Sky Dungeon

Chapter 229: Meimei coldly pointed at her husband, raising her hand willingly as executioner

"As a result... I was sent back to the city, but my sister who didn't eat mice didn't die!" Luo Xia's voice was full of incredible.

"How come?" Yun Yiyi asked coldly.

"I did it! Why not? After I returned to the city, I sent a private message to Mimi and ignored me. I went back and saw that she used other players as a shield, and led them to where they were. Continue to attack the monsters. Fortunately, the dungeon can't use the killing mode, otherwise someone would have taken action. The screen is full of scolding mothers. I pretended that I didn't know her to fight monsters, and I didn't dare to stand with her at all." There is a feeling of sinners, because of Yang Mimi, many novice players have died on the 3rd floor of the dungeon. For them, the sister who does not eat mice is simply a plague.

The scene Luo Xia said was simply: Meimei coldly pointed at Qianfu, raising her hand willingly as the executioner.

"Well, it should be upgraded quickly. She is more suitable to go to the Tri-Clan Alliance City, where there are more people in the dungeon area under the entrance." Jing Tian smiled and proposed, the corners of his mouth already raised the signature weirdness. radian.

"I'm doing it! It's too insidious, how can you come up with such an insidious idea? I like it!" Luo Xia said in an extremely contemptuous tone, but in the end there was a gangster.

"What's the matter? The setting of this kind of monster offer is inherent in the game, not a bug, but the person who does this kind of behavior must have a very strong heart to face the ridicule and verbal abuse. Do you think EQ? Almost zero people, will they care about these twittering voices? What's more, she can pretend to be a little white who doesn’t understand anything. This is the privilege of a woman. Existence is reasonable, and I am afraid that many players in the dungeon do this too. It's just that it's the first one who is as crazy as Yang Mimi." Jing Tian's voice was full of indisputable meaning.

"Okay, that afternoon I told her to let her go to League City to level up. This morning, she was equivalent to a person who was promoted from level 5 to level 15. Although I was helpful, teaming up with her always felt like a drag on her. Hind legs, let her go alone, maybe the upgrade speed can surpass our historical speed and become the most madman to upgrade." Luo Xia is definitely not a random guess, he is very impressed with the data, I have to say her kind The unrestrained style of play is, in a sense, the most efficient way of single brushing.

What happened afterwards also proved what Luo Xia said, and the name of the sister who does not eat mice quickly became popular among the new generation of players. Of course, she was scolded for being famous... These things will not be mentioned for the time being.

"I heard that you killed the group in a copy, what is the situation? Without the first output of Fat Master, you can't do it." Luo Xia felt that this was a topic that was enough to comfort him, so he asked it out . However, when he learned that Liu Yaya in front of him had picked up a pair of Easter eggs, Orange Wu, his surprised expression was no less than seeing Yang Mimi pulled another wave of monsters to start the rally.

The key is not this, the key is that Luo Xia actually called herself "Fat Master"? Everyone looked at him with confusion. It was definitely a hallucination just now. Luo Xia would run away when he heard "fat" or "fat". How could he say that he was fat?

"This dungeon sounds really difficult. If the two of us cooperate, when the BOSS performs the second wave of infinite sprints, there must be another person who can break the BOSS. This is only possible for the generals and the glory knights. Now, where are the 30-level generals and Glory Knights on the ranking list to find? Unless we force output after breaking the BOSS infinite charge, and completely kill the BOSS before the skill cools down, but our output is to maximize the calculation. It's impossible to knock down the boss in such a short time." Luo Xia has recovered her calm, and what he said is exactly what Jing Tian thought.

"At least you can kill the first BOSS every day, and the price is not low. Maybe you can also produce a lot of orange weapons." Jing Tian pays more attention to the improvement of everyone's equipment at this time, because he seems to feel it. Now the Demon player Storms are already surging over there, and the first invasion of the demons will probably arrive as scheduled within a few days.

"Don't just go around chatting, eat food and eat food, Ya Ya, you can eat more, don't you think that our food does not match your appetite?"

Liu Yaya was eating from start to finish, but she didn't say a word! Zhao Jiaxue even urged her to eat more, and Liu Yaya finally couldn't help but frowned, "Oh? The food is cooked very well, but I am not a pig, so I can't eat so much."

Quiet, deadly silence!

"These are pig food?" Yun Yiyi's already cold voice broke the silence of the last moment like an ice blade breaking ice.

I have to say that what Liu Yaya said just now was indeed unintentional to the speaker, and the listener was mindful, which could easily cause misunderstanding.

"Oh? Of course not. How could I eat pig food? I just said that I am not a greedy little pig. After all, women must keep in shape, otherwise they will be rejected by officials. Not bad't be too worried." Liu Yaya explained with a smile, Yu Guang glanced at Jingtian from time to time, as if he was not letting himself eat it. This is a high-end planting and setting up!

"In that case, if you think our food is delicious, take some away. It was originally prepared for you. You have to laugh at our minds." Zhao Jiaxue also felt unhappy in her heart. Maybe it was her and her. Yiyi was worried, but it just happened to be a good time. As long as Liu Yaken took away the food, it was her lingering shadow, like a mountain behind her back, which would make her cooking tonight must be abnormal. After all, Zhao Jiaxue felt that both herself and Yun Yiyi had an impeccable lunch today, and that it was not something Liu Yaya could defeat.

"In that case, I'm not polite. I'll pick a few of them and take them home. I'll take away the plates together. You will take them back after the meal." Liu Yaya chuckled.

Take it back after eating? Is Liu Yaya going to let everyone eat leftovers tonight? It seems that you have completely lost the courage to cook, and you have thought of a way out. If you can't get a satisfactory meal at night, then you really have to go back and let everyone eat the leftovers we made. Zhao Jiaxue had already smirked in her heart, and even Yun Yiyi's eyes flashed suspiciously.

"I'm doing it! There is a big meal tonight? Why don't you tell me such an important thing?" Luo Xia asked in disbelief. After all, he eats instant noodles these nights. Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue Keep in shape, deliberately prepare only some fruits and vegetables at night, without any oil or water.

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