
With such a scene,

The huge court instantly fell into a dead silence

Everyone, even Yan Xiangtong on the dragon chair

They were all stunned, and they didn’t expect that things would happen to this scene!

“Is that all?”

And at this dead moment, Ye Liuyun’s casual voice came out again

The overlord color domineering began to retract,

The heaviness in everyone’s hearts began to gradually disappear

Look at these lifeless nine-thousand-year-old Yoshiko

Ye Liuyun said with a smile

“So arrogant, I thought that these people would die if they couldn’t get into the sword!”

Speaking and talking,

Ye Liuyun could even laugh

Everyone can understand,

Ye Liuyun’s disapproval was definitely aimed at the nine-thousand-year-old Liu Zhongxi


It depends on how Liu Zhongxi copes

For a time, the eyes of the courtiers looked at the nine-thousand-year-old Liu Zhongxi in unison

“Ye Liuyun!”

His eyes were gloomy, and he stared at Ye Liuyun viciously

I don’t know,

I thought that this Liu Zhongxi was ready to kill Ye Liuyun with his eyes

“Do you want to do it?”

Ye Liuyun didn’t care, spread his hands, but had some expectations, this Liu Zhongxi moved the situation

After all, in this case, Ye Liuyun would be able to make a logical move!

It’s a pity,

Liu Zhongxi is not stupid,

Even though he was angry, he finally endured it

His gaze first scanned Ye Liuyun’s body fiercely, and then glared viciously at the regent Yan Fenhai

Until now,

Liu Zhongyi still thought

This Ye Liuyun is the regent’s man

Today’s situation must be Yan Fenhai’s instruction, and he deliberately wants to see his own jokes

‘Good! You are so calculating! Regent! ’

Nine-thousand-year-old Liu Zhongxi’s heart,

The perfect brain has made up a big drama,


However, Yan Fenhai is here

But I was a little confused

Originally, he was just paying attention to Ye Liuyun

But at this time, Yan Fenhai suddenly felt that there was a malicious gaze staring at him

As soon as he turned his head, he saw this Liu Zhongxi

Looking at himself with eyes that have seen through everything


This person is criticized, what do you think of me doing?

A little confused, but Yan Fenhai doesn’t care, anyway, he has always been an opponent

Therefore, Yan Fenhai decisively gave Liu Zhongxi a contemptuous look

Turning his head sideways, he was too lazy to take care of Liu Zhongxi

“You guy!”

Yan Fenhai’s reaction also made Liu Zhongxi settled, and all this must be the calculation of Yan Fenhai, the regent


Wait, today’s things will definitely not pass


In this way, the early dynasty ended in a strange atmosphere

Prime Minister Luan Li still gave his daughter to Yan Xiangtong

And the wedding date was set half a month later

Even though Yan Xiangtong wanted to refuse, he saw Luan Li’s sincere gaze

If you refuse, it will be difficult to say

You can’t chill the hearts of your subordinates!


With the chant of Hai Gonggong,

Nine-thousand-year-old Liu Zhongxi threw off his robe and left directly


Before taking it away, he still glared at Ye Liuyun and Yan Fenhai with a fierce gaze

“No male or female dog thing!”

Ben has always been an opponent

Liu Zhongxi’s fierce gaze, Yan Fenhai didn’t take it seriously at all

Instead, he said with disdain

Before leaving, he still looked at Ye Liuyun quite satisfactorily for a while

“You’re good!”

Subsequently, Yan Fenhai also left

Now that this Manchu Dynasty minister of the Great Departure Dynasty, no one dares to regard Ye Liuyun as a dispensable person anymore

This is the influence that comes with strength

Originally, Prime Minister Luan Li wanted to say something to Ye Liuyun

After all, it’s hard to see a like-minded person, at least Luan Li thinks so

Of course I want to have a good conversation

But at this time, as the confidant of Emperor Yan Xiangtong, father-in-law

Hai Gonggong suddenly walked over

“Lord Ye! Your Majesty would like to invite you to the study! ”

When he spoke, Hai Gonggong’s tone was somewhat humble

After all, others don’t know, but Hai Gonggong knows that the relationship between this man in front of him and the emperor of their Great Departure Dynasty is different

If offended,

Maybe I’ll die

“Since it was invited by His Majesty, then you better go quickly, dear nephew!”


Is this a virtuous nephew?

Yes, I haven’t said a word about it

I didn’t expect that the means of this relationship between Prime Minister Luan Lila was not jerky at all

“Then go first!”

However, Ye Liuyun didn’t feel anything

Just laughed and said

“Good, good, good!”

Luan Li feels that today may be the happiest day in his life

“When I go back, I will also tell my daughter the good news, I believe she knows that she will be very happy to marry His Majesty in half a month!”

Speaking of which,

Luan Li is even happier

Even the pace of going back has accelerated a lot


Are you sure, will your daughter really be happy?

This Luan Li’s back made Ye Liuyun can’t help but recall the situation when he saw Luan Shuyi’s girl

I guess I will be taken aback

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun suddenly smiled

Without saying much, he looked at Hai Gonggong on the other side

“Let’s go!”


Facing Ye Liuyun,

Hai Gonggong did not dare to take out any shelf

Quickly nodded and followed Ye Liuyun’s footsteps


On the side of the study, Yan Xiangtong has been waiting for a long time

After sending Ye Liuyun over,

Hai Gonggong is still very sensible

Not only helped to lock up the study, but also seriously guarded outside the study

“Your Majesty! Don’t worry, I will never disturb Your Majesty!” ”


Nodded in satisfaction

Then he looked at Ye Liuyun

“You don’t have anything to say, do you want to say something to Xuan?”

Even Yan Xiangtong himself did not notice that his tone already had a sense of resentment

“Isn’t it a matter of course for me to defend Your Majesty as the Jinyi Weibei Zhenfusi?”

Ye Liuyun said very casually

However, it is precisely because of the understanding of the dangers of the Great Departure Dynasty

Yan Xiangtong knew that Ye Liuyun’s situation at this moment was definitely not as peaceful as it seemed!


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