Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1470: Just dare to think

"However, as we all know, the thrust of the ion engine is very small, and it is only used in a vacuum environment to decelerate, or change orbit, or change direction. When most aircraft continue to accelerate in space, they still use chemical rocket propulsion. Of course, there is also an electromagnetic drive engine that is being demonstrated, but its possibility of success is not even as good as that of a nuclear fusion ion engine."

   "Then if you add a small ion engine to it, it should be able to fly in space, right?" Jiang Yanhai thought about it and asked.

   "If it is not a long flight, it is not difficult. For example, just like our built-in fuel, solid substances can be built-in and then converted into gas, and they can be compressed and injected."

   "But in this case, the flight time must be limited. And its system will be more complicated." Professor Hu said.

   "Little Jiang, what do you mean by asking this? It can't fly into space yet." Professor Liu asked with some confusion.

"Uh, in fact, two professors, you should be very clear. According to our current technology, it is not necessary to say that it is still being researched. It is the space shuttle that has been successfully researched and can actually fly into space with a heavier load. It shouldn't be a problem, right?" Jiang Yanhai said.

   "Yes." Both professors nodded.

   The space shuttles of Russia and the United States have been able to fly for decades. Now they can naturally launch larger space shuttles or rockets. This is not a problem.

"Then I have a question. If we put an aircraft carrier in space, the space station in space is not as small as it is now, but the size of an aircraft carrier, or even larger than that of an aircraft carrier. With pilots and a new generation of Phantom stationed, theoretically it can naturally reach the world at a faster speed." Jiang Yanhai expressed his thoughts.

   He really just came up with this idea. As for whether it is feasible or not, who knows?

In fact, this is nothing new. This is the same as the large-scale space stations in countless games, except that these things have more problems. Not to mention other things, the construction and operation of the entire space station will cost a lot of money. Human and material resources.

   As far as the current carrying capacity and cost of human beings are concerned, it cannot be played.

The two professors looked at each other, and then Professor Liu said helplessly: "Xiao Jiang, I know you are talking about the future, maybe we can achieve it within a few decades, but in fact, the current situation we are talking about is due to a certain For some reasons, you know we must at least achieve an absolute lead in the military."

   Jiang Yanhai nodded, "Well, it seems that I really think too much, but as far as the two of you are concerned, I support Professor Hu."

   "You little guy! If you don't talk about friendship, the two of us will meet first, right?" Professor Liu immediately began to speak a little depressed.

   "Professor Liu, don't worry." Jiang Yanhai couldn't help but smiled and said.

"Why don't I be in a hurry. Although we have sufficient funding for scientific research, we do not have so many capabilities to equip so many fighters, and there are still J20s. Now the J20 is in an embarrassing situation. Will you be dismounted soon?"

   "What do you dismount for? You can exit." Jiang Yanhai hurriedly said.

   "What you said is light." Professor Liu rolled his eyes. Although there is nothing wrong with the words, if the Phantom is more advanced, the J20 can actually be exported.

   Although it is said that after replacing all the engines and materials, the J20 can achieve the same performance as the Phantom, but that is meaningless.

   The functions of the two fighters are somewhat overlapped, so it is better to maintain its current configuration and export directly.

   Although it is indeed in an awkward situation in China, it is one of the most advanced fifth-generation machines in the world.

   Even Lao Maozi seeks to negotiate technically with it, but Lao Maozi is poor, so he can’t say how much to buy.

"In fact, Professor Liu, your idea has fallen into a misunderstanding. Let’s put it this way, the Phantom with brand new conventional power can now have a combat radius of 4,500 kilometers. Don’t you think Professor Liu can’t control most of the area. In fact, it can basically do it. Now, think about it, our country is big!"

   "The north-south distance is 5,500 kilometers, which means that we can control a total of 16,000 kilometers from north to south. This range can reach almost anywhere."

   "And the distance between the same things can reach more than 16,000 kilometers, because our airport can be built near our border, so that we can control more areas."

   "In fact, except for a few parts, most of our area can be covered."

   "We also have several military bases overseas, especially in Africa, which means that we reach all regions of Africa at the same time, including parts of Europe."

   "So in terms of fighter jets, even without an aircraft, we actually have enough."

   "What's more, we are not not building aircraft carriers, but the number is not so large. It is necessary to maintain at least 4 newest aircraft carrier battle groups."

   "I think nuclear-powered aircraft can be placed on larger aircraft instead of fighter jets, such as ultra-long-range transport aircraft and ultra-long-range strategic bombers." Jiang Yanhai said.

  Because the two are larger in size, the nuclear reactor power they can hold will be greater, and these aircraft are the most important. There is no shortage of nuclear materials in China, and in fact it is not just conventional nuclear materials.

   They also discovered some new nuclear materials. Although these new nuclear materials also have radiation, they can find materials with lower radiation and more stable energy. This is an improvement.

Professor Liu was stunned for a moment, and then he glanced at Professor Hu in an angry voice and said, "Yes, what am I doing with you? I can build strategic bombers and transport aircraft, and I can also provide technology for larger space shuttles. reserve."

   "This is what you want to fight with me." Professor Hu was a little bit dumbfounded.

   Jiang Yanhai smiled and did not join in. In fact, he can understand that Professor Liu and Professor Hu Jiang Yanhai were over 60 years old when they met them. Now Jiang Yanhai is 26 years old and has been in the army for 8 years!

   The two old professors are also in their seventies and will soon be eighty years old.

  Professor Liu has been engaged in fighter jets for a lifetime. When he got this new technology, he naturally thought about fighter jets first, because there were other people thinking about other airplanes.

   But they ignored it. Although there are other teams working on transport planes and bombers, the level of confidentiality of these teams is not so high. They don't have some new technologies.

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