Sky Dungeon

Chapter 160: Kunpeng

   "Ah? Doesn't that mean that there will be no combat power in the future?" There was a hint of disappointment in the tone of the unicorn Taurus.

"That's not the case. Our guild is preparing to alliance a group of small guilds and subletting our guild residences to them to form a common defense body. Although the strength of the alliance is not as high as the sky, it is definitely not comparable to the general guild." Tian decided to clarify his own development ideas to the other party, and he was not afraid that the other party would follow suit. In fact, only small guilds would do this for survival. The big guilds have this kind of leisure and elegance, and they can form one. The group guild came out.

   "How feasible is this kind of alliance? Why do others believe you and partner with you?" The voice of the two-tailed Scorpio was full of doubts.

   "One hundred percent," Jing Tian replied firmly.

   "Haha, do you think we are elites?" As soon as the unicorn Taurus spoke, he seemed to have readily agreed with Jing Tian's guild line. At this time, even the other people in the team immediately used the team's voice to ask, wondering why he was so optimistic about the development of Qiyunluoxue Guild.

   One-horned Taurus just replied: "I feel that this person is extraordinary."

   Is it unusual to sit on a well and watch the sky? Everyone in the team looked at their captain with surprise. Although they had their own ideas, they all respected the decision made by the captain.

   "You are not elites!" Jing Tian's cold words made everyone's chins almost fall to the ground as soon as he uttered, but before everyone could react, Jing Tian continued: "You are the elites of the elite!"

   Hearty laughter...

Everyone in Qiyun Luoxue has secretly cursed Jing Tian's insidiousness in their hearts, and Luo Xia even cursed in the team channel: "I'm fucking! Frog, what are you nervous about, what suspense are you playing, you are not afraid to make them angry," Where can we find such a good team of players?"

   "By the way, how do you know that they have other intentions when looking for us to learn from each other?" Zhao Jiaxue curiously asked, women really have a gossip heart!

   "Uh...Do you still remember that someone asked how to join our guild outside the door of the level 25 dungeon yesterday? Do you remember the name of the person who asked the question?"

   "One-eyed Aries." Yun Yiyi said coldly, it seems that only she and Jing Tian paid attention to the player's name.

"Yes, it's Aries. At that time, I thought he was like a Pastor Shennong, so I answered his question. I didn't expect that he would run to the 7th floor of the Dungeon to find us today. So when I saw them in the Dungeon, I It was concluded that their intention was to join our guild. I didn’t expect them to be so serious about their work. They would also need to examine our strengths. Through discussions and challenges, the two sides would recognize each other, and the guild’s development concept should be examined. It was a seamless and serious approach. But a pity Their current level is only 28, and I really want to bring them in now. In fact, I just thought that even if they couldn’t get in, let them agree with our philosophy, maybe they can still alliance with their guild in the future, but now it seems , I think about this a lot."

   However, Zhao Jiaxue was completely aware of the wrong meaning, and directly spoke on the current channel: "Unfortunately, you did not reach level 30. Our boss said yesterday that you can only join our guild until level 30 today. If you are not qualified, you should choose another guild."

   The five members of the Constellation Party were completely dumbfounded, and the team was in an uproar. They didn't understand what Zhao Yunxue'er was singing. Jing Tian was even more dumbfounded. They didn't understand what Zhao Jiaxue's jumping thinking was thinking at all!

"Uh... Xueer, you seem to have a wrong memory. I never said that you can join our guild until level 30 today. If you are at level 30 today, you can come to the 7th floor of the dungeon to find me. Of course you can also tomorrow. , The day after tomorrow is also welcome. It’s just that the players at the gate of the instance would be wrong.”

   After listening to Jing Tian’s explanation, the faces of the Constellation Party were relieved. Last moment, the Scorpio Scorpio had even rushed forward and scolded Zhao Yunxueer!

Naturally, the unicorn Taurus also knew that their level could not join the guild for the time being, so they added friends to each other with Jing Tian, ​​and agreed that the five of them would formally join the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild as soon as they reached level 30. Tiankai’s blindfold method of upgrading to level 30 today is true. After all, this is also a condition that Jing Tian can't figure out on a whim. Even the most efficient demons today may not be able to reach level 30.

"Farewell now." Jing Tian said goodbye faintly. After all, Qiyun Luoxue still needs time to continue to upgrade. After all, his level has been surpassed by the woman Yu Yan. Thinking of this, Jing Tian would fly to Cambridge. The urge to do something excessive to Yu Yan, but unfortunately because of the reason that she ran away from home, she couldn't even get a passport, let alone go abroad, unless she smuggled over...

He shook his head secretly in his heart, and he directed everyone to start moving to the Union City Station. There is no powerful long-distance teleportation function in the Sky Dungeon fastest way to reach between cities It is the post. The inn is bred by a group of docile beasts that look like an enlarged version of peace doves in reality. The name of this beast is Kunpeng. After being tamed by humans, they carry a sturdy wooden house on their backs to carry guests.

   Kunpeng has a good sense of direction and memory. Like real pigeons, they all have a fixed flight route and can effectively travel between cities. However, relatively, those who use them need to pay a high price: meal tickets.

   That’s right, it’s not a ferry ticket or a bus ticket, it’s a meal ticket. Anyone who wants Kunpeng to take off must fill their stomachs, otherwise they will never leave the ground.

At the beginning of the design of Kunpeng, Jing Tian was also asked all kinds of strange questions by Zhao Jiaxue, so that after he finally sorted out the answers to these questions, he formed the history of domestication of Kunpeng this beast, which shows Zhao Jiaxue’s gossip. How serious is the heart?

Jing Tian once wrote: Kunpeng this beast is known as the strongest beast on the continent of Aiyingsi. Their passive skills, King Kong is not bad, and can resolve all physical and magical damage within a certain period of time, but Kunpeng is naturally peace-loving. Never participate in any disputes. The history of Kunpeng’s domestication is actually a history of taming the human race. Kunpeng is so lazy to eat and drink everywhere, and is not welcomed by other races. Only the nobles in the human race like to raise this huge creature very much, showing their love An illusion of peace. In order to allow the nobles to raise themselves for a long time and not to be disgusted by the common people of the human race, the spiritual individual in Kunpeng actually came up with a method to carry the human race to and from the city. This method has to be said to be very effective. With the continuous evolution of history, Kunpeng has also become a means of transportation to and from the main cities of various races.


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