Sky Dungeon

Chapter 482: Black belly

   Is this a sister?

   Isn't this girl a black-bellied brother? Where is there a special case in which my sister talks about her beloved brother's early death?

   And, if your brother dies, how many years will you still be able to live? You might already be an elderly woman at that time. Do you still need someone to protect you? Could some bad guys think about you?

   Old people need the company of their families and the care of their children. Thinking of children, Yu Yan has a headache, and she doesn't know if they will have children. After all, the law is not allowed. Even if you secretly do something against morals, what should you do if you are born with a genetic defect?

   Is it to use genetic modification to modify the defective gene? But what will the world think of children when they grow up?

   Yu Yan shook her head in her heart, feeling that she had digressed a little bit, she forced her thoughts into consideration, and was ready to see how white does not understand how black gets angry.

   didn't know how complicated Bai did not understand Hei's mood at this time. After all, he was betrayed and cursed by his beloved sister. It's better to die now and let it go.

   However, Bai did not understand the black tone without the slightest anger or complaint, and Yu Yan felt that the cells in her body were a little abnormal.

   Yes, it’s not normal...

He only listened to the white but didn’t understand the black and said in a voice full of surprise and annoyance: “Yes! Why haven’t I thought about such an important issue? I’m negligent. If I die, who can love me in every possible way I love you, and take care of you? No, I have to calculate my life well. If I miss you too far, I will definitely find a way to change my fate and protect you forever!"

   Change your fate against the sky? Is it possible that you have to cultivate and become immortal?

   Or in other words, you can refine the pill. What secret formula is used to refine the big tonic pill to prolong life and take it?

   The brother didn't notice the malice in his sister's words, and he followed his sister's naive thoughts and began to think seriously, as if he would have trouble sleeping and eating if he didn't solve this problem.

   Or in other words, black does not understand white, this little girl is just natural, there is no malice at all?

   "So, I want to be brave like elder sister... elder sister, as long as your brother protects me behind, I am... not afraid of anything. After doing something wrong, brother you will accept punishment for me."

   The little girl seems to have discovered a powerful spiritual healing technique and is persuading herself to take the steps to try.

   The key first sentence made Yu Yan a little touched, but how did the latter sentence change its taste, making people feel that this sister is so dark-bellied?

   Why do all the mistakes I made have to be borne by my brother?

   Is this acting like a baby? Are you still pit brother?

"No problem, regardless of whether your brother stands in front of you or stands behind you, it is the only shield you can trust. If you want to hurt you, smash my brother first! No matter what you do wrong, even tear the sky apart , I will also stand for you, and I will never let the fragments hit your head."

   No loss is a heavy sister control. All the excessive demands made by her cute sister are reasonable and must be met!

   If the woman he loves deeply is not his sister, she can definitely be a tramp.

   Black doesn't understand Bai doesn't care how his sister has a black belly. He is like a crazy masochist. He doesn't care how much pressure his sister puts on him and how much trouble it will bring him. Hasn't he been alone taking care of his sister all these years?

   is also fortunate that he is a heavy sister-in-law. If he divides his love for one thousandth of his sister to other women, he might become the most romantic and suave monk in the game.

For a moment, Yu Yan might understand why Bai did not understand Hei chose the profession of Buddhist monk. Perhaps he had already had the consciousness to abandon all women in the world. Of course, the only woman he wanted to protect and love with his life was himself. Sister.

   Maybe this is also a way to express true love! It is the same reason that some women set a male role when entering the game in order not to be entangled by men.

Hei did not understand the white operation and cancelled the stealth. She resolutely manipulated her character to take two steps forward, no longer hiding behind the white who did not understand the black, and then said with a slightly trembling vibrato: "Sister, I... I'm not afraid of you."

   Yu Yan is a little broken. Do you want to be so cute? Even if you are young, at least you are a person with an ID card. What's more, are you a perverted murderer? Why should you be afraid of yourself?

   However, Yu Yan naturally knows that it is definitely the first time that she has taken the initiative to lift the black and white that appeared in front of a stranger, and this first time is of great significance to her.

   So Yu Yan immediately said gracefully and gently: "Hello little sister, you are so beautiful, you can call me sister Yu Yan in the future, can I call you little black sister?"


   Black doesn't understand Bai is obviously still in a state of excitement of appearing and talking to people for the first time, this is no longer pure fear.

I noticed that the king of sword riding was staring at him, although he couldn't feel the hot but the black and white heart was like a frightened little bunny thumping and thumping, I didn't dare to ride with the sword. The king looked at each other, and what she said was naturally intermittent, word by word.

   How do you feel that you are more afraid of your sister than before?

   It is clear that you are for good, so you need to tell your own name. Shouldn't you feel this intimacy and relax?

Yu Yan didn't know that at this time, Bai did not understand that Hei was staring at the King of Sword Cavalry with cannibalistic eyes. Fortunately, the game has not been able to show the player's facial expressions, let alone his sharp butcher-like eyes. , He was scolding fiercely in his heart: "Who allows you to call my sister Xiao Hei? You can call Xiao Hei whatever you want?"

Although this is the younger sister’s nickname, he dare not even call it when he is an older brother. After all, Xiao Hei’s name really matches some kind of animal loyal to humans, and many lazy people give it to themselves. Name your pet, such as Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai.

   You guessed right!

When the younger sister’s nickname is Xiaohei, then when the elder brother’s nickname is naturally Xiaobai, I don’t know if their parents are spoofs. They deliberately gave their brothers and sisters names black and white, and they couldn’t resist. At a young age, he came up with such an uncreative nickname, which once made others laugh.

   When their parents called them Xiaobai Xiaohei when they were young, it was the happiest time and the warmest time. But when I grew up, calling these two names from others made Bai not understand the black hatred, and even suspected that he and his sister were not born to his parents, so he gave himself such a shameful name.

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