Sky Dungeon

Chapter 291: Starscream

Let’s not talk about whether he has the right to persuade others as a guy who has dropped out of school. The key is how can the two operations of cutting the mandibular angle and cheekbones become orthopedic surgery? This guy thinks that as long as the bones are related to orthopedics! Moreover, it is said that South Korea's national plastic surgeon will not perform plastic surgery on the mandibular angle and cheekbones. If this is true, it will surely make people in the medical beauty industry laugh! After everyone wanted to understand, they laughed. There was no way to control the smile in their hearts anymore, so they had to let the laughter in their stomachs go unstoppable.

Jin Chengwu finally said with a helpless expression: "Your siblings are Huaxia's secret weapons. They have colluded specifically to **** me off. When you two come to me, I will definitely make you exactly the same. The existence of the people around you can't tell who you are."

Exactly the same? Everyone looked at not eating mice with silent eyes. They didn't expect Jin Chengwu to have a unique pursuit of **** reassignment surgery!

Luo Xia simply gave Yang Miaomiao and Yang Mimi the common sense of plastic surgery to the Erhuobao brothers and sisters, everyone finally arrived, the battle between sisters and brothers, the battle of natural enemies finally began.

At this time, [Do not eat mice] and [Sister who does not eat mice] stand face to face. Obviously, the mermaid is tall enough to be as tall as nearly two cats. In terms of momentum, the sister who does not eat mice wins.

However, everyone is not optimistic about Yang Mimi. After all, there is a level 9 gap there, and Yang Miaomiao has the ability to continue to regenerate blood. Even if the sister who does not eat mice is replaced by a 20-level orange martial arts, it may not be able to play. What a splendid injury, let alone she only likes to use flat A?

Entering the 7-second countdown to the challenge, Jing Tian praised [Sister who doesn’t eat mice] a light dress decorated with feathers. It seems that she accepted her suggestion and limited her movement speed when choosing equipment, but this is also obvious. Exposing Yang Mimi's novice attributes, how can it be possible to wear all the equipment that increases movement speed? Doesn't that mean giving up output? It seems that due to the inertia of the FPS game, Yang Mimi does not pay attention to the balance of her own power attributes, so the character's attack power will not be so prominent. The best result of this battle is also beginning and end.


Sure enough, when the countdown is over, [Sister who doesn’t eat mice raises her hand] is a shot. The steel needle is shot out of the trap box, right and wrong in the middle of the forehead that doesn’t eat mice, doubledamage!

The first drop of blood was taken by my sister, but this is not FPS. Normal attack headshots are meaningless for not eating mice! Yang Miaomiao was not in a hurry. He raised his hand and shook his magic stone staff. For the fairness of the game, he did not add the BUFF to himself in advance. At this moment, he needs to add the BUFF of blood back to blue. In order to ensure that he is invincible.

However, at this moment, the sister who doesn’t eat mice moved. She didn’t know where she left a red mask and put it on her face in an instant. The previous half-masking mask was taken off. The game is not completely realistic. In short, at this moment, the beautiful face of the mermaid has been completely wrapped in the red mask. The shape of this mask looks familiar... This is not the mask of Spiderman. Is it redesigned?

Of course, several people didn't know that this was from the original designer Yun Yiyi. She took great pains to prototype the mask. The name of the mask and the skill match: [Starscream]!

In the next instant, the organ box in the hands of the sister who did not eat mice was like a hormone, and shot wildly. The frequency of the steel needle injection was obviously doubled. However, what made him even more depressed was that his **** blessing was interrupted. Up! This time it enters a 1-minute cooldown. You must know that Scarlet Blessing itself is a continuous blood recovery skill. Because the effect lasts for a long time, the cooldown time is also set at 2 minutes. If you interrupt it, the skill will be interrupted. Has half the cooldown time under normal casting conditions.

Yang Miaomiao had already slipped a drop of sweat from his forehead at this time. I don’t know if it was because the air conditioner was turned on too high, but he already regretted browsing the web when he was a sparring partner, and didn’t care what his sister had used. Skills, and it is not clear what the skills have.

However, it was too late to regret, so my sister actually backed away, because Starscream's skill has a duration!

Tier 1 Starscream: Gain the power of the spider for 5 seconds. During the duration of the state, the frequency of normal attacks is increased by 100%, and normal attacks can interrupt the character's actions. Yang Mimi directly set the voice command of this skill to "AK". It seems that her character is no longer a trap box, but an AK47 with a very high rate of fire. This legendary gun is One of the necessary weapons for all FPS players. It can be seen that Yang Mimi likes the skill [Starscream] very much.

Of course, it is not only in games. In reality, AK47 is also the king of guns. It has strong environmental adaptability, convenient maintenance, and superior performance. It is not only liked by terrorists. Even the US military had to use AK47 in some local wars. . Of course, neither in the game nor in the movie can restore the real horror. The real AK is really terrifying. Just hitting the leg will face amputation. Obviously, Starscream's skill does not have the destructive power of AK in reality, but it is similar to the AK in FPS. It could not be better to suppress the enemy. This is also one of the reasons why Yang Mimi set the order like this.

Although the five-second period is quite short, to Yang Miaomiao, it feels like every second, because in these five seconds, every shot of the steel needle shot from her sister has penetrated relentlessly. On the forehead of his character, every time it hits the key, he seemed to be stuck in a spider web for five seconds, unable to move, and 10 double damage caused his bloodline to drop significantly.

What made Yang Miaomiao even more depressed was that she was still behind. The moment when the power of the spider faded, her sister’s left hand attached to the scales was raised again, and a pair of white eagle beak mask was put on her face. After a leap, this leap clearly jumped out of the range of normal attack range. However, at the moment when the sister who did not eat mice jumped into the air, a steel needle was sprayed out of the trap box again, and Yang Miaomiao looked dumbfounded. , Did not evade the blow at all, the steel pin hit the character's face without any suspense!

It is a white eagle. Although it has no special effects, it increases the attack range of ordinary attacks. Even short-range weapons can cut out and hit the enemy from ten meters away. Although Jing Tian wanted to say this in his heart, he felt that it was unfair, so he just said to himself in his heart. Sky Dungeon

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