Sky Dungeon

Chapter 250: Immune interruption

Sitting on the well and watching the sky stopped first, Liu Yaya was right. If they didn't take the opportunity to break through the mountainside, would they have to wait for the monster to leave and prepare to fight the puppet king? Of course, they must have died at that time. It’s not that everyone doesn’t have the confidence to fight, but everyone believes in Fatty Luoxia’s ability to analyze data. At this stage, it’s not wise to fight the puppet king. Seeing that Seraphim’s remains may be close at hand, how can he stay here? pace?

Village women may sacrifice because of the cover team, but they can't make Liu Yaya's painstaking and complete abortion. The most disrespectful approach is to let down the efforts of others. No matter how you feel thank Liu Yaya at this moment, you must do your best. Go up the mountain with all your strength!

Everyone stopped after sitting on the well to watch the sky, and then turned around and ran towards the top of the mountain at the fastest speed. The village woman was escaping while looking back at the situation of the puppet king. The speed of the puppet king was obviously much faster than that of the village woman. If it hadn't appeared at the highest point just now, it was more than a hundred meters away from the ground. The village women could have been attacked long ago.

However, it is not too late for the puppet king. It has sprinted enough to cast a range of magical distances that the village women cannot escape. The next instant it opened its weird beak, and a huge magic circle was formed instantly. , But the next moment the village woman did not hesitate to play a deception!

In the end, the puppet king’s mouth closed unwillingly, and he griefly prepared to return to its original path, but how could the village woman let it slip back, and swapping out the orange crossbow was a normal attack. Although it was a normal attack, it was hit. The puppet king of this blow turned his head back again.

The village woman is smart, and has already ran down the mountain first, the puppet king shakes his wings and continues to chase. After several times of the same scene, Liu Yaya succeeded in winning enough time for everyone to rush to the mountainside. Even she herself did not expect that flying the King Puppet kite would be so smooth. I originally thought that the puppet king’s IQ would be a little higher. I didn’t expect that the monster would always be a monster. If his attack power is strong, he might be able to kill the puppet king through such a method. Unfortunately, the puppet king’s blood will automatically recover its speed It's simply not what her attack damage can match.

Not long after, Jing Tian reminded Liu Yaya in the team voice that she could completely leave the puppet king. Liu Yaya let her role completely break away, buffering up the mountainside all the way, almost the same way, but this time the village woman took the puppet Wang drew towards the top of the mountain, but soon she used her skills to get out of the battle, and the puppet king returned to the hillside position as if nothing had happened.

"Sister God, isn't the puppet king, have you been beaten to Meow?" Yang Meowie asked very curiously.

"Oh? Little brother, do you think I can still show up in front of you if I am hit?" Liu Yaya still answered Yang Miaomiao's question with questions.

"Are you so powerful? You are not paper-cut, you will break it with a poke." Although Zhao Jiaxue believed that the puppet king could let them destroy the group, she did not believe that the puppet king could kill the village women in seconds.

"Oh? If you don't believe it, you can experience it yourself. Such a big magic circle is at least ten times larger than the previous flame circle singing method." Liu Yaya said with lingering fear, she did not exaggerate.

"Level sixty?" Yun Yiyi asked coldly.

"I'm doing it! The 60th-level BOSS doesn't have such a big hand, maybe even the 70th." Luo Xia speculated from Liu Yaya's description.

Level seventy? Everyone took a breath in their hearts! Now the player level available in Sky Dungeon is only 60. Even if the player is at full level, don’t want to single out the puppet king. If the level is poor, the attack will be suppressed by the level, and you want to kill. There must be at least dozens of reinforcement groups!

"Oh? And the blood recovers very quickly. I can't see any changes in its bloodline under my attack." Liu Yaya continued to share the news report.

"Is it the world BOSS level?" Jing Tian's mouth already felt like he couldn't keep it together. If the setting is that the puppet king must be killed to obtain the broken pages of the ancient skill book, then they can only use Yonghan Palace It's made public. Hundreds or thousands of groups of players from the world will come to kill the elephants. It may be profitable to fish in troubled waters.

"Does that drop rare materials? Why don't we go back and kill the boss!"

If you don’t eat mice, it seems to look at the location of the mountainside with a reluctant mood. Everyone really has the urge to hit him on the head with a baseball bat. How can this guy always jump in his mind, completely disregarding what everyone is saying , Always let people squeeze a cold sweat for him.

"Oh? Maybe you have a lot of experience, little brother, do you want to go heads-up and try?" Liu Yaya's words are naturally full of ridicule.

"I'm going to meow alone? Don't you? When will I have to fight alone, you bear meow?" Yang Miaomiao seems to be serious, and he is full of confidence in his own strength. People really don’t know that Aiyinsi Continent is more dangerous than Earth!

Go to your sister! Several people scolded in their hearts at the same time, and they didn’t know whether Yang Miaomiao was pretending to be stupid or really stupid. Luo Xia saw that the other party was her future brother-in-law, and asked helplessly: "Mouse, you understand us just now. Did you say that? The puppet may be level So what? As long as the **** sister is there, and interrupt the actions of the puppet indefinitely, we can output it, not directly attacking the world BOSS. Level 70 is just a matter of time." Yang Miaomiao's words still have some truth, it seems that he is not on a whim.

"Oh? Brother, who told you that the advanced BOSS is not immune to interruption?" Liu Yaya answered the question again with a question, but by saying this, it exposed an important intelligence of the BOSS in the late game, but this immunity It's not permanent.

"Interrupt immunity... Isn't it invincible?" Yang Miaomiao had a picture of the puppet swallowing his character into the mouth and chewing. Of course, this is also a common move of the individual world bosses encountered before, but How can birds chew without teeth? Yang Miaomiao doesn't seem to think about this issue.

Everyone finally arrived at the active crater. The scene inside the volcano once again surprised everyone, because where is an active volcano, it is clearly just an ordinary mountain that has been hollowed out, but there is still standing in the belly of this mountain. There are huge icicles on the roots of the trees. These icicles themselves seem to be slowly melted by some high temperature, and a liquid similar to freezing liquid flows along the iron chain to the core position inside the mountain. Sky Dungeon

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