Since 1983

Chapter 706 Internal and external competition

In the late 1990s, Taiwanese capital took the lead in entering the mainland.

Taiwan invested or jointly funded, invited Hong Kong and Taiwan directors, Hong Kong and Taiwan stars, supplemented by mainland actors, and created a series of popular dramas. Such as "Little Li Feidao", "Peerless Twins", "Eight Great Heroes", "No. 1 in the World", "The Legend of Heaven and Slaying the Dragon" and so on.

However, mainland dramas are very competitive. Not only have they not been captured, but they have also cultivated a large number of future leaders and backbones.

Dramas at this stage are becoming more and more entertaining, and they dare to shoot anything with a variety of themes. Emerging forces such as Ciwen, Tang Ren, Fan Xiaotian, and Zhouyi have also emerged.


For newcomers in the world, it is customary to start from the supporting role.

"Sister Zhou Xun!"

"Ah hello!"

Hu Jing looked down at this little guy, and didn't dare to say much, so she got into the car with her manager.

There is no standard nanny car for later generations, but the concept of MPV already exists, such as Chevrolet Lumina, Ford Wenda, Toyota Previa and so on.

Collectively referred to as "bullet" in China.

This car is Previa, Chinese people like to name it by themselves, so it has a famous name "Toyota Overlord"!

7 seats, two actors, one agent, one assistant, one stylist, Zhou Xun sleeps in the car.

Hu Jing had never sat in it before, so she secretly looked at the interior and muttered, "How much does it cost?"

"More than 500,000 yuan." The assistant's ears were pointed.

"More than half a million?"

"Well, the company has ten."


Hu Jing was dumbfounded, took the breakfast handed over by the assistant, and then said after a while: "Ah, thank you."

She hasn't adapted to this method yet, holding the buns and eating in silence. Seeing this, the agent said, "Sister Lin gave you a meeting, maybe she didn't say everything. The company is strict with you internally, but it is everyone's face externally.

You must have self-confidence, because we are in this position, you will know in a while. "

Dabawang turned into the Beiying factory area and stopped under a small building. Zhou Xun took a short nap, got out of the car by feeling in a daze, and went up the steps, like a tumbler.

There are already many people sitting inside, young and beautiful, whispering when they see it.

"My God, she's auditioning too?"

"She still has an audition?"


The assistant director hurried over with a smile on his face: "It's really early, it's hard work. The director is waiting, I'll take you in."

"Director, Zhou Xun is here!"

"Hey, welcome!"

Master Shaohong came out to greet her, but the manager was still very polite, "Director Li, I have caused you trouble."

"It's nothing, sit down."

"Hi director!" Zhou Xun greeted.

"Well, not bad, thinner and younger than on TV."

"This is Hu Jing, newcomer, you can give me any role."

"The appearance and temperament are also good, it's okay."

Master Shaohong, a classmate of the 78th class of Nortel Directing Department, and Chen Kaige's classmate, the fifth generation of Zhenger Bajing. In the early days, he was a very pioneering film director. In the past two years, the environment was not good, and he couldn't find investment, so he switched to TV dramas.

The standard has always been good, until "Liao Zhai in the Brothel", which was not guaranteed at the end of the festival.

As for Princess Taiping originally planned in "Daming Palace Ci", Chen Hong and Song Dandan played the roles of young and old respectively... What do you think?

Chen Hong is old and becomes Song Dandan?

Sister Dandan herself felt that it was difficult and gave up voluntarily.

Historically, Zhou Xun became acquainted with Jia Hongsheng when he filmed "Suzhou River", and Jia Hongsheng recommended her to Master Shaohong. At that time, the young master was not famous, but now it is different.

She came to play Xiao Taiping, not for the drama, but for the drama to tease her, the topic has greatly increased.

We met today, chatted casually, got up and left. Hu Jing was stunned, is this the end? This is called an audition? ? ?

When leaving, the manager suddenly stopped: "Sister Hua!"

