Siheyuan: The Final Winner

Chapter 404 Parents are short-tempered, Qin Jingru's resentment


Needless to say, Nanyi's craftsmanship, simple meals can also be delicious.

What's more, there is a small chicken stewed with mushrooms.

Not to mention this age, even if it is a good harvest year, it is not often available.

Luo Yingqiu has been unable to eat since Xia Youjun's accident yesterday.

Today, Nan Yi specially made some appetizing dishes according to her situation.

Luo Yingqiu and the children were full, and they were very grateful to Nanyi for his hospitality.

Eat and drink enough.

A few children went to the bathroom together, Luo Yingqiu was anxious to inquire about Xia Youjun's situation, and was about to leave.

She stood up, feeling that she was a little full today, and when she looked down, she couldn't see her toes.

After all, it was plump and plump.

"Your craftsmanship is indeed getting better and better. I forgot to remember when I served the bowl." Luo Yingqiu said with embarrassment.

Nanyi got up and said happily: "You think the food I cook is delicious, which is the greatest affirmation of me."

"Hehe, I don't need to be sure, your cooking skills are already very good." Luo Yingqiu smiled slightly.

After a pause, she pursed her lips and said, "I think of a girl who is quite suitable for you."

"Oh? Let's hear it." Nanyi didn't refuse.

It was a matter of life, and it was introduced by Luo Yingqiu, so he was a little interested.

Luo Yingqiu said with a smile: "That girl is not from our school, but from Hongxing Primary School."

"She just graduated from a normal school this year and is a primary school Chinese teacher."

"My parents are middle school teachers in our school, and they are returned overseas Chinese, with a scholarly family."

"After tomorrow's work, I'll check with her parents first."

"If there is any news, I will ask Mr. Shu to come and inform you. Whether it will be successful or not depends on whether you are destined."

Nanyi nodded happily and said, "That's fine, thank you Yingqiu for your trouble."

"Hello, teacher. I just like educated girls. If girls really have eyes, I will take good care of them."

"Hehe, thank you, it's just a small effort." Luo Yingqiu shook her head and smiled.

"Don't feel pressured. If it doesn't work out this time, I'll introduce you to someone else."

After a pause, she murmured in a low voice: "Director Jiang, please help me to tell him in advance."

She felt that He Yuzhu's promise to accept his own children as apprentices needed a prestigious witness.

Regardless of whether this opportunity will be used or not in the future, let's get it first and then talk about it.

She also knew Jiang Ping'an's reputation. He had a wide network of contacts. He was a cadre of a rolling mill and lived in the courtyard.

Taken together, he is indeed the most suitable witness.

Nan Yi nodded and said, "Okay, Director Jiang has gone to the countryside for the past few days. When he comes back, I will ask him for instructions."

He really admires Luo Yingqiu.

The life and death of her man is uncertain, she can't see any sadness except for a little sadness on her face.

Nanyi hesitated for a moment, and asked this question out.

"What's the use of being sad? Will Lao Xia be safe and sound?" Luo Yingqiu sighed.

"I'm holding back everything in my heart, otherwise why wouldn't I be able to eat?"

"My good family is going to be broken, can you not be sad?"

"What's even more worrying is that I haven't seen him in person until now, and I don't know if I can still see him."

"Now I have prepared for the worst. No matter how sad I am, I will live on."


Liangjia Village.

After eating at noon and resting for a while, Qin Jingru asked He Yushui if he still wanted to go for a walk in the fields.

"I'm a little tired from playing this morning, I want to sleep for a while before going." He Yushui replied lying on the table.

Qin Jingru said: "Go back to your room and sleep, it's autumn now, it's a bit cool, don't lie here and catch the cold."

He Yushui nodded, yawned, and followed Qin Jingru to the bedroom.

Soon, Qin Jingru came back to clean up the dishes and clean the kitchen.

Jiang Pingan asked: "How is the grain harvest of the production team this year?"

"So-so!" Qin Jingru replied while washing the dishes.

"It's not like you don't know that there was a period of drought this year, which still had some impact."

Jiang Ping'an nodded slightly, and asked again: "Do the folks have a lot of winter grain reserves?"

"I can't think of too much staple food, but I have a lot of potatoes and sweet potatoes." Qin Jingru said.

"You came back from a business trip in the middle of the year. After reminding everyone, everyone will consciously store food."

"In fact, as long as people are diligent, they can always think of many ways to deal with crises."

"It turns out that many thin mountainous areas are also planted with sweet potatoes, and no one is lazy anymore."

"Recently, the production team is still processing dry goods such as potato cubes, sweet potato flour, and vermicelli, which are easy to store."

"This winter, although the villagers are still having a hard time, they should not be hungry."

Jiang Pingan smiled and said: "That's good, take it step by step, and you will live a better life slowly."

"Good day? It's just lip service." Qin Jingru pursed her lips and shook her head.

She grew up in the countryside, and even in the good harvest years, she didn't feel that life was easy.

In memory, there are always more seasons when you are hungry than when you are full.

Occasionally, I can eat a pork meal and drink some chicken and fish soup, just like Chinese New Year.

Only after following Jiang Ping'an did she get rid of food and clothing, eat enough and wear warm clothes.

Not to mention big fish and meat, but there is meat to eat every two days in three days, and rice and white noodles every day, which is considered to be a good life.

Just like this, I still have to eat secretly, and when guests come, I have to pretend to be poor, for fear of attracting envy and jealousy.

Jiang Pingan said: "Don't talk about this, last time I asked you to give the stick noodles to the elder sister, did you send it?"

"Give it off, the eldest sister even scolded me, saying that I shouldn't be so polite." Qin Jingru said.

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "She is willing to give you so many eggs, you deserve to be scolded."

"Cut! She brought us eggs for your sake." Qin Jingru wrinkled her nose and said.

"When I wasn't with you in the past, I didn't see her sending eggs back to her mother's house. What a partiality!"

Jiang Pingan scolded with a smile: "You got it!"

"While eating the eggs she sent, while complaining about her, is there anyone like you?"

"Don't even think about it, how hard it is for her to save so many eggs!"

"Based on this intention, we must also remember her love."

"In the future, if she has something to do at home, she should help her more."

Hearing this, Qin Jingru giggled and said, "Giggle... I don't really blame her."

"I understand what you're saying, otherwise, why would I personally deliver food to her?"

Jiang Ping'an laughed and said, "Hey! You are quite airy, and you are still in person, haha..."

Qin Jingru looked embarrassed, stomped lightly and said:

"They're so far away, if I didn't have the heart to see her."

"Just ask someone to bring the stick noodles over there, why go all the way!"

"But I really admire you. It was really hard for you to be a buyer before."

Jiang Ping'an smiled and said, "It's okay, I didn't go there specially."

"Just stop and go, run a few production teams a day, it's not tiring."

"Most of the time is actually spent in the fields, bragging with the folks."

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