Since 1983

Chapter 646

Feng Pants doesn't say much about his character, but he is one of the few sincere directors in China who make movies.

Although there are temporary rescues like "Private Customization", which are still unrecognizable fried rice, it is generally acceptable. I am talented, but I am just temporarily down and out. If I am attracted by some noble person, I will give you a hand, maybe I will go up.

Equivalent to capital enemy.

So Xu Fei thought about it and accepted the script. He was confident that he could suppress this grandson.


When he rushed home after eating, he found that the kitchen was smoking.

It's okay to run over quickly. Children living in that era knew how to do some work, but Xiao Xu was just a little more delicate, and he couldn't play the drama of dog-blooded idol dramas that set the kitchen on fire.

"I'm back, do you still want to eat?"


"Do you think I would do anything else?"

"Let's have a bowl."

Hot noodle soup with a few expensive green leafy vegetables floating in the air.

Xiao Xu leaned against the wall, holding the bowl, put his feet on his lap habitually, and asked, "What did Feng Xiaogang want you for? Haven't you two lost contact?"

"He plays a lot by himself and doesn't want to hang out."

Xu Fei took out the two scripts and said, "Now that we have nowhere to go, it means you want to join me."

"Then do you accept it?"

"Others are not good, and the filming is okay. If you don't accept it, let others take advantage of it. What's more, if you bring two scripts, I can't accept the scripts and drive them out.

Hey, by the way, how is the development of Huayi Advertising? "


Huayi's first project was direct advertising. It printed a picture album called "Eating in the Capital", and tearing off a corner can be used as a free coupon.

But the income was meager, so he used his family connections and eloquence to fool the leaders of the Bank of China and won a big order: designing a unified logo for more than 15,000 outlets of the Bank of China.

This has led to the cooperation of other banks.

Now banks are all marked with black characters on a white background, with a black line and a red line underneath, which is the origin of this. Through this project, Huayi quickly started to become a well-known advertising company.

"Have you had any contact with them?"

"I have contacted the advertising department, I haven't seen it."

Xiao Xu put down the sea bowl as big as his head, "I'm very busy. What do you care about it, Huayi wants to enter the film and television industry?"

"There are rumors that they intend to invest in "Jing Ke Assassinates the King of Qin"."

"That's not a bad thing?"

"How do you know you're dead?"

"I'm annoyed by Mr. Chen, pretend!"


Xu Feiyile stretched out his hand to hug her: "Why are you so cute... Mmmm..."

They are both 31 years old, they are well maintained, they exercise regularly, and they are in very good condition. Xiao Xu's body was matured by him, but his overall demeanor was rather youthful, which is called girlishness in the words of later generations.

Especially a pair of eyes, bulingbuling smart, young, still pure.

He kissed a mouthful of chopped green onion, put his arms around his slender waist, and rubbed his tender face, she suddenly twisted:

"Don't touch my nose!"


"Do not touch me!"


Xu Fei pinched that face, "It's crooked, I don't mind."

"Bah! How dare you speak sarcastic words here... let me go!"

Xiaoxu's nose bridge is high and straight, but thin, and it is a little crooked to the right. Living for so many years, I have always been very taboo about this point, and I am not happy to mention it.

She struggled and pouted in his arms, "It's so ugly, I've always been ugly."

"If you want to do this, let's correct it. I heard that Japanese technology is very good."

"Bah, I don't use a knife on myself."

"Actually, it's normal for people to have minor problems. Except for me, who else is perfect? ​​Look at Xiao Li, too. Her nostrils are a bit big."




In the early morning, Zhang Li entered the house wrapped in the cold wind. Xiao Mo handed over the heavy suitcase and bid farewell at the door: "Mr. Zhang, I'm leaving first."

"Be careful on the road."

There was no movement in the room, she changed her slippers lightly, pushed open the bedroom door, and the two of them were sleeping soundly naked. She shook her head, changed into a set of home clothes, and washed up, only to feel a little lighter.

Then in the bedroom, before he woke up, he leaned against the bed and pinched someone's nose.

"Uh... um..."

Xu Fei woke up suddenly and looked at him in a daze: "You're back?"

He looked outside again, "It's not yet dawn."

"Yeah, I'm going home at starry night, not as warm as your Furong tent."


Xiao Xu also woke up, recognized a little, and stretched out his hands. Zhang Li leaned over to hug her, and said, "Sleep a little longer, it's not yet dawn."


She turned over and fell asleep again.

There is no way to stay in this house!

Teacher Xu checked the time, lifted the quilt, and got up in a temper.

"Are you working?"


"Are you coming back tonight?"


Zhang Li pursed her lips and said happily, "You really left so early?"

""The Wind" has a major event, I have to watch it, have you eaten yet?"

"It's a pad on the road...don't wear this, it's snowing outside."

She dug out a pair of thicker cotton leather shoes from the shoe cabinet, waited for him to put them on, and said with a smile, "Go to Zhuangzi at night, it must be beautiful when it snows, I'll bring back a few bottles of good wine."

"Okay, I'll call it a day and go straight over."

The two kissed goodbye, Zhang Li sent him out, took a shower and ran to bed.

Xiaoxu's biological clock was made dizzy by the heavy snow, anyway, he felt a familiar body approaching, so he also stuck to it, and said vaguely: "Are you tired?"

"It's kind of, there's too much going on."

"Then take a rest..."

Xiao Xu reluctantly opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to turn around her nostrils, he buried his head in laughter, and after a while, there was no movement again.

Zhang Li was puzzled.


Today is the last day of 1996.

Heavy snow covered the capital city, adding to the atmosphere of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new. "The Sound of the Wind" came back from Xiangshan and continued to shoot in the studio. Today, I filmed the scene of Wu Dawei being tortured.

From morning to night, Jiang Wen experienced what happened to Gong Li.

The use of acupuncture points in the film is fictitious.

Jiang Wen deliberately asked several old Chinese doctors, and they all said that after acupuncture points, there will be soreness, numbness, swelling, and heaviness, which are difficult to describe. The pain is not obvious, and some patients even feel very comfortable.

He asked again, what if the blood flow is not smooth? The other party is very refreshing, so what if he dies!

This brings difficulty to the performance, how should the performance react?

With Gong Li and Liang Jiahui Zhuyu in front, no one was ashamed to lose face. Lao Jiang didn't sleep for two days, and he was extremely tired physically.

In a trance, with bloodshot eyes, he tried every reaction he could think of. Passed out, howled in pain, lost voice, scolded, laughed, etc., and finally kept a version.

"The Sound of the Wind" took two months to film and is expected to wrap up at the end of January.

This is a National Day tribute film, not a tribute film to Hong Kong's return. It does not need to be released before July 1, and the post-production is relatively loose.

After filming, Producer Xu invited everyone to have a meal to celebrate the New Year. I ran to Zhuangzi in the countryside before 12 o'clock to spend the New Year with my girlfriends and set off a lot of fireworks.

Others don't know, anyway, he ushered in 1997 amidst the busy schedule.


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