Since 1983

Chapter 388: Sick

"Why are you still sick at night, why don't you say you'll be back tomorrow?"

After nine o'clock, Xu Fei hurried into the house. Zhang Li had already woken up, was lying down talking to Xiao Xu, and said vaguely, "Why are you here?"

"She called me..."

Teacher Xu touched his forehead, it was hot, "Have you taken your medicine?"

"After taking two antipyretics, I don't look like a common cold." Xiao Xute was worried.

"I'm fine, I just slept without closing the windows, and I'll be fine tomorrow."

"Don't be careless, how do you feel now, is your nose ventilated?"


"No cough?"

"Occasionally cough."

He touched his forehead again, and said decisively, "Go to the hospital!"

"No, no need."

"You have a terrible fever. I'm afraid it's pneumonia... put some clothes on for her."

Xiao Xu found a coat, and Xu Fei brought shoes. The two of them squatted down and put one on each.

Zhang Li had no choice but to get up, but felt weak. Slowly going down one floor, Teacher Xu simply turned his back, pedaling! Thumb up!

Drive straight to the hospital.

When she arrived at the entrance of the hospital, she refused to let her carry it any longer. She went to the emergency room to have a look and was given a bottle of medicine.

"It may be due to long-term excessive stress, irregular work and rest, weakened immunity and catching a come to hang a bottle every day, and the fever subsides. The main thing is to recuperate and pay attention to rest."

"Oh, thank you doctor."

Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and entered an empty ward, "It's okay, I'm just tired, I need to rest for a while."

"That's good, you scared me to death."

Xiao Xu turned back and said in fear: "I called you for a long time, and I thought something was wrong. If there is something wrong with you, our house will be bought for nothing."


Zhang Li didn't have the energy to roll her eyes.

Xiao Xu said again: "You always say that you are strong, isn't that also sick? If you are sick, take a good rest and I will take care of you."

"Forget it, you can't even cook. She can't eat outside food now, who knows if she can do it cleanly." Teacher Xu despised it.

"As if you could do it!"

"I can at least cook porridge and noodles."

"I can do it too!"


Surrounded by familiar feelings, Zhang Li said sadly, "I'm not seriously ill, so you don't have to look at me like that."

"That's not okay. Serious illnesses are caused by childhood illnesses. Get well soon. We'll move when you're done. We'll wait for you to come back."

Xiao Xu held her hand and rubbed it on his face.


Teacher Xu yawned, okay, you two are really in love again.

It was very slow to draw water, and when he returned, he went upstairs with his back on his back.

The sudden onset of the illness was actually because Zhang Li was busy with work, and when she relaxed after work, she let go of her breath. After tossing for most of the night, I fell asleep.

And he looked at the time, it was one o'clock, "I'll make a floor shop, don't I have to go tomorrow."


Xiao Xu didn't hesitate, the two of them moved the table and chairs from the small bedroom and spread a thick quilt. Teacher Xu didn't take off his clothes, and fell asleep in a daze for a while.

In the master bedroom, Zhang Li was breathing heavily, and her skin was still hot.

Xiao Xu patted lightly, feeling extremely distressed.

If she was alone today, it would definitely not be possible. Sometimes there really must be an old man in the family, at least he can be a tool man.


This night, Zhang Li felt very uncomfortable.

I don't know how long I slept, but when I opened my eyes the next day, I felt that the back of my head was wet and my neck was covered with a thin layer of sweat.

"Xiao Xu? Xiao Xu?"

"Are you awake? Well, just cover your sweat..."

Xiao Xu came out of the kitchen, wiped her, changed a pillow towel, and said with a smile, "Am I also very virtuous?"

"Yes, what are you doing?"

"To make porridge, he went to buy buns."

After a pause, "He made a floor bunk in that room."

Zhang Li was slightly surprised, they looked at each other and turned away at the same time.

"Clangling!" The key sounded, and Teacher Xu came back, "My good fellow, the price of steamed buns has increased again, 20 cents each. Hey, you're awake, how do you feel?"

"Slightly better, but still uncomfortable."

"It's okay, take it easy, you have to rest this time."

Soon the food was on the table, porridge and side dishes, steamed buns with vegetarian fillings, and the only heavy taste was fermented bean curd. Zhang Li saw that she looked pretty, and wondered, "Do you also buy side dishes?"

