Since 1983

Chapter 960

In 1996, Marvel went bankrupt and reorganized.

The Jewish Avi Arad served as the head.

In 2006, this person stepped down and Kevin Feige took over. Just in time for the alternation of old and new heads, the relationship is a bit delicate, because both of them say that they are the creators of the Marvel universe.

Speaking of this year, Marvel should have signed an agreement with Merrill Lynch to raise a sum of money by pledging characters such as Thor and Captain America.

Buy back the copyright of Iron Man, and make a movie, start the empire.

The cost of "Iron Man 1" is about 140 million US dollars.

Now, this role was in the hands of New Line before, and the project was established, but it was put on hold due to the conflict between the director and the screenwriter, and Cactus bought it again.

According to Xu Fei's plan to buy one a year even with a loan, Xianrenzhang has four second-tier heroes.

Marvel wanted to open the universe, so they had to find cactus to cooperate.


It's March 1st.

Sure enough, the Olympic Organizing Committee issued an announcement: From now until July 31, it will solicit creative proposals for the opening and closing ceremonies from the whole society. Including ceremonies and cultural performances, as well as torch lighting blah blah  …

Orientation invited 13 teams and individuals, besides those mentioned above, there are Li An, Chen Dao, French ECA2 company, fireworks expert Cai Guoqiang, Guangdong team, China International Culture Group and so on.

Among them, the National Song and Dance Troupe, CCTV and Beiao Company actually formed a joint team with strong strength.

Gehua Company is a state-owned enterprise. In addition to its own plan, it also recruited Li An and Cui Jian to bid separately. In order to bloom more points and increase the selection rate.

Zhang Guoshi was also invited, and naturally joined forces with Times Media.

Director Chen went it alone.

After Xu Fei received the invitation, he deliberately resigned from the title of consultant, so as not to use the public to seek personal gain. The leader did not approve, but said that the young man is conscious!

Well, 40 year old lad.

This evening.

Courtyard No. 25 is brightly lit, warm and dry. Teacher Xu is taking care of the children.

Xiao Xu and Zhang Li were very happy when he postponed his trip to the south due to the Olympics. This Lanyin is really good at taking care of children, has a good temper, is patient, and knows how to do it.

After all, they are reborn post-80s.

A generation of parents has the characteristics of a generation of parents. In his previous life, his parents were born in their 60s. How many of them knew how to educate children in that generation? In other words, how many have educated children?

Especially those who have no culture...

But the people in the 80s and 90s are different when they become parents. Of course, we can’t say all of them. At least they have the idea of ​​education and guidance.

"Little dragon 120cm!"

"Tiger 122cm!"

"They're all big and tall, and you'll have to buy a ticket to go out in the future."

"Buy a ticket, buy a ticket!"

"We are adults now!"

After Xu Fei measured the height of the two of them, he sighed while laughing, "It's so fast, you will start elementary school next year."

"What happened to elementary school?" the daughter asked.

"It means that you are formal students. You can no longer mess around with those 4 or 5-year-olds. You have to look like a student. You will grow up, face competition, have your own little secrets and sentimental feelings, and many, many, many Operation……

Hey, what homework did you leave today? "

"Let me learn a song." The daughter said.

"What song is it?"

"The teacher said whatever, grandma taught me to sing."

"Yo, then sing it to me."

Xu Yuling cleared his throat decently, and pulled his younger brother's hand over to use it as a microphone: "Never blame fate for mistakes, and don't be afraid of how rough the journey is..."


He sang a few lines indistinctly, seemingly forgot the words, and changed another song: "Meeting you is actually like a dream, and I wake up without a trace..."


"All right, all right, good singing!"

Teacher Xu applauded, my mother, this song is taught very well.

But when you think about it, Zhang Guiqin must miss the 80s and 90s when facing the current pop music scene, just like she is facing the music scene of later generations.

He checked the time, it was almost time, and handed the child to Sister Lan.

I walked through the corridors and halls, walked through several bright doors, and arrived at a courtyard. A car just drove up outside the door, and a few people swished down.


"Your place is wonderful!"

"The big hermit hides in the city."

"And no cars and horses making noise!"

A few people headed by Zhang Guoshi sized it up, looking at that alley full of praise. Xu Fei, please come in, a small courtyard is elegant and quiet, a place dedicated to receiving guests.

The night in March is still very cool, with a small red clay stove, refreshments are ready, and everyone is seated.

Zhang Guoshi and two people from the team, two people from Times Media, one person from the film and television city, plus a female director, Wang Chaoge.

She didn't make a film and television drama, she worked with Director Zhang on "Impression·Liu Sanjie".

It's the first time I came here, and I was shocked by the environment. You can't imagine how simple and unpretentious the rich are!

Holding hot tea, Xu Fei saw how reserved some people were, and said with a smile, "We are going to compete for the opening ceremony, which will be handed in at the end of July, and the Olympic Organizing Committee will make the first round of selection in September.

The preparation time of 4 months is not long or short. Today is a meeting, let's talk briefly.

Director Zhang, tell me first? "

"Then I am throwing bricks and stones to attract jade. The Olympic Organizing Committee did not mention specific standards, but only generalized them into five items, such as innovation in form and use of high technology.

I think the core lies in innovation.

The image of Chinese people in the world, how should I put it, does not belong to a particularly individual one, but a collective and uniform one.

This is an old concept, so how do you view the Chinese people today?

I think it is full of personality, full of passion and full of romance, and this kind of display should run through all the details. "

"Yes, there are some familiar things from beginning to end now."

"It's easy for foreigners to say yes, because they don't understand. It's very difficult for Chinese people to say yes. I think this innovation is aimed at our audience."

"And let me remind you that there is a trap in thinking..."

Xu Fei said: "The more rare it is for China to hold the Olympic Games, the more I will have an idea: I finally have a chance, I have to bring all the good things at home and show them to everyone.

What good stuff?

Up and down five thousand years, classical China!

Here comes the trap: Chinese people see these things and see them vomit, and the audience can't applaud, just like what Chaoge said just now.

So first of all, whether you are doing classical China or modern China, you have to find something that even the Chinese are not familiar with, but it is extremely shocking. This is called innovation. "


Wang Chaoge's eyes brightened, and Mr. Xu lived up to his reputation.

The Olympic Opening Ceremony is too big, because it is so big, and everything needs to be included in the context. It is not easy to extract a guiding ideology!

"Secondly, we think from the opponent's standpoint that they should be similar.

China's history is too rich, it must be the core. And we have a problem, we can shoot the old ones, but not the modern ones...

If we want to stand out, we must be different. I think it should include several parts: classical China, the new achievements of reform and opening up, the spiritual outlook of the contemporary people, and the aspirations and achievements of China's integration with the world.

Based on these points, the word culture is generalized, why not raise it a bit? "


Everyone looked at each other and thought for a moment, Zhang Guoshi said: "Civilization?"


Xu Fei clapped his hands: "We not only talk about Chinese culture, but also about Chinese civilization!"

He dipped his fingers in water and wrote two big Chinese characters on the table:


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