Chapter 78 Borrow this city full of sword blades! Sword come!!

For Ye Liuyun’s words, Yu Tonghe didn’t care very much, but shook his head slightly, “If you want to defeat the old man with the strength just now, don’t be whimsical!” ”

This is not confidence, what Yu Tonghe said with a flat gaze is also a fact, Ye Liuyun smiled casually, “Sure enough, the form of the Great Buddha is still a little worse!” ”

It was just a temptation before, after all, Ye Liuyun’s current level of the Great Buddha form was not high, and he originally just wanted to see what height this Yu Tonghe’s strength could reach

I didn’t expect it to be so powerful, this is very interesting!

“In that case, let’s try the strongest power of this king!”

The temptation has ended, next, it is time to show the real strength Ye Liuyun’s sleeves, began to be windless automatically, with this power, Ye Liuyun’s figure directly soared into the sky, and soon, it reached the same height as Yu Tonghe, at this moment, Yu Tonghe was still surrounded by a water dragon, “Today, this king will take this city of sword blades and fight with you!” ”

At this stage, Ye Liuyun’s strongest power is naturally the magnetic fruit, although it has been useless for a while, but the level of the magnetic fruit is the highest at this stage, I saw that Ye Liuyun spread his arms and made the appearance of a sword finger, “Sword come!” ”

Under the blessing of internal force, this sword came, like through the heavens and earth, spread over the entire Martial Saint City, for a while, these martial artists, for such a scene, all seemed very puzzled, some did not understand, what did this Ye Liuyun mean, but next, those who carried the sword, and then some people in the weapons shop, could feel it

These sword blades of their own house, as if they were inducted by something, suddenly began to buzz, “What’s the matter?” ”

“How did my sword move on its own!”


All the warriors were at a loss, although they didn’t know what the specific situation was, but one by one, but they wanted to stabilize their tenacity first, but this idea was good, but in the face of Ye Liuyun’s magnetic fruit ability, these obstructions seemed insignificant, “Come!” ”

With the last loud shout, those sword blades that were originally just buzzing, instantly began to move, one after another out of the sheath, countless sharp swords, formed a dragon of blades, constantly flying to Ye Liuyun’s side, “Oh! Swish! Swish! ”

The sound of the sword blade kept coming, this is the real ten thousand swords flying together, such a scene, even if it was Yu Tonghe, it was all unexpected, looking at Ye Liuyun in disbelief, “You are actually a land sword immortal!” ”

Good fellow, before was mistaken into a land immortal sword fairy, now, directly mistaken for a land immortal sword immortal, Ye Liuyun very much wants to explain, he is really not a land sword immortal, this is not a royal sword art, is the ability of the magnetic fruit, but obviously, these people do not know, what the magnetic fruit is, “What do you like to think, just think it!” ”

Lie flat! Anyway, how you make up your brain, that’s all your own business, and I don’t refute it, “Hahaha!” ”

In Yu Tonghe’s opinion, Ye Liuyun’s reaction just showed that the other party was a land sword immortal

“I’m afraid that from today onwards, everyone who practices swords in this world will respect you!”

Before this, there were also many people who practiced swords in the rivers and lakes, thinking that their strength was good, self-proclaimed sword immortals, sword saints, sword gods and the like, there were many miscellaneous ones, but from today onwards, everyone in the rivers and lakes will think of this Ye Liuyun in front of them at the first time when mentioning people who practice swords, this is a well-deserved land sword immortal!

“Ugh! Swish! Swish! ”

Ye Liuyun didn’t care what Yu Tonghe would say, chasing the last sword flying over, in the Martial Saint City, all the sword blades were all attracted by Ye Liuyun with the magnetic fruit, and the atmosphere was silent!

