Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1831: Stunned

What's more, even if you stay up late, the task may not be able to speed up much.

   After all, this task can't be completed by advancing overnight, even if it is overnight, after the next day's rest, you will have to face the new Hydra!

What's more shameless is still behind. After advancing to the Forgotten Falls map, the world boss there will be alarmed by the Jiuying car, as long as it is swiped out, it will attack the car, regardless of other players. Attack Jingtian's group for no reason!

  Emotional Jiuying’s little brother and world boss!

   Jing Tian and they are tragically facing the double blow of the boss and the nine-headed monster!

   Do not underestimate the low-level world BOSS. As we said before, the BOSS will quickly increase the level after meeting the high-level players, and directly equal the most senior players, and the combat power will immediately increase.

  Every time I get entangled by the world boss, more than half an hour passed...

   So, the speed of advancing is even more sluggish!

   Although the live broadcast is on, so that players from all over the world can see how ridiculous the game is, but the players complain about it, and none of them are filled with outrage.

   After all, BOSS in this world is not a mortal plot, and there are many people who brush BOSS on the current map, don't face them alone.

It’s not a matter of hanging up high, it’s okay to eat it as a melon. Even fans are happy to watch the live broadcast of the Empress and Feng Ji for a period of time. This kind of opportunity is particularly rare. Secretly happy, and even like Kitian Nongjing, hoping that more and more BOSS like this!

   So, in the next period of time, funny things happened. Many players simply watched the Jiuying car and waited for the BOSS to deliver it!

   If you don’t guard by the Jiuying’s carriage, you have to rush over here later, everyone will naturally learn to stand by the sidelines!

  The only advantage of this is that Jing Tian and the others don't have to go frantically to clean the surrounding bone crocodiles, as long as they wholeheartedly deal with the Hydra that jumps out of the chariot from time to time.

   However, after the BOSS came to the door, he still couldn't ignore it. You must know that the BOSS can attack the nine-infant car, and after the car is attacked by the BOSS, it will release more basilisks!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   This makes Jing Tian and others very collapsed. If you don’t make a move, let the BOSS blast at will, then the Hydra spawned will be enough for Jing Tian They cleared it for half an hour...

   didn't pay attention at first, Jing Tian and others were planning to stay out of the matter. After witnessing the scene of BOSS spawning Hydra, everyone regretted their intestines!

   The problem that makes everyone more headaches is still behind, how can I go offline to sleep?

   If you go offline and sleep, if no one is guarding nearby, I'm afraid the BOSS can do whatever it wants. When it goes online the next day, I'm afraid it will have to clean up for a few hours!

   It seems that this task has become a hot potato. I can’t eat it. I throw it away and I have to pick it up and eat it when I wake up tomorrow morning. Do you think it’s nauseating?

   Jing Tian made a decisive decision, let the Empress and Feng Ji mobilize the fans, arrange a team of people here to help the night watch, and give the other party black gold compensation, so as not to make them busy.

   There are fan groups, but there are some benefits. The power of Internet celebrities is sometimes quite reliable.

   However, when I went online the next day, Jing Tian almost fainted...

   That's right, the Hydra mobs are next to the car.

  Although I asked the team on duty and didn't release water to let the BOSS attack the Jiuying car, somebody came to make trouble!

   And it's not from the Blue Wolf Group who ran here, but from the demons!

   Mozu players didn’t know if they paid attention to the live broadcast and discovered the problems, so they took advantage of the emptiness.

   is really a group of all-pervasive pests. When they find a small tree sapling, they will rush to destroy it.

   It seems that the players who don't want Jing Tian to participate in the Battle of the Gods are not only the Soul of the Blue Wolf!

   The power owners of the demons probably also regard Jing Tian as their greatest enemy.

   So, Jing Tian took everyone to clear the Hydra for a long time, and in the process of cleaning up the BOSS that was constantly refreshed, this is a rhythm that is difficult to move!

   After one day, the Jiuying stroller didn't advance for many meters at all. Although everyone can see the mountain where the dry water curtain cave is located from a distance, the distance is like a world apart.

   This task is simply not done by ordinary people, kicking the patio and making it out is to pit oneself and a group of people!

   I am afraid that the power of Internet celebrities is also included...

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   In the next week, everyone in Jing Tian tasted the most frustrated time in the game's career. There is no way to reverse the situation, so they can only bite the bullet Continue to brush monsters to advance the Jiuying car.

Even if some people feel sorry for the voice of the Empress and Fengji, they will soon be complained by world players: "This is self-made, this kind of only task is inherently difficult, and it would be good if there is no mortal plot constantly! What can I complain about, no? Give it to me!"

   "That is, the greater the effort, the greater the gain. Since it is the only task, it is meaningless to complete it casually!"

   "I think the emperor is not in a hurry and the **** is in a hurry. You see that the female emperor is so do you have to complain here?"

   "The female emperor is mighty, long live the female emperor!"

Yes, when the crowd was in the water, the empress was having fun. This guy is really an alien. She doesn’t know that she is tired. She flies a kite very wildly, and a group of Hydras are behind him, like a group of children. In catching up with his mother in general.

  Looking at such a scene, the people who had been willing to spit out a few words died down...

   However, at this moment, all the players who watched the live broadcast directly screamed: "I'm doing it! Cheating!"

   The same thing was almost said by Jing Tian at the same time...

   It's not because of anything else, it's because all the Hydras in front of you have evolved directly!

   After the evolution, the Hydra's all attributes have been improved, making it even more difficult to deal with!

  This will undoubtedly make Jing Tian and their advancing speed directly become the turtle speed...

   Fortunately, at this time, the Jiuying car has been pushed to the foot of the mountain, as long as the car is pushed up the mountain road, then you will not be harassed by the boss again!

   This is the way up the mountain, but it makes everyone in Jingtian feel ashamed.

After all, the road to the mountain is relatively narrow. As long as the adult Hydra shows up, it must be killed by a battle of positions, and it does not require much action skills, so it lacks combat skills in the battle. More importantly, there is no meat in the Jingtian team. Shield, it is naturally more difficult to fight a positional battle.

   The most hurriedly involved are naturally a few wet nurses, the skills of milk blood are endless, and they fall on Jing Tian.

   As the only mature male, this kind of physical shield beating can only fall on Jing Tian.

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