Sky Dungeon

Chapter 420: Dismantle

After a while, the soul of the blue wolf hit his bed with his fist, his hands clenched into a fist suddenly calmed down, he seemed to think of something, and said to himself with a sinister smile: "The smelly toad also thinks. Eat swan meat and sit in Guantian. Even if I can't get the position of the leader, you can't imagine it. Although this sounds like a villain often says, but in other words, I am afraid I am the hero of this troubled world. , The sentence is naturally, I would rather take the world under the people, and leave the world under the people to take me! Since I have been confused by that toad, don’t blame me for ruthlessly ruining the alliance I formed by myself. It is shameful to trample on others’ achievements. Yes, the results of trampling on yourself are courageous. You are an ugly and shameful toad. I am naturally a great and courageous first group guild president. When you ask me to be the leader, I may not be able to do it. !"

After waiting for fifteen minutes, the Soul of Green Wolf cleared his throat and said: "The time has come. I have communicated with the presidents of our various branch guilds and all the management backbones. Although I personally strive to support the future of the alliance, because Lack of persuasive testimony and plans, in the end we voted for the minority to obey the majority and decided to withdraw from this alliance. We forgive our Green Wolf Guild no longer to accompany us."

The guild leaders were in an uproar, and the soul of the blue wolf stood up and left the room in the eyes of everyone who was puzzled. After that, more than a dozen guild leaders stood up and said that the situation in their guild was the same as that of the blue wolf group, and they failed to convince. The members of the guild then withdrew from this alliance, but before all the guild leaders left, the system prompt came: "The current meeting room usage time has ended, and the room will be closed automatically after 5 seconds."

what? The meeting is over?

hateful! The soul of the blue wolf is really stingy, and even closed the meeting room, isn't this tearing down the stage? He really put another one. The round table was dismissed in such a hurry without a conclusion. What a thing!

Even if most of the guild leaders complain, they are still powerless. After all, the room is rented by the soul of the blue wolf. If he leaves this conference center, he will naturally close the room. Even if he does it deliberately, he can excuse it for not knowing it. To shirk the reasons for passing, no one can say anything about him. After all, many functions of the game are being studied, and it is normal that some details are not noticed.

However, after 5 seconds, all the guild leaders were teleported to the conference center lobby. In this way, most of the guild leaders took the opportunity to break up and ran away secretly. After all, so many people left, the meaning of the alliance does not exist. Now, just relying on some guilds to maintain the alliance can't quench the thirst at all. Only the whole people can achieve the effect of coordinated resistance to the enemy. However, there are still some guild presidents who stayed, and the headed one is naturally Bei Mianzuo.

Life is unsatisfactory, and the Ming Dynasty gives out a fart! Whoever leaves, the game will continue to play, and Lao Tzu has to climb to the top of Sky City!

"Is there anything else going on with the president of the Star Guild?" Jing Tian said lightly.

"It's true, I'll open another small room and let's talk together." Bei Mianzuo said with satisfaction.

"Then there is President Lao Xingchen, but when you do not move out of the room, then everyone will be embarrassed." Jing Tian smiled faintly.

Several guild leaders followed Bei Mianzu to the front desk NPC in the lobby and opened a room, and followed Bei Mianzu all the way to the meeting room opened. Bei Mianzu did not choose the round table conference mode, but chose a comparison In the cozy sofa salon mode, all the presidents instantly sat on their respective large sofas, which gave the Chinese leaders the feeling of receiving foreign guests.

"Chairman Jing, I'll be straightforward. Our treaty organization wants to establish an alliance with you Qiyun Luoxue, and help each other in the future to overcome difficulties together." Bei Mianzuo said very sincerely.

Treaty organization? When was it established? The United States has a treaty organization, but Russia has a treaty organization. Is this an obvious challenge? Needless to say, most of the remaining guild presidents are members of the treaty organization.

"Oh? Then you have suffered a lot?" Jing Tian asked with some doubts.

"Chairman Jing, you are a real person, you have a clear understanding of the development of the game, and your guild has a GM seat, we are also very optimistic about the development of your forces." Bei Mianzuo smiled faintly.

"Not only that. It is estimated that after the alliance, everyone will establish an equal and open intelligence network. When I have any latest news, you must be informed. However, the news belongs to the news, some internal affairs and some strategic content, if not retained If you are right, then I don't think there is any need for alliance." Jing Tian glanced at Bei Mianzu and said lightly.

"Chairman Jing is indeed a smart person. You can share some basic information. Everyone does not interfere with each other in internal affairs. Of course, you need to be willing to attack this kind of thing. After all, whether it is copy competition or level competition, everyone is still a competitor. The important mission of our Russian Star Association is to unite all forces that can be united against the United States-led convention organization. However, President Yin Zhengjin told us that he has already alliance with you. If you want to alliance with him, you must first and You alliance. We will naturally respect the opinions of President Qiyun." Bei Mianzuo said very frankly, and after speaking, he turned his attention to Yin Zhengjin.

That's right, the cunning Yin Zhengjin is also in this conference He is smiling triumphantly at this time, after all, he pushed this problem to President Qiyun, he smiled and said: President Yun, what Bei Mianzuo said is correct. I did say so. After all, our alliance is first, and I am not a person of perfidy."

Damn, this old fried dough stick is really for no one!

Can Jing Tian still see Yin Zhengjin's intentions? This guy is clearly kicking the ball. Therefore, Jing Tian said lightly: "I want to alliance now. There are still seven guild locations in my guild residence that can be rented out. I don’t know if you are interested. If there are any branch guilds that can be established by us, Qiyunluoxue At the station. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

Who will establish the branch guild on your resident site to help you guard the resident site? Jing Tian suddenly threw such a blockbuster, and instantly exploded in the hearts of the guild leaders. However, I have to say that this is also a good strategy. Since a guild cannot be defended and a major alliance cannot be established, wouldn’t it be more direct and efficient to tie several guilds together to fight against the demons?

At this time, Jing Tian carefully looked at the guild presidents present here, the president of the Russian Star Guild, Bei Mianzuo, the president of the Pakistan Sun Moon Gods Guild, Ren Yingying, and the commander of the North Korean Game Army Yin Zhengjin are the three he is more familiar with. The details of the others are still unclear. Sky Dungeon

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