Since 1983

Chapter 970 New Year's Eve

Zhang Guoshi naturally didn't know about these things.

The two came out of the conference room and went home separately.

The 28th is New Year's Eve, and the capital city in 2006 still has a bit of a New Year's flavor, with red in the severe cold, men and women, and merchants are desperately promoting sales.

As soon as the car passed by, Xu Fei spotted a small stall and said suddenly, "Stop!"

This stall is placed in the corner, I don't know whether to hide from the wind or hide from the city management. It is incompatible with those tall buildings, like a product that has been eliminated by the times.

The goods are very miscellaneous, including dried fruits, candied fruit, couplets, old almanac, and a small pile of stove candy.

The stall owner was a woman with a woolen hat and a red padded jacket, her face was flushed from the cold, she folded her hands and greeted warmly: "Brother, what do you want to buy?"


Xu Fei looked at it quite seriously. Xiao Mo first ordered a long strip of stove candy and a round candied melon.

The stall owner was disgusted: "Brother, just buy this? Buy more, and children can eat it as snacks!"

"Who uses stove candy as a snack now?" Xiao Mo asked.

"Why not! Poor people can't afford Balabala..."

"Okay, okay!"

Xiao Mo couldn't stand it anymore, so he picked a few more pieces.

Xu Fei really had nothing else to buy, so he also pointed to the pile of stove candy: "Just pretend it's all there."

"Hey, big brother is too bright!"

The stall owner packed them happily and divided them into two plastic bags.

Xiao Mo was still chattering while carrying it: "It feels like I haven't eaten this thing for several years, and my children don't like it... Hey, my children have never seen it!"

He paused, then confirmed: "I really haven't seen it, and I haven't bought it since I was born."

"It's all the same, just try it."

The two returned to the car, Xiao Mo looked at the lonely stall, and suddenly became emotional: "To tell you the truth, sometimes I feel that I am getting old."

"Are you 38 this year?"

"Well, I've been with you for ten years."

"Yeah, you also ran four."

"I always hear people say that if you stand at thirty, you will not be confused if you stand at forty. I will count it now, but what is it about not being confused?"

Xiao Mo took the philosophical route today, and said: "I feel that the more I run into forty, the more at a loss, and it's not that I'm at a loss, there is a kind of, uh..."

"Bored, can't get excited about anything."

"That's right! What reason did you say?"

"Your situation is called a midlife crisis."

Xu Fei enlightened his driver and bodyguard, and said with a smile: "There are two solutions, one is cheating, you find a pretty girl outside, and you must be passionate.

There is also a sense of accomplishment, a second spring in my career, and I feel that I have a new goal. You can think about it, I'll change your job for you? "


Xiao Mo is torn, tangled, tangled between the pretty girl and the new job...

"Forget it, I'm still in crisis!"


In the 1980s and 1990s, there was always a clamor to prepare new year's goods when the Spring Festival came, but now it's a bit worse. After another ten years, I don't even have the motivation to prepare new year's goods, and I don't know what to eat for the new year.

There is no need to prepare at home, the fruits, vegetables, meat and eggs from Zhuangzi are of high quality and quantity, and some are given to relatives and friends every year.

Xu Fei went back to Baihua Hutong, and carried a broken plastic bag into the yard. Xiao Xu, who was floating around, saw it first, and hurriedly shouted: "Dabao, Xiaobao, come quickly, I'll buy you something delicious!"


"Delicious! Delicious!"

Xiaolong appeared on a children's bicycle, and after a while, Xiaohu also appeared on a toy car.

The size of the house is too large, and it is really difficult to walk, and each of them has to find a means of transportation. Xu Yuling originally wanted to raise a pony, but after being beaten, he changed it into a bicycle. Of course, there are ponies too, and they are raised in the village in the countryside.

"what is this?"

"Stove sugar."


The two children looked at a bag of stove candy very magically.

"Mom and dad are gone?"

Teacher Xu took Xiao Xu down.

"Let's go, they are more fashionable than us, and they go abroad for festivals. We said it would be better to call him the boss, but it's not exhausting. I don't know who said that we go on vacation every year for one month, one month, one month... "

"Aren't you busy? After this part of the work is over, our family will go on a trip."

"You can tell her that, she will believe it anyway."

Xiaoxu stepped on the balance bike and floated away again.

The American Segway HT balance car was launched in 2002, with a maximum speed of 20 km/h.

The two children had already thrown away the stove candy, so Xu Fei went to find Zhang Li.

Zhang Li and Sister Lan are in Courtyard No. 25. The East Wing where Wu Xiaodong and Shen Lin lived has been converted into a huge kitchen. All kinds of New Year's goods are everywhere, and it seems that they have just been delivered.

The two were busy sorting and storing, and there were pigs, cows, sheep, donkeys, deer, quail, pigeons...

Teacher Xu wandered in and didn't have time to pay attention to him. He picked and looked at it by himself, especially the pile of meat, sheep, deer, quail, and pigeons were put together.

"Why put these together?" He wondered.

"That's all aphrodisiac."



Zhang Li looked up: "What are you doing when you take your seat?"

"Who, who, who is seated right! I'll just ask."

Sister Lan smiled.

Teacher Xu went over to help, picking green leafy vegetables, nagging about making pickles at night, not too greasy, and not necessarily eating meat.

After working for a long time, Zhang Li washed her hands: "How about the presentation?"

"Nine times out of ten."

"So confident?"

"It's already modest, I want to say 100%."

"That's great, we must celebrate!"

"When the official news comes out, it's not too late to celebrate. Take a break and stop spinning around."

Xu Fei found an apple and gnawed on it, and said, "I don't have anything to do these days, and I have to adjust, and I have to go to the battlefield on the first day of junior high school."

"Your film is very popular, we all want to see it."

"Then watch it, it's lively anyway."

Teacher Xu paused, and said, "We have to celebrate New Year's Eve, we haven't celebrated New Year like this for many years."


For the next few days, the family relaxed completely.

Xu Fei only went to the annual meeting, and then dropped by, played games, and took care of the children.

His Night Hunter was a match, and he had reached level 30. He even formed a team with Dayao once, but he didn't find Boss Wan Qianwan.

In addition to WOW, there is also a game called "Street Basketball", which I also played back then.

Very good at rubbing the heat, Xu Fei downloaded the game, and when he entered, he saw a big background image: Kobe, 81 points!

Blink of an eye to the 28th, New Year's Eve.

Firecrackers have been banned in the urban area for a long time, and there is no smell of nostalgic sulfur, only a light snowfall, which adds a touch of atmosphere.

Although there are few residents in Baihuashen, there are many gardeners, cleaners, etc., and they have signed contracts for long-term cooperation. The snow had just stopped, and the alley had been swept clean.

Red lanterns are hung along both sides. If it wasn't for fear of becoming a scenic spot, Xiaoxu would still study how to get some flowers to become a real place of flowers.

Lay in bed collectively today.

At about 9 o'clock, the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, and activities in the yard began.

Xiaolong and Xiaohu are very strange. In the past, they had to go to the Northeast or Chengdu for the Chinese New Year, and they had to go separately, and their children went to their homes. Or in the capital, grandparents come to accompany.

None this year, Xiao Mo went back to his hometown, and even Sister Lan went to find the old man.

Really a family of four.

(Thanks again to the new leader...)

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