Sky Dungeon

Chapter 244: Puppet free ride

"The fierce beast is full." Yun Yiyi coldly reminded everyone.

"This turned out to be the 14th largest fierce beast? It doesn't look terrific." Yang Miaomiao, who was originally interested in fierce beasts, seemed a little lost at this time. After all, these guys are thin in appearance and can't feel fierce in any way. .

"Mouse, this guy is very strong, and it's not a single one. If you don't believe me, you can feel it with your body." Luo Xia reminded. At this moment, two more Bifang puppets appeared in the VR field of view behind him, and were directed at them. Jumped over. That's right, he just jumped over. Bi Fang only has one foot. As a puppet, he doesn't seem to have the ability to fly, so his movement speed is not fast.

"My holy sword guides you, you can use the speed difference to avoid these monsters." Yu Yan elegant second said her own opinion, it seems that even she has always been rampant because of the previous self-destruction Xiao Bi Fang branded it. The shadow does not want to be entangled with these enlarged versions of Bi Fang. More importantly: listen to the judgment, there are more puppets approaching here, if you insist on fighting, even if you can kill the puppets, I am afraid that they will be waiting for them afterwards. The endless wave of puppets, and more importantly, Yu Yan a little bit wants to go to the toilet.

Sure enough, women have urgency at the critical moment!

"Yes, there is no need to fight, the rats are naturally bound, we took the opportunity to rush over." Jing Tian naturally also understands that there is no point in killing monsters here, but the look in the eyes of the king of swordsman is a little surprised. I could hold it back, and asked casually: " don't want to go to the bathroom again, do you?"

"Pseudo mother, I don't need you to worry about it!"

Sure enough!

"Ah... Frog, I blame you, I want to go to the bathroom too."

Zhao Jiaxue, how loyal are you! Why do we have to share part of this kind of thing every time?

"We are defeated by you, then we will act quickly, and let everyone rest on the next floor."

"I'll come first! Bundle!"

He raised the magic stone staff without eating mice and began to sing. It was also at this time that the sudden change occurred. Without eating mice, he seemed to have stepped into the attack range of the puppet Bifang. This guy opened his beak to stop eating mice. He began to sing, saying that it was too late to sit in Jingguantian and I didn’t know when he had already put the crossbow in his hand. One [two bursts] accurately hit the puppet Bifang, and at the same time, Bi Fang’s chanting also Being completely interrupted by this blow, the natural restraint of not eating mice in the next second quickly unfolded, and a few thorns unexpectedly drilled out of the ice layer to entangle the puppet Bifang to death.

However, before everyone could pass through, four puppets suddenly jumped out of the VR field of view. Jing Tian had no choice but to adjust the direction of ninety degrees to the side without puppets. Going out, however, unexpectedly, there were two more puppet Bifangs at the oblique rear sometime, and I did not know when they opened their beaks and began to sing. However, at this moment, the sky above the two puppet Bifangs was huge. The magic circle had already formed, and the sky-blue arrow rain fell from the sky and penetrated their bodies. The singing of the two puppets Bi Fang was instantly interrupted. This blow was from Yun Xueyi's [Magic Arrow Rain].


Everyone got rid of the puppets' encirclement smoothly, and even more smoothly, they found an upward ice step not far away. The few people prayed in a low voice that they would never encounter the strange scenery that the passage collapsed again, but they just stepped on the view from the well. As they climbed the ice steps, suddenly there was a red light, and everyone was only cursing their mothers. The next second they saw a large magic circle on the ground, and the seven people were wrapped in without exception.

Not good! These two words just came into my mind, and a hot flame was already on the ground, and everyone was instantly swallowed by the heat wave, unable to move. Sitting on the well to view the sky, the king of swordsman, Luojing Xia Shi, and the village women’s blood and energy are rapidly declining. Most of them wear metal armor, leather armor, and light clothing that lack magical defense. In addition, they are inherently magical because of their own attributes. The defense itself is low, and this enhanced version of [Flame Array] is probably the power level of the level 45 players, and the damage is naturally quite sharp, even a little scary.

However, the next moment everyone’s faces became purple, because they heard the familiar creaking sound again...The seven people looked down at the same time, and as expected, the ice layer under everyone’s feet was directly caught by the flames under their bitter gaze. The flames and massacre of the array were torn apart, and finally fell down!

It's true: There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there is another hole in the dark flower!

The ice layer below his feet shattered, and the seven people fell to the next layer as the ice layer without exception, and due to the impact of the fall, everyone lost 10% of their vitality and blood instantly. Luo Xia couldn't help but exploded: "I'm doing it! Where did this guy just hide behind making a trick?"

"Ah? Right behind the ice steps!" Zhao Yunxue'er's hearing is the best in the game. In fact, she has heard footsteps just now. She thought that the puppet Bi Fang was still far away, but she didn't expect it to hide. The other side of the ice steps is also a blind spot for everyone's vision!

Sit Jing Guantian just rushed into the puppet's attack range, and did not find the puppet who was hiding behind the passage and ambushing everyone. After all, he couldn't see anything, and naturally no one would interrupt it to cast the spell. But now it's different. Although the puppet Bi Fang opened his beak and put on a chanting gesture, Yun Xueyi's petrified arrow has shot through its color of the puppet's body has also changed. It became lime gray, and it was hit in a petrified state.

Needless to say, everyone ran out of anger on the puppet Bifang, who fell together, but everyone also understood one thing at this time. It turns out that Jingtian's inference is not completely correct. Every layer here is Monsters may appear, of course, some monsters have fallen from the upper layer.

This discovery is also enough to make everyone linger. If seven or eight puppets like this are dropped at once, and the positions are scattered and not concentrated, then everyone will be burned by the seven or eight puppets in turn. Go to the eighteenth hell!

Even if there is a team with Pastor Shennong, if there is no good killing strategy, even if it does not die, I am afraid it will not escape the nightmare of infinite falling. It seems that compared to the self-destructed chicken, this puppet Bi has a real threat and must be guarded!

"Take the potion, wait for another break!" Jing Tian seemed to be a little unhappy, and he was calculated by the little puppet to fall down. This made him feel shameless. At that time, he was vaguely affirmed what clues existed in the initial layer. Even if Seraphim’s body is on a certain level, Jing Tian never thinks that he will be at the bottom level. Otherwise, he is ready for Pastor Shennong to ride this puppet ride all the way to save time and effort? Sky Dungeon

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