Sky Dungeon

Chapter 182: Endless mountains and rivers, headless, willows and flowers are bright and an army

Soon after, when the BOSS used Earth Splitting Strike again, everyone seemed to have negotiated and generally slammed their long-range attacks on the headless knight. After interrupting the BOSS's actions, the melee profession swarmed up. Going up, everyone's skills have finally cooled down, and a new round of skill bombing has arrived as scheduled. However, at this time Jing Tian's skills have all entered the cooling down, he has already withdrawn from the battle circle with a crossbow in his hand and constantly attacked. Just after everyone’s bombardment, the way the village woman changed weapons was changed. She no longer used the space ring, but directly equipped the weapon from the package after leaving the battle, and the boss was ready to attack one of the people in the distance. At that time, the next blow of the village woman stopped the BOSS.

That’s right, Jing Tian didn’t ask the village women to put all their weapons in the space warehouse. After all, he anticipated the situation at this time. Although he could find someone to cooperate with the village women just like himself, as time goes by, I’m afraid except No one can achieve perfect cooperation, so if there is a mistake, the group may be destroyed. Therefore, he still chooses a more secure method. Once his skills enter the cooldown, they will be attacked by the crowd. When the skills are empty, the village women will continuously exchange weapons to interrupt the BOSS action, and this type of out of combat combat The method proved that the hatred value of the BOSS was not accumulated at all, and the BOSS had no tendency to launch a skill attack on the village women.

Subsequently, the BOSS strategy went on very smoothly. It is worth mentioning that during the entire one-hour strategy, the team was not without casualties. The one-armed Cancer heroes died time and time again. After all, most of the werewolf heroes are melee heroes. Once the BOSS sends out a cracking attack, The werewolf hero is determined to die. I have to say that the BOSS attack is quite domineering, making the One-armed Cancer very helpless. Although he wants to summon a long-range hero, the current summoning heroic skills is too low, not enough to exaggerate the race summoning, only time and time again. He watched his hero die, and waited until the skill cooldown was over before continuing to summon.

However, after all, it took too long to attack the BOSS, and everyone was slow to respond due to fatigue. Jing Tian immediately arranged for a person to replenish water and take a short rest, taking advantage of a frantic bombardment after everyone’s skill cooling was completed. Jingtian also instructed the village women to replenish water and take a break. Of course, the so-called rest is the effort of taking off the VR equipment and drinking a glass of water. The village women know that everyone’s skills will be empty before long, although at this time everyone deliberately lowered the frequency of attacks and cooperated with each other to interrupt the boss’s actions. , To maximize the rest time for village women.

Soon, the village woman returned to the game. During her absence, everyone played in fear. Although there were many people, due to the lack of deployment and continuous interruption, everyone’s skills hit and interrupted more times at the same time, which seemed a bit wasteful. . It's not that Jingtian can't arrange the interruption sequence, but so many people are easily confused, and the higher the relay frequency, the easier it is to make mistakes. The role of village women's return is quite obvious, and the rhythm of the boss strategy has stabilized again.

However, everyone thought they could kill the BOSS so peacefully, but a few minutes later Jing Tian and they found a group of players coming here in the distance. Although they were not demons, Jing Tian and the others still could not determine the relationship between enemy and friend. , After all, there is also the existence of the Guild of Riding Clouds and Falling Snow in the Alliance. Still the same sentence: Muxiu will be destroyed by the forest wind, and everyone who is higher than the level must be wrong!

Life is unsatisfactory, the Ming dynasty spreads a fart, and Ziwu will talk about it later, and must not let the enemy's conspiracy succeed!

"The village woman and I suppress the BOSS, and the others are on guard. If they are here to find the fault, then I will give them the BOSS as a cannonball." A weird smile appeared on the corner of Jing Tian's mouth. If Luo Xia looked at Jing Tian's signature style The action must bury his cunning again. The reason why he is a sinister guy in the eyes of Luo Xia and others is not only that he does not show up on the design of the game, but also that when he deals with some emergencies, he always makes some unexpected cruelties. Spicy means.

However, things are often unexpected. The alliance players who come to the league are obviously not in the PVP lineup. Most of the players are armed with long-range attack weapons. It seems that some teams don’t even have a healing career. Some of them voiced in the current channel: "Sure enough Yes, someone is here to kill the world boss!"

What this person said is definitely not Chinese or Russian. Most women in China can recognize it immediately. They speak Korean! Is it a Korean?

Before everyone thought about the answer to this question, these Alliance players had already stood at the furthest output position and chanted skills towards the headless knight. In the next moment, countless ranged skills were overwhelmingly hit on the BOSS.

A moment ago, Jing Tian was afraid that there would be some moths in the final runaway stage of the BOSS, and the output was not enough. Now a group of boss picking up has appeared, which can be regarded as an increase in the odds of winning. It's true: There is no head in the end, and there is another army!

"Are you or North Korean?" One-horned Taurus asked on the current channel.

"I’ll do it! Do you have to ask this question? North Korea only has a local area network. Although Sky Dungeon is available globally, it is actually impossible to promote the game in some restricted areas. After all, many people buy it. I can't afford this game VR suit, don't you?" Luo Xia arbitrarily inferred from the current channel.

"That's not the case. As far as I know, North Korea has a lot of players in Sky Dungeon this time." The unicorn Taurus didn't seem to be finished.

"I'm doing it! How could it be possible? Did they learn to climb the wall?" Luo Xia asked incredulously.

"According to the information I have, most Koreans have moved to the demons. I am afraid that only North Korean players can form an organization. They should be professional players in the true sense, and they are national public players, set up by the North Korean government specifically The game public office for the purpose of earning money.” The King of Sword Cavalry explained elegantly. She is considered the easiest one today. She is determined not to use weapons other than swords. Even Jing Tian has no choice but to make arrangements for her. She is responsible for the surrounding vigilance, and when she has skills, she will output BOSS with everyone.

"What? Just kidding." Luo Xia felt that the world was too crazy, and some things were beyond her expectations. He didn't know that at this time, Jing Tian was not surprised by this. It seemed that North Korea would set up such a money-making game department in his expectation.

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