Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 1520: Level 1

Since I was a special soldier, I started to punch in the first level of Chapter 1520. Accompanied by severe pain, Scorpion seemed to see that his arm was flying out countless. The severe pain came from all parts of his body, making Scorpion instantly. There is some trance in his spirit.

   Are you going to die? Is this the feeling of death?

   He has been injured, and they are all gunshot wounds. It is impossible for a person like them to be uninjured, but even so, when death really comes, he still has an invisible fear.

   That is derived from the fear of death by the life instinct, that is the last stubbornness contained in the bones of any kind of creature.

   Scorpion seemed to feel a sense of suffocation, pain, suffocation, and even many things he had experienced before seemed to come to mind... I don’t know why there was a smile on his face.


   "The other party’s brain fluctuates strongly..."

   "Heart rate is extremely high...... has exceeded 140......"

   "Surge in adrenaline secretion..."

   "Different functions of the body fluctuate..."

   "Part of the data has been controlled, first aid measures are prepared..."

The simulation warehouse has been opened, and several medical leaders from the military are waiting in a serious battle. Around them, there are students who are ready to assist these leaders to rescue them. The main reason is that these leaders are over 60 years old. NS.

   There is some physical work they won’t be able to use for long.

   There are at least seven or eight kinds of rescue equipment around the scorpion that can be backed up at any time. There are various equipment including ICU farther away, and there are more advanced artificial instruments that can replace the three internal organs of the human body at any time.

However, at present, the instruments they made can only artificially replace 3 human internal organs to maintain his life. Once more than 3, the bottom line of human physiology caused by chain internal organ failure will immediately collapse. , Even the ICU can't sustain his life.

   "The data is declining..."

   "The state is stable..."

   With the continuous loud calls of the surrounding medical staff, Scorpion's state seemed to quickly stabilize. During this process, Jiang Yanhai didn't say anything, but he turned on the data analysis system next to the whole process.

   During this process, his data analysis system at least analyzed and scanned more than 70 unreasonable designs, or better designs.

These data are the most critical. There are some things that cannot be considered thoroughly before being tested by humans. Unless the technology of the Red Star Engine is so high that you don’t know what level of technology, otherwise, human technology is still doing it. Not at that level.

   The current level is already at its limit, but the key technology in this level is enough to guard against the sky.

These key technologies are still unable to be solved by human beings. What they don’t know is that although Jiang Yanhai derived part of the core program, in fact the entire operation is still the Erdan borrowed supercomputer and then connected to the fantasy simulation program, the main calculation. Still in the fantasy simulation program.

   When the scorpion's body condition finally recovered, Jiang Yanhai also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't die. After this, he can do the second, third, and countless times.

   It would be a pity if people just use such a useful tool once and hang up.

   Scorpion has woken up, the part of his helmet has been taken off, and the doctor is examining him.

   About half an hour later, all the inspections of Scorpion were completed, including nuclear magnetic resonance, etc. All the inspection equipments here were all completed.

  Because there is only one person being tested here, these results naturally came out at that time. For example, the film was taken and the doctor was directly watching it. Of course, the speed was faster.

  Sometimes even the leaders of the country don’t have this treatment.

   Jiang Yanhai was already sitting opposite the scorpion. Scorpion didn’t need to know the result of the examination, but at the moment his state was somewhat exhausted, more of that was mental exhaustion.

   Looking at Jiang Yanhai, Scorpion remained silent. It took him a long time to speak calmly, "That's why you kept me alive?"

"Well, you have the blood of our comrades in your body, but you can let more of our comrades avoid death, so I can save your life." Jiang Yanhai's tone was calm, as if he was talking about irrelevant things, and he didn't. To deceive the scorpion.

   "You are really welcome." Scorpion's expression didn't know why it was somewhat bitter.

   "However, I have to say...your technology really impresses me, far beyond my imagination." Scorpion added.

   "In the past few years you have been in jail, the whole world has changed. If you go to jail until you are in your 60s and 70s and come out again, I promise you will not be able to imagine the changes in this world." Jiang Yanhai gave him a faint look.

"Well, with this thing, it is conceivable that your soldier's individual combat capability will be the world's first ~ if it can be popularized on a large scale." Scorpion itself is a veteran, he can At a glance, you can see how perverted this thing is.

   This **** is a real battlefield without loss!

   No amount of awesome training can be compared to throwing new recruits on the battlefield for a month. During World War II, how many recruits will quickly become veterans after only a few wars.

   Because death can give people the greatest transformation!

  You don’t want to die, you just have to work hard to live. Throwing on the battlefield how many things you can’t remember in the training ground, you can remember them once or twice, if you can’t remember them again? Sorry, no need to remember.

   Although this is not a real battlefield, at the moment of his final death, Scorpion really felt the fear of death. He believed that all soldiers who had undergone this training were more reliable than any other training.

   "Can you talk about the shortcomings you feel?" Jiang Yanhai did not answer his question, but directly asked.

"The sense of touch has been done very well, but it still needs to be strengthened. The other is the sense of smell and taste. I don’t know if you can solve it, but I didn’t feel it. Except for the first time, everything else is good, including even the temperature of the object you have simulated. Almost." Scorpion was silent for a long time before speaking.

   Jiang Yanhai nodded, what you are talking about is nonsense, such as temperature, and the touch can be solved by the tight clothing covering the whole body, as long as the algorithm is powerful enough, but the sense of smell and taste is really no way for the time being.

The nerve signal of smell really cannot be solved, and it can't be solved. If this thing is done, it is likely to cause a person's smell and taste nerve disorder, which is too harmful to a person, unless their technology can fully reach the red star Engine level.


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