Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 237: Don't you go

When he landed, Song Kaifei wanted to come by himself, but Jiang Yanhai made several gestures with one hand. After hesitating, Song Kaifei decided to let Jiang Yanhai come by himself.

Landing is harder than taking off. The students of aviation school usually learn these two first, but their teaching is not a normal way of teaching, so Jiang Yanhai doesn’t know what the simulator looks like. As a result, the real plane has already flown a lot. Circled.

I didn't learn to take off and land.

Of course, Song Kaifei didn't know that Jiang Yanhai had no problem taking off. He had learned all the emergency takeoff methods, so don't talk about normal takeoff.

He has taken off more than 70 times, but if he landed... not once.

If you have to say yes, does a crash landing count?

But landing is actually not difficult, as long as the control is steady, everything is easy.

Song Kaifei's hands were always near the joystick, and he was ready to take over at any time, but until Jiang Yanhai landed the helicopter smoothly, all procedures were meticulously completed until the communication power supply was turned off.

Song Kaifei was a little shocked to discover that this animal was actually completed.

"You bullcha!" This time Song Kaifei really gave Jiang Yanhai a thumbs up. This buddy is so awesome. Can this helicopter really be learned in 7 days?

"No, brother, I called your brother, or you don't go to the aviation school, aren't you bullying? As far as your learning speed is, the students over there don't want to die." Song Kaifei said.

"It's okay if you don't go, or else you teach me systematically." Jiang Yanhai thought for a while.

"No, then you should go. Today is the last day of the holiday. We will start training tomorrow. Our training tasks are also very heavy. We must achieve the goal of actual combat in the fastest time." Song Kaifei directly shook his head.

Stop making trouble, if I promise you, I will be tired of training every day. After the end, I have to be that thing for you, the third planet in the solar system?

Forget it, you should go to harm the students of the aviation school.

"You guy, let you help me but you won't help." Jiang Yanhai rolled his eyes, "Go."

"Why are you going?" Song Kaifei asked.

"Go for dinner, it's the last day of the holiday today. I called those guys and told you to have dinner. Let's have a meal together." Jiang Yanhai said with a smile.

"No problem. Hey, this is fine, okay, you still have a bit of conscience." Song Kaifei smiled triumphantly.

The two greeted Fan Tianlei together and left directly.

Seeing the two people changing their casual clothes, a storm surged in Fan Tianlei's heart, and he picked up a report on the table.

How could the little movements of the two of them be concealed? There are flight recorders on the helicopter, although the thing is generally not checked, if you want to fool it, you can indeed fool it.

However, Fan Tianlei specifically explained that the people on the ground side could not ignore it.

Looking at some of the operation records on this, if the previous days were considered normal, Jiang Yanhai played a role similar to Xinfei, but on this last day, besides taking off, he could completely say that he flew down by himself. .

7 days!

Does the training of a helicopter pilot only take 7 days? !

Although it is impossible for other places to give Jiang Yanhai so much power like Langya, the speed is a bit too scary! The most important thing is that I didn't do anything in the previous few days, just like the instructor took him to fly a few times in the sky!

If this is so fast, can it be so difficult to train Chinese pilots?

Or can it be that difficult to train pilots all over the world?

This kid really gave so many surprises.

After pondering for a while, Fan Tianlei put this document away. The aviation school should go to it, because there is a systematic study in it. People like Jiang Yanhai will only become stronger after systematic study!

And although Song Kaifei is also an excellent pilot, it is certainly not as good as the veteran pilots who have been flying for decades in the aviation school in aspects such as special handling and teaching of crisis situations.

Jiang Yanhai rarely did self-training, but flew out with Song Kai. There were a group of twelve people, including Chen Shanming. After all, this is the team leader, and everyone will be a real combat team in the future.

Although Jiang Yanhai is not counted as within the scope, but he came out of a training camp, this feeling is still there, not to mention this guy is the one who treats you, okay?

Everyone didn't drink alcohol, they all used drinks instead of alcohol. Even if they were on vacation, they could not drink alcohol. They might drink it secretly, but they still have this self-control.

Alcohol can numb people's nerves and slow down people's reaction speed.

For them, the reaction may be as slow as a few tenths of a second, and the end is the failure of the mission, and the cost of each mission failure is either the life of the teammate, or the life of their own, or even the life of the hostage.

After eating this meal, everyone will officially start training tomorrow, and naturally they will return to the base in the evening.

The next day, everyone got up in the morning, but what was surprising was that the notice was that everyone wore regular clothes.

Everyone has some accidents, but this is a notice. Everyone only needs to obey the order. Everyone wears their normal clothes directly, and then they line up neatly.

After eating breakfast, everyone was a little shocked to discover that, except for several special operations teams in combat readiness, all of them wore regular uniforms!

Then everyone was taken directly to the auditorium of the special operations brigade base. After entering the auditorium, there was no special arrangement here, but at first glance, I am afraid that this matter is also very grand.

The Spike Brigade, aside from all the soldiers on duty, all came.

On the front podium, there were not only tables and, but also famous brands, and obviously leaders of the military region came over.

"What's this for?" Song Kaifei and the others are all inexplicable.

"I don't know." He Chenguang and the others were also a little confused. They just came back from the holiday the next day. Of course they didn't know what they were doing.

They wanted to ask Chen Shanming, but Chen Shanming didn't sit with them, so they couldn't ask.

Although military ceremonies are sometimes grand, they are also very fast.

When all the soldiers were seated, they soon saw the leader of the Spike Brigade, the brigade commander, the deputy brigade commander, the political commissar, and the chief of staff Fan Tianlei they were most familiar with. These people have come, and not only that, There are also several leaders from the military area on the platform.

For example, Lieutenant General Gao Shiwei, who they had met before, also came.

After everyone sat down, the political commissar came up to announce the purpose of the meeting.

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