Sky Dungeon

Chapter 272: Violent storm

"Wait for the skills to cool down, and after rushing over to control the field, I will directly focus on the plastic surgeon. That guy should have understood the simple chanting. Healing chanting is extremely fast and not easy to interrupt." Jing Tian was still more cautious. He always felt that none of the Demon players had chased him. It was absolutely abnormal. In any case, Zhao Yunxueer blocked their voice function first. They should not be able to communicate with each other, but the two teams seem to have What kind of core figures exist, and these people only obey the orders of the core figures and never act rashly. When did they become so organized and disciplined?

If the guess is correct, the other party may have started to use auxiliary communication tools other than games. This is not a difficult task. For example, using the **** game voice APP, you can interact with voice at any time. Even if the voice communication system of the game itself is paralyzed, it is not difficult. Will affect the opponent's command. Just now everyone just succeeded in a sneak attack while others were unprepared. This time, if they wanted to chase them without being fully prepared, they might not be able to take them away easily, or they might fall into their trap.

"As for the frog, it's just not enough output just now. We have to wait for the skills to recover, and the cooked ducks are also flying." Zhao Jiaxue was a little dismissive of the remaining Demon players. In her eyes, those guys did not fight back at all. force.

"Is the pseudo-mother scared?" Yu Yan, the second disease in the middle, began to behave recklessly, already operating the King of Sword Cavalry to take the lead!

"Wait." Yun Yiyi said suddenly coldly. Every time she speaks, she can instantly achieve the effect of a cold field. She is like an ice queen, always calming everyone's restless hearts, even the footsteps of the king of swordsman. Stopped.

Simply think about it, everyone’s skills are still cooling, and you can only be bombarded by the opponent in vain. In order to prevent the opponent from running away, do you need to risk your own personnel to contain them?

After 30 seconds of the skills, they can be fully recovered. According to Jing Tian's calculations, there may be a certain distance in the past. There should be no problems with the skills, so he immediately ordered: "Chasing now!"

Sure enough, there was no trace of the Demon players in the place where the battle just happened. There is a corner in front of the maze, and there may be a fork after the corner. Whether you can find those people depends on luck. If a player is killed there, I believe it will be too. Announce the nearest coordinates in the world.

Thinking of this, sitting on the well and watching the sky did not stop, and went head-to-head with Luojing Xia Shi, and rushed to the corner. He had already started to check the information on the world channel, and just after the two of them had just walked through the corner, their bodies turned ninety degrees. Later, there was a masterpiece of red light on the ground. Jing Tian and Luo Xia thought that there was a monster here and did not subconsciously dodge it, because this place is too long and narrow, it is inevitable to avoid left and right, they can only continue to move forward. When they looked forward, the two of them had been interrupted in place by the immobility, and it turned out to be an ambush!

He was ambushed! Life is unsatisfactory, the Ming Dynasty spreads a fart, and fights!

Jing Tian immediately shouted in the team to tell everyone not to come over. The flames on the ground also gathered momentum in the next second, a raging fire ignited on the surface, and Jing Tian and Luo Xia were all engulfed by the tongue of fire from the ground. In the next instant, a figure rushed into the flames, heading on with a critical blow to Sit Jing Guantian. This is the Berserker’s charge skill, causing three times the damage of the critical blow to the final target. This is a skill. The effect is not that the Berserker is lucky.

Sure enough, what appeared in front of him was a berserker with the ID of [Slag Pie Apple]. The role of this demon king at this moment turned out to be very tall and burly, and it really felt like a demon king came to the world. He didn't know what politeness was. He left a sentence on the current channel "The smell of your death too often" and used the housekeeping skills of Berserkers: Fight the storm!

Tier 1 violently battles the storm, swinging the weapon in situ and spinning extremely fast to form a brutal storm, causing continuous damage to surrounding players, attacking surrounding players once every second for 5 seconds. During this period, it is immune to all skill interruptions and negative action effects. That's right, this skill is very common, you can see it in almost every RPG online game, it's just a meat grinder!

However, the skill level is too low, and the storm is just a meat grinder with insufficient power.

Fortunately, sitting in the well and watching the sky and Luojing Xiashi's physical defenses and blood values ​​are high, this damage does not pose any threat to them, but the next moment, Luojing Xiashi is stared at again, and he is also a berserker. Although it’s not from the scum faction family, this guy actually charged Luojing Xia Shi, and seemed to be ready to fight a storm. This is troublesome. If you go to sit in the well and watch the sky and Luojing Xia Shi will be killed Suppressing from the beginning to death will not work.

That's right, despite the exaggerated action, the damage value is average. The focus is on field control and interruption. You must know what it means to control the field for 5 seconds, not to mention that it is about to become 10 seconds in a row now?

"Prepare for the magic sound! Try to get close to the corner, don't show up, I said let it go." Jing Tian did not chaotically instructed, now whether it is the village woman or the king of swordsman rushing to help, I am afraid that it will be in the right ~ www. Their current location is a well-prepared ambush circle. Although the members of the Cloud Riding Guild on the other side of this corner will not be affected by the attack, they are also powerful and unable to make it through. Just go around and attack directly, only Zhao Yunxueer, the magic sound master, can achieve the effect of penetrating the wall.

After all, sonic attacks are not restricted by obstacles, as long as they are within the attack range, they cannot be defended by ordinary means!

Jing Tian was eagerly waiting for the opportunity at this time, but something rushed over again at this time, but Jing Tian only saw what it looked like. That guy could easily sit in Jing and watch the sky and pass by Luo Jing Xia Shi, without any intention of attacking. , But the next moment Jing Tian yelled badly, because that thing turned out to be running towards Zhao Yunxue'er and the others.

At this moment of rushing, Jing Tian still saw the appearance of the thing clearly, and immediately became anxious in his heart. He didn't expect his opponent to be one step ahead!

"It's a summoned beast, the magic sound is broken, and other people should be careful not to let the alpine snow wolf attack Xue'er!" When Jing Tian was nervous, he forgot to grasp the best time to cast the skill, and then turned to look at the actions of another berserker , Jing Tian's face changed drastically, and two words came to his mind: Zhong Ji! Sky Dungeon

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