Sky Dungeon

Chapter 218: Infinite sprint

What Liu Yaya said was true. She was thinking about adding a crossbow to the package today. Now that she has such an orange weapon, she resolutely chose to give it up, which is naturally regarded as cut love. However, Jing Tian didn't take it seriously. To Liu Yaya, this orange martial arts piece was simply **** handicrafted in his mind. Throwing it to himself would be more effective as rubbish. So, he didn't even have to say the kind words, and directly won the [Wind Night Crossbow] with ROLL points.

When Sit Jing Guan Tian first approached the third jade gate, a system prompt popped up on the VR screen: Your team seems to be very struggling, if you continue the dungeon there may be a very high risk of destroying the group, please choose to continue or give up !

"Sister God, is this your GM colleague despising us?" Yang Miaomiao couldn't laugh or cry.

Contempt is also despised, what on earth is the key system based on judging that everyone cannot pass the level? Is it grade and equipment rating? Or is it the occupational composition of the team? However, the occupation composition is not a problem in Jing Tian's view. Sky Dungeon has never stipulated which dungeons must be matched with what kind of occupation to pass the level. After all, 42 occupations, if a fixed team composition can be used to pass, then most occupations must Jumped out and scolded?

"Oh? Little brother, I am a senior game consultant. Do you think there are subordinates who dare to stand up to the wind and despise Shangfeng?" Liu Yaya still answered Yang Miaomiao's jumping question with questions.

"Mie Tuan isn't the character who is so scared. It's a big deal. After 10 minutes, he will be a hero again." Zhao Jiaxue said with disdain.

"Okay, let's see if the next mobs can kill us." Jing Tian also thinks this prompt is a bit funny. Could it be that the next mobs are half-boss-level, let us Open your eyes. In the next instant, Jing Tian had chosen to move on, but the system did not open the door made of jade because of Jing Tian's choice.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Jiaxue asked out in surprise.

"Is the BOSS that the sword of thorns hasn't been picked up yet, and can only move forward after picking it up? If only Yu Yan is here, she prefers to use the sword." Yang Miaomiao made her own judgment again. .

Is the boss' weapon still there? Must destroy the BOSS weapon? Is it necessary to come up with such a setting? The body of the BOSS is clearly wiped out. What is the use of leaving this weapon?

Jing Tian quickly changed his position to think about what kind of trap he would set for Zi Wu left by the BOSS, yes, it should be a trap! Ziwu... Ziwu? Could it be...Before Jing Tian was sure of what he thought, the body that didn't eat mice was still close to the sword of thorns, and more importantly, he even tried to bend over to pick it up. Suddenly, the Ziwu who was lying there quietly suddenly burst into a strange light. In the next instant, this Ziwu once again transformed into a life form, and once again became the one with thorns inlaid all over its body. Crystal brown and white panda bear!

That's right, this guy actually has the name of the monster on his head: panda bear, and depending on its posture, if you don't knock it down, everyone will not be able to move forward at all, this girl is the second door god!

"Get out of the way!"

Don’t eat mice, just watch the special effects of Crystal Thorns Sword’s transformation from close range, completely forgetting that he’s still standing within this guy’s attack range. This panda bear has already launched a sprint attack on Don’t eat mice, and Don’t eat mice hastily manipulated Dodge to the side while holding the remote sensing controller, but how can it be easily avoided at such a close distance?

Fortunately, Yang Miaomiao has a very strong sense of operation. While flashing sideways, he also handed out the red tasseled gun to the panda bear, which is a basic skill attack of the red tasseled gun: turn to tassel! This skill doesn't have any special effects, it's just that while the red tassel spear is stabbed, the spear head has a certain special rotating effect, which is just a fancy single attack. But with this blow, interrupting the panda bear's sprint shouldn't be a problem.

However, something unexpected happened. The panda bear’s sprint did not seem to be an ordinary charge, but like a dark knight’s dark burst, with special settings that cannot be interrupted, and the panda bear’s touch does not eat mice. In an instant, the mouse fell into a vertigo for 10 seconds! That's right, it is 10 seconds. This unreasonable setting is better than the natural restraint of not eating mice.

"Arrow Rain!" Yun Yiyi's voice quick command blurted out, and when she heard Yun Yiyi's cold voice, Zhao Jiaxue also remembered what she should do. The next moment she faced the panda bear, it was a demon song. Sitting on the well and watching the sky and the village woman are struggling to rush towards the panda bear, the distance just now is a bit too far.


Two minutes later, all five people appeared at the entrance of the dungeon. That's right, as the system said, they really disappeared.

"What happened just now?" Zhao Jiaxue said with lingering fear.

"Infinite sprint?" Yun Yiyi asked coldly.

"Oh? Is the monster interrupting immunity?" Liu Yaya recalled that the skills she had hit all hit without suspense at the last moment, but none of the skills could produce the action interruption effect under normal circumstances.

"This guy shouldn't be a mob or a half-boss, but the real No. 2 Jing Tian said lightly.

"Ah? Really? Really, the insidious main strategy is playing people again, and it doesn't play cards according to the routine. I just killed the No. 1 BOSS and gave the whole No. 2 BOSS, without giving people time to breathe. Let's have a BOSS wheel battle cat?" Yang Miomeiao started to complain about game planning again.

Who is to blame for not having time to breathe? You didn't go up and draw the sword without authorization!

It has to be said that even Jing Tian was surprised by this setting. Although his plan has not been refined to the setting of each instance, he should use it with caution in the closely connected BOSS battle. After all, the strategy of BOSS and Killing mobs is two different things. The BOSS strategy takes a long time. If you don’t pay attention, it will fall short. In the end, you have to start over again. If you line up the BOSS directly to the players, this will indeed affect the game experience and the rhythm is too much. Quick, too nervous, it is easy to be breathless.

Perhaps due to such considerations, the No. 2 BOSS Panda Bear did not appear immediately after the No. 1 BOSS fell. It must be activated through the dialogue operation of the Jade Gate. Players can still choose to take a break and adjust. .

Recalling the last scene, everyone was trampled to death by the BOSS's continuous savage sprints, and all the negative effects of the attacks were all ineffective. Jing Tian still felt weak at the time, until the boss rushed into Sitting Jing Guantian, after being hit in a dizzy state, Jing Tian only noticed a little bit of trouble, and he found a turning point.

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