"I mixed it!"

Xiao Xu picked up a chopstick, "This is celery leaf, with some vinegar added, it's very appetizing."

"Yo, you are getting more and more capable..."

Zhang Li took a sip and blinked, "It tastes good, you should try it too."

"Yes, I said it must be delicious..."

She also took a bite, but she didn't think it was enough and took another bite.

"Is it that delicious?"

Xu Fei was amazed, stuffed a little into his mouth, and took two mouthfuls of porridge, "Not bad!"

The three never touched the celery again.

"Since the rare torrential rains in Jiangsu Province in May, the Huaihe River Basin in Hui Province has also experienced heavy rains this month, and the river water has skyrocketed...which has caused floods..."

The news was broadcast on TV, and there were more and more news about the floods in the south.

"It looks serious, the house has collapsed." Zhang Li said.

"Changing the channel, I hate this the most!"

Xiao Xu frowned and asked, "What do you need for the flood, shall we donate something?"

"The basics are medicine and food, as well as clothes, blankets and so on. The government should call, let's not make trouble, and donate together at that time."

91 At the time of the flood, he was still young in his previous life and had no memory of it.

What I remember is the 98 flood. It rained for several days in my hometown. At that time, I was at my grandma’s house with my cousin. When I heard that there was a flood, I picked up a few wooden boards to build a boat for refuge.

The two girls are kind people, and they were a little dull for a while.

Teacher Xu sipped his porridge and found a topic: "By the way, Hulu gave birth to five cubs. I plan to take them upstairs, do you want them?"

"I want pomegranate!" Xiao Xu said.

"But you are often not at home, how do you take care of it?" Zhang Li asked.

"Look for a nanny. In such a big house, I don't have the energy to clean, cook, do laundry and raise a dog."

Teacher Xu was very self-conscious and took the initiative to say: "I'll find someone who is older."

"Bah, who cares if you are old or not!"

Xiao Xu spat, and suddenly blushed.

But Zhang Li said: "It's okay to look for it, but don't look for someone you know, it will be troublesome."

"That's right. I want to hire seven aunts and eight aunts. If something happens, wait to make trouble. There are many people in the capital who do this, so just be honest and do your job."

Carpenters, shoe repairers, beggars, nannies, laborers, these were the first foreigners to flock to the capital.

After several years of brewing, babysitters have gradually formed a new industry. Hutong's "Little Nanny" is the first one to pay attention to. There is also an episode in "Story of the Editorial Department", played by Ma Xiaoqing.

It is also gossip to turn against the customer and turn around the employer.

Zhang Li had no appetite, so she ate a little and rested on the bed, watching the two continue to fight.

When Teacher Xu was taking the fourth bun, Xiao Xu was stuffing the sixth bun into his mouth. The side dishes were gone, so he slammed his mouth, "Shall I scramble another egg?"


So crackling, a plate of scrambled eggs with green onions was served.

Xu Fei was hungry and ate six. Xiaoxu played normally and ate eight. The two touched their stomachs, and their lives were happy.

"Cough...cough cough..."

Zhang Li hangs out with a group of colleagues in the production team, and hasn't seen this kind of scene for a long time. She covered her mouth and kept laughing, coughing while laughing.

"What are you doing?"

"it's okay no problem."

She waved her hand, "I suddenly remembered that time when you were sick and it was raining heavily."

"Well, the medicine I bought for you in the rain almost fell into a ditch," Xu Fei said.

"Yeah, I was sitting around watching you eat, so I changed you this time." Xiao Xu said.

"Then it's up to me next time? You two have to cook something delicious."

"Think beautifully, go find your nanny!"

whispering sound!

Teacher Xu finished the last mouthful of porridge, wiped his mouth, "Okay, let's go to the hospital after a break, you may have to fight for seven or eight days."

"Actually, you don't have to send me off all the time, just go as you are busy."

"Those are not important, what matters is that you take good care of your body."


It's the last day, let's say:

I started writing this book in May, and it has nearly a million words in eight months. It is the most diligent update of my three books. Before, there were only 20 or 30 chapters per month. The results are okay, thank you for your support, and continue to work hard next year.

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