

Now that he heard what he said, he turned around and saw that half of Luffy's body was already covered by Valpo's bloody mask. As soon as he closed it, he would be swallowed.

But Luffy only I saw the sky suddenly darken

"Luffy!!! Sabo and Ace yelled anxiously, trying to push him away but it was too late.

At this moment, a hand appeared on Valpo's upper jaw, and a foot stepped on Valpo's lower jaw. Valpo opened his mouth. The mouth was so open that he couldn't move.

Then he pulled the stunned Luffy out of the bloody mouth with one hand.

Luffy and the others looked up and saw that the person who pulled Luffy was the revolutionary army who came here with them. Leader, Monkey·D·Dorag

"Master." Ace and Sabo shouted in unison.

"Mr. Dorag!"Kerra said in surprise

"Dad? Luffy asked confused,"Why are you here?""

"If I don't take action, you brat will be eaten by others."Dorag said angrily.

"ah? ……Ha ha……"Luffy glanced at Valpo's bloody mouth, then scratched his head and smiled.

"I told you to be careful, don’t relax even if you win, something might have happened."Drag sighed and shook his head.

Then he withdrew his hands and feet that were holding down Valpo.

Valpo, who just wanted to swallow Luffy, had a big mouth. His eyes could not see what was going on under his mouth. He only felt that he was stuck by something. He couldn't move.

Valpo, who had never encountered such a situation before, felt something bad.

Then he heard what the boys in front of him said.


Mr. Dorag?


A huge sleeping bag The groove was stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak because his mouth was held down. The ecstasy on his face and the idea of ​​revenge against the revolutionary army in the future disappeared instantly. At this moment, Valpo seemed to have turned into a wooden man. He was motionless. Even if Dorag released his hands and feet, he did not return to his original position.

He stood there with a huge mouth.

This made Dorag look at Valpo in confusion, even after Dorag released him. It seems like he didn't do anything just now, right?

What's going on?

Because Valpo played a huge role in the development of the Revolutionary Army, Dorag didn't want to be cruel to him. If he were to slow down and accidentally kill him, it would be troublesome.

Although Valpo is a very fleshly being in the eyes of Luffy and the others, in his hands, he can easily crush him to death even without the use of weapons.

"Hello, are you okay?"Dolag shouted to Valpo.

Valpo came to his senses after being shouted at several times by Dolag. He quickly closed his mouth and looked at Dolag obediently with a harmless look on his face.

PS: First Even

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