"Xiao Li, are you here to see the director too?"

"Well, we're leaving, let's talk another day."

"Let's talk another day."

Wang Jinghua waved her hand, Li Lianhua behind her silently backed away, and glanced at Zhou Xun, who was yawning profusely.

"I don't know how old I was at that time, I came to the audition together, and I stood like a minion..."

Li Lianhua played Princess Anle in "Daming Palace Ci", and Chen Kun's classmate He Lin also played the role of Mrs. Wei Guo.

A group of people went downstairs to take a car, and the manager asked, "Xiao Hu, where are you going?"

"Go back to the dormitory."

The school couldn't keep people during the summer vacation, so Hu Jing, Chen Kun and others got their rooms in advance.

When they arrived at the dormitory building, Hu Jing got off the car alone.

The manager felt that he needed to show some concern, so he said, "Don't worry, the newcomer will be the leading role before they come up, and Zhou Xun and Jiang Qinqin have also played a few supporting roles.

The company is researching, tailor-made according to your characteristics, wait for my news. "


the other side.

""Han Zhu Ge Ge 2" is looking for you to play an important female supporting role, the third female lead, are you interested?"

""My Fair Princess"?"

Wang Yan thought for a while, and said, "Oh, that's the one who filmed with us in Xiangshan last year. I haven't even watched the first movie, so I'm shooting the second one?"

"Taiwan aired it, but mainland China hasn't aired it yet. I heard it's very popular there."

The agent flipped through an outline, and said, "The script hasn't been finished yet, so I'll probably tell you about it. This character is also very handsome, gentle and intelligent. He likes the male lead, and competes with the female lead for the male lead."


Wang Yan disliked it, and said in that glutinous voice: "Not even competing for the first male lead, but for the second male lead? I don't want to act."

"It doesn't matter if you don't act, your reputation has risen now, and you have the weight of a heroine."

"So the company is going to give me a leading role?"

With the vicious villain in "Love Through Time and Space", her popularity has skyrocketed, and she doesn't need to be soy sauce like before.

"A tailor-made urban drama, playing a girl who comes to the capital to pursue her dream, called "Made of Stars"."

"Hee hee, I've finally made my mark!" Wang Yan laughed silly.

"Don't relax, the company has signed so many newcomers, they can kill you if you don't pay attention."

The manager has been with her for several years, and he knows the basics, saying: "Outsiders always think that the world is good, but they don't know how much pressure there is. The company is like a Chinese table tennis team, and the internal competition is greater than the external competition.

If you are a top performer internally, it is equivalent to a top job in the film and television industry. But once there is a mistake, those newcomers will climb up mercilessly..."

"Oh, don't say it, it's scary. I know, I work hard, I work harder."


"Who are you, for whom, my comrade-in-arms, when will you return..."

"Changhong Group donated 10 million yuan!"

"Tai Chi Group donated 10.46 million yuan!"

"Time Media donated 10 million yuan (5 million woven bags, water, medicine)"

"Eileen Clothing donated 8 million yuan (5 million clothes, tents)"

In August, the floods were overwhelming.

CCTV held a charity performance for disaster relief. Divided into two teams, each with a program, and enterprises and institutions donated on site.

Mrs. Zhao is in the hospital and came here wearing a hospital gown; Pan Changjiang joked about his name...

Heart to Heart donated the most, with 4.5 million US dollars; then the Hong Kong Red Cross, 30 million;

A gala received donations worth more than 600 million yuan from all walks of life. Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas Chinese were also very enthusiastic.

This flood will last for three months, and 29 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions will be affected. The most serious ones are Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Hei, with a population of 223 million!

Xu Fei and Xiao Xu made a small contribution, and Zhang Li also donated supplies in the name of Longda.

In the face of nature, human beings are too small. The three of them are very low-key. This time the donation is returned, and they plan to assist the children of the disaster victims, build schools, etc. in the future.

After the party, Boss Xu went to the United States again, and "American Pie" will be released soon.


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