Shuttle in the TV series

Chapter 799 Chapter 795 Heart of Compassion

Jiang Yi's Eight Great Hells are between fiction and reality, mysterious and unpredictable. Even with the cultivation base of Guanyin Bodhisattva, it is not easy to break it, and it needs to consume a lot of mana.

So after breaking through hell, the Buddha's light behind her became much dimmer, no longer as divine and dazzling as before, and the aura on her body became weaker.

Although the consumption is not small, Guanyin doesn't care about her state, she still looks at Jiang Yi quietly with those flat eyes, and said slowly:

"Although your purgatory environment is terrifying enough to make it difficult to distinguish between real and fake, it is just a dream in my opinion, and it cannot hurt me. I advise you to stop resisting and hand over the colorful piece Immortal stone."

Jiang Yi was also discouraged when he saw that he could not win Guanyin, so he just smiled and said:

"Buddhas often say that the four elements are all empty. Is it false or real? What's the difference between true and false? You say that illusions can't hurt you, but I don't think so."

As he spoke, he mobilized the power of the dream again, continued to cast spells, and raised his finger.


Layers of transparent ripples swayed, and the space changed like water waves.


Guanyin only felt a blur in front of his eyes, but when he looked again, he found that the surrounding environment had changed.

They were in an ordinary small courtyard.

A tall, middle-aged man was pacing back and forth in the corridor in front of the house, with an anxious expression on his face. A few steps away from him, a gray-haired old couple was sitting on a chair by the courtyard, their hands clasped together, nervously looking at the door, waiting for the result.

From time to time, the woman's lung-piercing screams could be heard from the closed door:


At the same time, with the sound of crying out in pain, an old woman's voice sounded, encouraging the woman:

"Ma'am, push hard, the baby will come out soon."

"It hurts……"

After a long time, there was a loud cry of a baby.

Then the door opened, and a plainly dressed old woman walked out of the house, announcing the good news to the middle-aged man:

"Mother and child are safe. Congratulations, master, happy to have a precious son."

The middle-aged man was so excited that he couldn't contain himself, so he could only say repeatedly:

"Okay, great, great."

The old couple on the side wept with joy, folded their hands together and muttered in a low voice:

"Bodhisattva bless, my Yun family finally has a descendant."

Jiang Yi and Guanyin Bodhisattva stood in the yard, watching the scene in front of them silently, and those people turned a blind eye to their existence. Guanyin could clearly feel the heartfelt joy of the people in front of her, but her expression was flat and she was not moved at all.

She has lived for countless years and has gone through hardships. She has seen too many such things before her, so naturally she will not be moved.

Jiang Yi was not surprised to see this, he just smiled slightly, then raised his hand, and with the flickering of light and shadow, he appeared in a new scene.




The two kept entering one after another grotesque dream world, watching all kinds of living beings, birth, old age, sickness and death, and then left again, only to experience thousands of different scenes in an instant:

They have been to the famine land, and they have seen the rain after a long drought, and thousands of tortured victims cheered and shouted in the pouring rain, as if they were born again.

I have also been to the Guanyin Temple, where the incense is at its peak, and witnessed a powerful prince molesting the lifelike white jade Guanyin statue in the temple, wantonly. When the Buddhist believers in the temple scolded him for his rebellious behavior, the prince ordered his subordinates to kill without hesitation, and the whole Guanyin Temple was stained red with blood.

The two also came to the palace of Xinglin Kingdom, which is the secular family of Guanyin Bodhisattva before he became a monk. The former Guanyin was the prince of Xinglin Kingdom.

They saw that after Avalokitesvara left, his wife (Princess) missed him day and night, and she was haggard. They saw Avalokitesvara's mother often shed tears because she missed her son. Although the emperor was calm, he kept his brows tightly locked all day long, and would sigh when no one was around.


With just a snap of their fingers, Jiang Yi and Guanyin have gone through thousands of reincarnations, and they have seen all kinds of joys, angers, sorrows, joys, joys and sorrows of all living beings.

They have witnessed unswerving love, touching family affection, inhuman crimes and ghostly hearts.

The seven emotions and six desires in human nature are nakedly displayed before the eyes.

Jiang Yi's dreams are real or fake, and many of them are actually projections of the real world, which are no different from reality, so they are particularly touching.

Guanyin has been watching silently, without speaking, but he can feel that with the progress of reincarnation, a hidden force is invading his Buddha heart, trying to arouse the emotions in her heart through various scenes.

He also detected the power of seven emotions and six desires winding around his body, like layers of spider webs, trying to wrap him.

But he has always maintained a heart of bodhi, not affected by the outside world at all, not stained with dust, calmly watching all living beings struggling and sinking in the rolling red dust, with a compassionate expression, chanting Buddhist scriptures in a low voice:

"All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like electricity and like dew..."

Thousands of dream scenes flashed before her eyes, like passing clouds, unable to leave the slightest trace.

I don't know how long it took before Jiang Yi stopped the reincarnation of the dream world.

Seeing this, Guanyin said calmly:

"Benefactor, I have practiced for tens of thousands of years, and I have long seen that the five aggregates are empty. Even the real reincarnation can't erase my Buddha's heart. You should stop doing useless work."

Jiang Yi applauded lightly and praised:

"As expected of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, his heart is like Bodhi, and his six sense organs are pure. The joys and sorrows, joys, anger, sorrows and joys in the world can't move you."

Guanyin: "Since you know, you haven't withdrawn from this dream world early, so why continue to waste mana."

Jiang Yi shook his head, with a mysterious smile on his lips:

"Wrong, in fact, you are not completely devoid of emotions and desires. Because all living beings are suffering, Bodhisattvas still have compassion in their hearts. Who can say that compassion is not an emotion?"

After speaking, he raised his hand and pointed at Guanyin.


A sword light shot out from his fingertips.

Inside the sword light, are the thoughts of all beings billowing in the world of mortals, like a vast ocean churning and roaring, drowning Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

This sword is the sword of the world formed by the condensed world of mortals.

This is a sword that Jiang Yi used the dream world as a guide to directly arouse the joys, sorrows, sorrows, loves and hatreds of hundreds of millions of living beings in the human world, all attachments and desires, all attachments and desires.

The sword intent is closely related to the thoughts of all living beings, containing endless desires and pains.

This sword is both the world and purgatory.

At the same time, Jianguang even aroused the compassion in Guanyin's heart, turning him into a cage and trapping him in it.

If Avalokitesvara wants to break the cage, he must erase the meaning of compassion in his heart, and the Buddha's heart will inevitably be affected by then.

Therefore, Avalokitesvara can only use the supreme Dharma to dispel all kinds of emotions in the sword intent, and at the same time find another way to open the cage.

At this moment, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is like Ksitigarbha, constantly using Buddhism to purify the worldly obsessions in the sword, but people's hearts are fickle and their desires are endless, just like reincarnation.

Hell always exists, so Ksitigarbha can never become a Buddha.

Avalokitesvara can't break the purgatory on earth in this sword light.

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