Sky Dungeon

Chapter 459: Will your conscience really not be resurrected?

Where is this promise, it is clearly robbery!

Originally, a whole guild residence with a monthly rent of 10,000 gold coins, after being divided and rented by the sky, one of them became 20,000 gold coins. What else can it be if it is not a clear grab?

However, Jing Tian has no self-knowledge at all. In his opinion, it is definitely a great benefit for the Empress fans to get close to their idols and play games under the same roof. These 20,000 gold coins are nothing at all. You know this is a month's cost, how much does it cost per person? Compared with the monthly rewards made by these fans on the female emperor’s personal homepage, it’s almost negligible, right?

That’s right, now some Internet celebrities have switched to the personal homepage system of Sky Dungeon. This system has a very high linkage with the game live broadcast system, and casually sends some soul chicken soup to match the current Sky Dungeon) Dungeon factual screenshots can also form a newsletter, and fans can receive the newsletter, and even reward the newsletter directly! How to say it, every game influencer can also be a self-media, not limited to a form of live broadcast.

Among them, the female emperor's personal homepage of the game is quite popular among players. Whether it is a fan or not, Yang Mimi is a woman who can always post real-time gossip in the game, coupled with her own jumping thinking, which is not interesting. What's more, she often bursts out some of the experience of mask shaman, which has attracted the praise of many players.

"I'm doing it! Frog, I think you have the potential to become a society, and you are self-taught, usury, etc., you can upgrade to a new model in front of you." Luo Xia really wanted to rush up and pat Zuo Jing Guantian on the shoulder Unfortunately, even VR online games do not have this setting.

"Black, really black! Will your conscience really not be resurrected? But I like it. Anyway, it's so black that it's not me." Zhao Jiaxue immediately agreed.

Emotional Jingtian's conscience is dead!

"Officials are so ruthless, and the slave family likes your fierce energy." Liu Yaya was even more ruthless, her voice became very enchanting, and everyone was thinking about it.

"Shameless, shameless. Brother Jing has business acumen, you know violence!" Nan Lingxi hasn't adapted to Liu Yaya's changes, Liu Yaya is simply a **** in the game. Everyone was accustomed to it, had already realized the magical ability of automatic shielding, and completely ignored Liu Yaya's sultry words.

That’s right, Nan Lingxi is also in the chat room. It is impossible for her to inform everyone about the spirit puppet’s purple spiritual outfit one by one, and Jing Tian also deliberately pulled her into the guild. After all, Nan Lingxi can operate the metamorphosis of 5 puppets at the same time. , And he still has an ominous premonition, it is naturally that this woman may not have fully entered the state, if she enters the state, who knows how many can be controlled at the same time?

But Jing Tian also understood that the greater the base number, the more difficult it would be to grow. If one could grow one more, it should be her limit. There is a limit to everything, and beyond that is not necessarily a good thing, it may make things worse.

"The world is really cold, why don't people like you be locked up by the game company, the game should also attack you who are speculative." The two-tailed Scorpio is also not stingy with bad words, severely despising Jing Tian.

"Hey... the **** of sniper said yes, just do as you said. It seems that the magic of my internet celebrity is huge, even if I know it is hacked, I am willing to be hacked." Yang Mimi completely ignored everyone at this time. Mood, speak bluntly.

"A profiteer, how can it be so easy for the frog to succeed? The second generation ancestor of the sniper will not really be a second generation ancestor. You can spend money without blinking. Mimi, ask if he is willing to raise beautiful women. I only need 100,000 a month to raise me. gold."

Zhao Jiaxue's jumping thoughts began to haunt her again. The key is that this woman even thought of selling herself, and the lion asked for 100,000 gold coins a month. Everyone stared at Zhao Yunxue'er with the eyes of a greedy ghost. Of course, Zhao Jiaxue couldn't feel it, otherwise he would definitely take back the sentence just now.

However, before everyone criticized Zhao Jiaxue, only Yang Mimi said quickly: "Okay, I will ask him now."

Feelings Yang Mimi is really serious, this woman usually thinks very much, but she doesn't jump when she should be jumping!

Everyone was speechless and couldn't say a word. Zhao Jiaxue was even more surprised and at a loss. When she realized that she wanted to interrupt Yang Mimi, Yang Mimi had already spoken: "Hey...he said that unless you want to support Yang Mimi. That woman is me. However, it doesn't take that much money to support me, so I refused."

It was an unabashed, Chi Guoguo showing off, Zhao Jiaxue desperately wanted to find a ground seam to get in. Although there was no ground seam, there was a dungeon in front of her. Without a word, Zhao Yunxue'er plunged into the ground. The stairs of the city.

In fact, it is Yang Mimi who should be more shy. After all, she has to say such shameful words in front of so many people, let alone in the face of Luojing Xiashi, who is her fiance in the game. But who is Yang Mimi? Yang Miaomiao once said that her sister is a heartless person. That's the truth. Yang Mimi is a bit shy. It seems that the person she wants to support is not her at all, but Someone else.

The most important thing is, why can't it take so much money to support you, and why can this be the reason for your rejection? What do you mean by aliens? Is it to belittle one's worth to avoid Zhao Jiaxue's sadness? Or is it You have been raised by someone?

Luo Xia was so angry that her face turned green at this time. Isn't this robbing a woman in front of him? How did she feel disgusting and uncomfortable as if she had eaten hundreds of flies? The red and blue swords in his hand cut him into flesh!

It’s a pity that the game Sky Dungeon was planned by Jing Tian. There is no setting for fast transmission to the player or a certain city. Although this saves game time, Jing Tian thinks that the game rhythm is too fast is not a good thing, on the contrary Let everyone less appreciate the game scenery and experience the taste of game reality, which is not conducive to the long-term development of the game. Only if the game world can be completely accepted by people and regarded as another world that is infinitely close to the real world, then this game is truly successful.

"Although God Sniper has no doubt about the rental fee, he made a request." Yang Mimi didn't notice the strangeness of Luo Xia at all, and said to herself.

"What's the requirement?" Jing Tian was a little curious, and the brain-disabled fan group even dared to ask his spiritual goddess.

"He said that the name of the guild cannot be given to us, it must be decided by themselves. They don't want to call it a weird name like Qiqi." Sky Dungeon

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