In mid-air, Ye Liuyun and Yu Tonghe stood opposite each other! No one spoke out loud, on one side was the water dragon in the sky, on the other side was the sword blade in the sky, all were extremely extraordinary existences, for a while, even the entire Martial Saint City fell into a strange dead silence, no one said anything more, for fear that it would disturb this battle, “Battle!” ”

As if there was a tacit understanding, Ye Liuyun and this Yu Tonghe, spoke out at the same time, the water dragon behind him, and the sword blade, moved at the same time, “Roar!” ”

One by one, the water dragons, under the pull of Yu Tonghe’s internal force, roared out, and Ye Liuyun also used the ability of the magnetic fruit, and slammed the tens of thousands of sword blades beside him towards Yu Tonghe’s position at the same time, “Boom!” Rumble! Rumble! ”

One by one, the water dragons were shattered, and in mid-air, some sword blades also fell continuously because they were broken, “Ye Liuyun!” ”

Yu Tonghe directly roared out Ye Liuyun’s name, “If you want to become the real number one in the world, then show absolute strength, and then defeat the old man!” ”


The sea water of the entire sea, under the internal force of Yu Tonghe, all poured out

Such a battle is no longer a battle between mortal warriors, as if it is a battle between immortals in the sky, “Hahaha! ”

Seeing Yu Tonghe like this, Ye Liuyun also smiled, “If you want to see the true strength of this king, then come!” ”

Ye Liuyun, who was controlling these tens of thousands of sword blades, suddenly clasped his hands together, and then, “Ten thousand swords in one!” ”

Under the influence of Ye Liuyun’s magnetic fruit, those smashed sword blades flew out again

Tens of thousands of sword blades continued to shatter in the sky, and then condensed, becoming a giant sword that seemed to be able to penetrate the heavens and the earth, “Fall to the king!” ”

The big sword that fused from tens of thousands of sword blades came from above the nine heavens and fell towards Yu Tonghe’s position with a bang, “Hahahaha! ”

Yu Tonghe also laughed loudly, using the sea water of the entire sea as a resistance, but under Ye Liuyun’s ten thousand swords, Yu Tong and this seemed to be a little useless, the sea water was defeated layer by layer, and this big sword, as if running rampant, fell to Yu Tonghe’s position,


Even with this Yu Tonghe, he was directly bombarded into the sea! For a time, everything fell silent, the whole heaven and earth, as if they fell into silence, the sea water that covered the sky like the sky, began to recede, and Ye Liuyun also controlled the giant sword, slowly dissipated in the heaven and earth, and when everything withdrew, everyone saw that in this sea, Yu Tonghe looked quietly, raised his head, looked at Ye Liuyun in the sky, Yu Tonghe’s eyes were gratified, but also happy, but there was no resentment and depression, with the only remaining internal strength, said loudly,

“It was the old man who lost! Start today! You are the number one in the world! Ye Liuyun! ”

For a time, Yu Tonghe’s voice was heard in the sky above the entire Martial Saint City, “Win? ”

After all, in the past ten years, the existence of Yu Tonghe is like a mountain that cannot be read by the warriors of the world, and today, someone has actually crossed this mountain, how can they not be shocked, “Really won!” ”



“The first in the world! Ye Liuyun! No. 1 in the world! ”

For a while, although these people didn’t even know Ye Liuyun, at this time, they also cheered, all celebrating the birth of a new number one in the world, “Great!” ”

In the tavern, after seeing that Ye Liuyun really defeated Yu Tonghe and became the new number one in the world, Miaoyin Yun, who was originally a little worried, at this time, he could be regarded as a side-eyed relaxed, looking at Ye Liuyun in the sky, his eyes had other meanings, “Great!” I know that Wang Ye is the strongest! ”

Wu Yun on the side also celebrated, even Chen Denglou smiled easily, happy that Ye Liuyun became the new number one in the world, but at this time, Ye Liuyun in mid-air was slightly surprised, because, just when Yu Tonghe admitted that he had lost, Ye Liuyun’s mind suddenly heard a system prompt.

“Achievement achieved! Get a chance to check in once! Do you use it? ”

Originally, Ye Liuyun thought that if he wanted to get the check-in opportunity again, he had to become the emperor, but he didn’t expect that defeating Yu Tonghe and becoming the number one in the martial arts world would also be able to achieve achievements and get the opportunity to sign in, but this time’s harvest was richer than Ye Liuyun imagined, Ye Liuyun was not busy using this sign-in opportunity directly, wait until you go back, after noticing that Yu Tonghe’s breath has gradually stabilized, Ye Liuyun flew over lightly, the land immortal is extremely difficult to be killed, Even if it is an opponent in the same realm, it is very painful to want to kill a land immortal, of course, if you want to die, it is different, for example, the current Yu Tonghe, after seeing Ye Liuyun coming, Yu Tonghe directly closed his eyes and said, “Kill the old man!” ”

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