Sky Dungeon

Chapter 147: Put down wind ears for the magic flute

   Feelings are all about their own minds. Everyone obviously didn't take the copy seriously. So what is Zhao Jiaxue thinking? Is it still entangled with Yun Yiyi playing games in the same bed in my room? Now that Jinwu Cangjiao has settled down, if it continues to develop, wouldn't it be necessary to enjoy the blessings of everyone?

Thinking of this, Jing Tian suddenly shook his head, not because his thoughts were too terrible and easy to commit crimes, but because the figure of the woman suddenly appeared in his mind for some reason, although her appearance was absolutely everything Jing Tian knew. The top of the women, but what Jing Tian remembers more deeply is what she said before: "You'd better not have a relationship beyond friendship with the person you live with, including the man. You should be clear about my method, Although I don't want to use it, you are my man after all. You still can't change this fact."

   Although Jingtian dared to strive for freedom, he did not want to drag the two women around him who care about him. Especially, to them now, that woman can be regarded as a supreme queen, an existence like force majeure. Once she is forced to rush her, maybe Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi will all evaporate!

   At this moment, Zhao Jiaxue's voice was a little nervous and said: "There are other players here!"

   "Where, where?" Yang Miaomiao looked around curiously.

   "Uh...what's the situation?" Jing Tian also became alert.

   "We didn't move just now, but there was a slight spatial fluctuation sound in my headset." Zhao Jiaxue explained.

   "Should it not be the footsteps of the monster? I didn't hear it." Yu Yan reminded gracefully.

   "Of course not, my professional skills can hear the voice of the surrounding players, and this voice is definitely different from the monster."

   Zhao Jiaxue is right, there is indeed a passive skill that enhances the perception of surrounding players among the flutemaster's 30-level skills: sound magic.

   First-order tone magic, passive skills, the hit rate of all negative skills increased by 5%, the character has a special hearing display to the sounds of the invisible characters around. This skill is simply to install the wind ear for the magic flute, and it is one of the extremely rare ways to perceive the stalker. After all, sneaking is not simply invisible, but to escape into the void. In theory, there is no footsteps, only a special spatial fluctuation sound.

   "I was stared at." Yun Yiyi coldly concluded.

   "Mozu?" Said that he was being targeted, Luo Xiahao did not hesitate to suspect that it was on the head of the Mozu. After all, Alliance players in the dungeon were forbidden to PK, even in the killing mode.

   "It's possible, but I don't know how many people there are, or whether it has surrounded us. Everyone walks with me, first walk slowly, and when you see me running, everyone will follow." Jing Tian instructed.

In PVP, if you suspect that you are being targeted by a stalker, the best way is to evacuate. Once you evacuate, the opponent will definitely move. Jing Tian chose a more secure evacuation method, pretending to continue to spawn monsters, and move in the direction where there are no monsters. , Vigilantly check the surrounding situation and run after making sure that there is no ambush.

   "Damn it, it seems to have been found, they have started to evacuate." The man's voice was a little depressed.

   "Which direction? Everyone acted in advance and tried to stop them!"

   "Coordinates 1371x, 642y, moving towards 11 o'clock." The man manipulated the character to chase, while reporting the situation.

   "It should have been discovered. If you are returning to the city, you should choose the same way to return. Don't lose it, don't let them go offline forcibly."

   "Boss rest assured, we are three stalkers, how can we let them run away." The man looked at his teammates, and his voice revealed a hint of confidence.

   "Report your coordinates in real time and the direction in which they are moving." The voice of the man who is not called the "boss" has an irresistible meaning.

On Jing Tian’s side, it didn’t take long to confirm the fact that he was being targeted, and it was the demons, because just now, a team of demons chased up from the side, and Jing Tian changed direction and avoided The collision with them.

   "Slag faction." Yun Yiyi seemed to be clairvoyant, but she was the only one who could see the enemy's ID.

   The hearts of everyone are suddenly clear, indeed, if there are demons who are full and run to the 7th floor of the dungeon to contain them, then there will only be the Slag faction family! After all, there are no other tribal alliance players here. If the Mozu organization hunts and upgrades here, the efficiency will be so low that it is suspicious of game life and lose the confidence to upgrade.

   "How many enemies are there?" There was no panic in Yu Yan's elegant voice.

   "No less than 8 people, there should be at least 3 stalkers following us just now." Zhao Jiaxue's voice was filled with worry.

   "I'm doing it! It turned out to be 3 stalkers. If they were to launch a surprise attack just now, our mouse must have returned to the city." Luo Xia listened to it, deliberately using a ridiculous tone.

   "Uh... 80% wanted to wipe out us, so I didn't rush to shoot."

  "6 vs. 8, it's better to stop and wait for a wave and send them back to Yang Miaomiao seems to be quite confident in his own strength.

"It should be more than these people, none of the team that I saw in Lost Falls last time showed up. We stopped and tried hard to get it right. They have suffered a lot, and this time they should not come here for nothing." Jing Tian analyzed Dao, of course, why Jing Tian knows this is also thanks to the feedback that Yun Yiyi gave him in reality.

   As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of footsteps not far ahead. Everyone looked at the direction of 10 o'clock, and it turned out that a team of demons came in their direction. Jing Tian quickly led the team in disguise and ran towards the passage at 2 o'clock.

"The situation is not good, I am afraid that there are more people on the other side than expected. We always enter the battle because of the monsters, and we can't go offline. We can only go to the nearest safe area, hide and leave the battle and immediately go offline." It seems that there is no fighting spirit. Before, he called the most PK in the field, but now he encounters a strong enemy, he is resigned.

   "Coward, where did the momentum go?" Zhao Jiaxue didn't have a good air.

   "Sister, I have been in society, so I naturally understand the truth that more people bully fewer people, and fewer people turn around and run away." Luo Xia seemed to be proud of her previous experience in the underworld.

   "Yes, the glory of a knight is not only in victory, but retreat is also a way to protect the people!"

   Yu Yan’s elegant voice was humbly and fake, Jing Tian couldn’t believe his ears even when she heard it. Could it be that Yu Yan had some feelings because of the stupidity of the saint in the knight career mission? Obviously not!

Jing Tian took a look at the channel chat log and confirmed that what he said just now was indeed from the Queen of the Sword Cavalry. Then he said in an incredible tone: "Damn it, you even said to run away, too abnormal, you are Isn't something hiding from everyone?"

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