Moreover, her sister Laura has always been living in the shadow of another Shichibukai Moonlight Moria. She has lost her shadow and is like a cockroach in the dark, unable to see the light of day and wandering on the edge of life and death every day.

Sister Laura lives such a sad life, she can't continue to enjoy herself like this.

It's time to leave. Even though she is satisfied with this life, it's time to end it.

"Of course, since it is a promised thing, it is as it should be.

When do you want to leave?"Doflamingo laughed.

"The sooner the better."Brynn breathed a sigh of relief. What she worried about didn't happen.

"Well, without further ado, we will go tomorrow, and I will go there myself.

After rescuing your sister, I will let Granu remove your toy status, and then you will be completely free.

You can go wherever you want, it has nothing to do with me.

But before that, you have to delete the memories you left during this period, you know this."Doflamingo said meaningfully.

Brynn hesitated for a while, then nodded slightly,"Okay."

This period of time was the best period of her life for her, and it really made her a little bit reluctant to delete them.

But if she didn't delete them, she wouldn't be able to leave here alive.

Because she saw here Everything is Doflamingo's secret, and only the cadres of the Don Quixote family know it.

When she decides to leave here, she must forget all this, otherwise Doflamingo will not let her go. This person who knew so much left.

It would be good for everyone to forget this.

But Brynn is thankful that she has the ability of the memory fruit and can delete memories. Otherwise, only the dead can keep secrets.

"very good. Doflamingo nodded,"Then you can leave and prepare. We will set off to the Devil's Triangle tomorrow.""

Brynn left happily but a little reluctantly.

As soon as she went out, Torrebol walked in.

"Dover, are you really going to let her go? Torrebol wondered.

In his previous imagination, Doflamingo's plan should be to instigate Brynn, let her stay with BIGMOM as an agent, and then wait for the opportunity to use the memory fruit to tamper with BIGMOM's memory, so that BIGMOM can Used by Dover.

This plan cannot be said to be imperfect. It can capture the power of the Four Emperors without any effort.

Such an opportunity does not come along all the time.

The only flaw in this plan is BIGMOM Will he be tricked? After all, that is the Yonko BIGMOM.

But considering that Brynn is BIGMOM's daughter and is always around BIGMOM, you will always find this opportunity if you look for it.

Although the chance of success is a bit low, once you succeed, it will be Controlling a Yonko is not an ordinary profit.

But now that Dover has decided to give up this important chess piece, Torebol feels a little surprised.

Before, he thought that Dover wanted to acquire BIGMOM, so he started to get it from BIGMOM The Yonko's power turned out to be wrong. Then he thought that Dover wanted to use Brynn to implement this profit-making plan of turning a bicycle into a motorcycle. Now Dover actually wants to let Brynn go. Could it be that he guessed wrong again?

Did Dover want more and more?

"She has no use value to me now, and keeping her would be a disaster."Doflamingo shook his head.

Brynn's ability is useful, but it is useless to him now. In other words, it is better for Brynn to leave than to stay.

Once Brynn's toy status is lifted, what will happen to Brynn? Lin's memory will come back, and then the BIGMOM pirates will have the memory of Brynn again.

Naturally, they will be suspicious of Brynn's sudden disappearance.

If you look back in time, you will find Brynn's disappearance and his departure. Relatedly, BIGMOM will definitely cast suspicious eyes on him by then.

Brynn staying here will be a trouble for him. He has not thought about confronting BIGMOM now.

It is not about confronting BIGMOM now. When he went up, his biggest goal was the world government, and BIGMOM could only stay back.

His plan could not be disrupted by this fat woman.

In the next plan, he had no time to fight with this crazy woman The humiliation he suffered last time was enough. Sooner or later, he will pay it back.

And this Brynn is not let go for nothing. She can still use her last remaining energy, which is more meaningful than keeping her.

Since Dover said this, and Torebol didn't say much. After all, Dover has always been meticulous in doing things, and even he could hardly guess what Dover was thinking.

As long as he knew that Dover had the ambition and ability of a king, it was enough..

As a follower, he only needs to keep up with Dover and move forward together.

"Have you found the person who asked you to check?"Doflamingo asked, changing the subject.

"We have a clue. These guys are hidden, elusive, and very covert. It's not easy to find their whereabouts.

However, I still got some clues about their activities in one place.

Dover, what do you want me to ask them about?"Torebol said doubtfully.

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.……"Doflamingo chuckled a few times,"They are very important"partners".

The enemy of our enemy is our friend.

As long as we can bring those guys down, anyone can be used by us."

Torrebol's eyes widened. Suddenly radiating light, so that's it, that's it, I understand

"Find them, give them a generous meeting gift, and gain their trust before proceeding to the next step."Doflamingo said

"Okay, leave it to me and I'll take care of it. Torrebol chuckled and then leaned on it.

The next day, a ship with a flamingo on the bow left the port of Dressrosa and headed towards the East China Sea.

The people who went out to sea this time were still the same. Same as last time, Doflamingo, Torebol, Sugar, Monet and Pica are traveling.

Diamanti and other members of the Don Quixote family are looking after the house.

This time the destination is great. In the first half of the route, there is the Devil's Triangle with terrifying legends, a misty sea area shrouded in thick fog all year round.

Every year, countless pirates stray into this sea area, get lost here, and finally turn into withered bones, ending their lives. The pirate road.

It is a taboo place for pirates.

However, this is also the home of another Shichibukai, Moonlight Moria.

Brynn's sister Laura accidentally entered this sea area and was captured by Moria. , and had to survive in this dark sea.

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