Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1150: Also use all your strength

   "When your new products are officially on sale, that is, 15 days after the press conference, the number of production can reach 300,000. Next month, the total monthly production will be one million!" Jiang Yanhai raised a finger.

   One million mobile phones are produced in a month. This number is already terrifying, especially since Xiaomi’s previous sales volume did not have that much. Their sales of mobile phone products have declined more severely in recent years.

   Last year, their annual sales volume was only about 30 million units, but this includes their main flagship mobile phones, as well as other series, low-end products, and so on. The total series is only 30 million units!

   This number is definitely more than their sales, but if Jiang Yanhai can achieve all the performance he said, then Mr. Lei is also confident that their Xiaomi mobile phone sales will return to the top three!

   He can't guarantee the number one, but he is absolutely confident in the first three.

   It's just that Jiang Yanhai said that all the parts of the entire mobile phone were integrated in three days... Isn't this a bit too much? We must know that it will take them at least half a year to complete the design upgrade of the next generation of mobile phones, and the remaining half a year is to conduct various tests, and then finalize the model, and then launch a new mobile phone.

   is updated every year, but you tell me now for three days!

   Although the casing of the phone has not been replaced, even the screen has been replaced. This is actually no different from redesigning the phone.

   Three days... Is this our technical department fake?

"Academician Jiang Ling, is this three-day time too short? If your performance can be achieved, it can be finalized before the press conference. As for the output, I will be scolded for marketing by hunger after a big deal." Mr. Lei hesitated. , He could not say directly, but directly changed a statement.

   Jiang Yanhai smiled, and then said in a serious tone: "So Mr. Lei, have you decided? If you want to replace the hardware, there are some things I need to start preparing now."

   Lei took a deep breath. He pondered for more than ten seconds, and then he said without a word: "Okay! Let's replace the hardware, 800 million yuan, I bet."

Jiang Yanhai also smiled directly, a confident smile appeared on his cold face, and he pointed at himself and said: "I, Jiang Ling, 29 years old this year, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, completed the design of the Phantom series fighters, the Phantom series engines, female I can’t tell you the Wa system, the Pangu system, and some other things, but what I can tell you is that I can achieve these results at the age of 29. Therefore, I will go to your company’s technical department with you now. In three days, I Let you see a brand new mobile phone."

   Jiang Yanhai’s remarks of Lei Jun were stunned. Although he felt that three days was too nonsense, but think about the results in Jiang Ling's mouth, which one is not a damn? Although he didn't know what the Pangu system was, and there were still some things he couldn't know.

   When these things add up, it seems... more nonsense? In such a comparison, their mobile phone, which costs only a few thousand yuan, is... really not too difficult?

   Why do I have such a simple idea? This is obviously not simple at all!

   But when talking about the price, Mr. Lei suddenly reacted, “Academician Jiang Ling, I haven’t asked about one thing. According to what you said, if this mobile phone adopts these configurations, how much should we sell? The cost will definitely increase.”

   "Increase?" Jiang Yanhai smiled, "Just follow your original price. If I'm not mistaken, your original price is about 4999, which is a good price."

"How is this possible!" Mr. Lei couldn't help but exclaimed. At the price of 4999, their profit is really not much, and the cost is about 4,000. This is the pure mobile phone cost, which is not counted as operation. If you count these, their company's profit is very low.

   Now that Jiang Yanhai has greatly improved their original performance, can they still maintain this cost? Especially the 3-nanometer chip and the under-screen camera are the only ones in the world!

   "There is nothing impossible. What is the possibility of smashing the plate? I tell you, we are here to smash the plate." Jiang Yanhai smiled and said.

Mr. Lei: "..."

   To tell the truth, Lei always looked a little at the strong confidence of the beautiful academician in front of him, and he smashed the plate... it was really domineering.

   As for what plate to smash, this is definitely not a mobile phone, because the terminal consumption of mobile phones has never been the goal of others. Obviously, their goal is basically for the upstream industry chain.

  It is foreseeable that if their price and this configuration go out, it is estimated that all upstream manufacturers in the world will be crazy!

   There is no way, this is just to make trouble! How could it not be crazy!

   "Okay, since Academician Jiang Ling is confident, we will go all out." Mr. Lei took a deep breath and said without saying anything.

   "He Lu, help me get the phone." Jiang Yanhai turned his head and spoke to the other end.

"Yes." He Lu, who had been dressed as an ordinary assistant in the room over there, walked out with a mobile Yanhai took the mobile phone directly and called in front of Mr. Lei. A phone call.

"Gong Wu, it’s me Jiang Ling. I need to produce a 3nm lithography machine at the fastest speed. About one month later, the monthly output of 3nm lithography machine chips will reach one million. Two months later, this number will be the same. The hope is five million. If this number can be higher, better." Jiang Yanhai said after waiting for the call to be connected.

   This call is not to someone else, but to a special factory in charge of this aspect, or a state-owned enterprise. To be precise, it is an experimental enterprise of the military itself.

And the location of this enterprise is not in China, but in Daqin. Of course, the workers inside cannot be Daqin people, because Daqin people are currently not qualified for such high-tech jobs. The reason why Daqin was chosen is because of the workers in these factories. Some production lines have adopted special production lines, which have many new material applications, and their workers are all from the country.

   At present, the country is ready to start disguising Stargate.

   For example, the star gate to Daqin will continue to expand by about 1 meter in diameter, and the star gate to Song Kingdom, which is also a symbiotic star gate, will also expand by one meter in diameter.

   The two star gates will remain the same. The reason for this is to prepare to directly repair the tunnel-like device through the star gate.

   In short, if the diameter of the star gate is 16 meters, then a 15.5 m diameter tunnel will be built through the star gate. In this way, when vehicles pass through the star gate, you will not see the star gate at all.

  As long as the tunnel is long enough, in fact, the vehicle members passing through the tunnel don't even know that they have entered another world silently.

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