Sky Dungeon

Chapter 620: I finally found you!

Jing Tian said with an embarrassed face, "Can't you see each other frankly, why should you wear a mask?"

As soon as this remark came out, Jing Tian found that there was a miraculous effect. Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue's footsteps stopped. They obviously lost interest in the appearance of Feng Ji on their mobile phones. They began to stand in place to monitor the video conversation between Jing Tian and Feng Ji.

Zhao Jiaxue even began to gloat in her heart: "80% is an ugly monster, she doesn't even dare to show her face. If you have the opportunity to introduce Jin Chengwu to her. Jin Chengwu will be very happy!"

In fact, even if Feng Ji is wearing a mask now, the agile air emanating from her eyebrows, the base of her nose is high and the eyebrow clouds are in the sky, enough to make a man obsessed...

This is definitely not an exaggeration. In winter, most beauties wear masks on the streets, but the majority of male compatriots can still find some beauties in the crowd. What do they rely on?

What's more, her eyes, like sapphires inlaid in crystals, exude vivid colors that are not available in top-level gluttony. The two eyelashes are overgrown and slightly cocked. There is an illusion of flying, as if having had eyelash implant surgery. Generally, the eyes of the whole pair are filled with pure charm.

Yes, there is a kind of charm called: pure!

The upturned nose on her face is more like it has been carefully carved by a cosmetic surgeon, and the mask is so tall that the mask can't hide the beauty of the jade nose, on the contrary, it makes the three-dimensional effect more obvious. .

It shows that this woman's eyes and nose are absolutely the kind of ingenious existence.

Even if Feng Ji's mouth is ugly and chin is short, she definitely can't be squeezed out of the ranks of beauties, let alone who knows if there is a more amazing existence behind the skull mask?

It's really imaginative!

Feng Ji didn't seem to be looking at the phone at this time, but was fiddling with something, most likely her own clothes, because her head was slightly low and her eyes were sinking downward. After a while, she seemed to be satisfied, and then she was relieved to pick up the phone and opened the distance between the lens and her.

The big head model has since been broken!

This opening was nothing at all, but as the camera slowly retracted, Feng Ji’s white neck and pink shoulders appeared in the picture one after another. Jing Tian instantly felt that the development of things seemed beyond his imagination, but it was still Before he had time to make any response, Feng Ji's absolutely proud "shu" xing" could be seen clearly in the screen of the phone!

Of course, don't think about it, Feng Ji is wearing a strapless low-cut pajamas, but it is precisely this close-fitting low-cut off-shoulder pajamas that Jing Tian has already started to automatically fill in some unsightly pictures.

This is not to blame Jing Tian's weak will, the key is that Feng Ji's chest is too big!

That's right, Jing Tian had already begun to wonder if this female local tyrant had put two prostheses in her chest that exceeded human limits!

Jing Tian said in his heart: d or e, no, this is g, this cup, this face and sleek shoulders, the proportion of this woman's body is too uncoordinated!

How can the key be so tall and straight? This is completely inconsistent with the law of universal gravitation. Shouldn't it be so big that it should sag? I really want to tear it apart from an academic perspective to see what happened!

By the way, why do you want to video with me so casually?

Isn't it true that the female local tyrant has found a substitute, and wants to give herself a sèyòu technique?

"Also ask me why I am wearing a mask. I am more casual at home, so I should protect myself as much as possible. What's more, there are old sayings that real people do not show their faces. This is more proof that I am the real me, not specially arranged for beauty Extra actor coming." Feng Ji said casually, as if she didn't care about Jing Tian's previous complaints, and she saw through Jing Tian's doubts.

Protect yourself?

Not a deliberately arranged beauty plan?

In Jing Tian's mind, he was thinking and spitting: Then why did you deliberately show your upper body to me, aren't you talking nonsense with your eyes open?

Does the beauty in your consciousness have to be tuōguāng for others to see?

You clearly want me, no wonder that men will fall in love with you when they see you. It turns out that you have such a set of killer marshmallows. I have to say that you are such a powerful weapon, and even a person with the willpower like me shakes. Now, thinking is evil!

I'm afraid that most people have already started video recording. Maybe they will have to do something dirty with the video in the middle of the night...

However, this can be regarded as a normal man's reaction, as long as I put my sight on the other person's face, don't look at the two oversized birthday peaches!

However, when Jing Tian shifted the center of attention, Jing Tian suddenly discovered that Feng Ji's dreamlike double pupils had an inexplicable shocking color!

Why should you be shocked?

Does this woman know herself?

But I really don't know a woman with this figure, even if I have been out of the big and young circle for many years, but with such an exaggerated figure, I will definitely have an impression!

Before Jing Tian could figure out this question, he had discovered that Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi were approaching him unkindly. After all, these two tigresses had already heard what Feng Ji said!

Beauty plan?

Everything is beautiful on the camera!

The beauty plan is almost the same!

However, just between the next two breaths, Jing Tian, ​​Yun Yiyi, and Zhao Jiaxue heard the casual tone of Feng Ji's change before, and their voices became a little distorted and said: "It's you, it's you, I finally Got you!"

"Uh... you know me?"

Although Jing Tian had a hunch, he didn't remember how, when did he meet such a bōbà who is inconsistent in body proportions?

What Jing Tian didn’t know was that Zhao Jiaxue had already started to mutter in her heart: Could it be Jing Tian’s young and reckless behavior, irresponsibly, what happened to this local tyrant, buying a drunken stranger all night, and then infatuated. After the tyrant girl woke up, she looked for the **** incident of her lover, right?

Didn’t it mean that some intimate contact happened? Is it because the local tyrant thinks that she must marry the first man?

Wait, Jing Tian wouldn't have committed a crime before, right?

Is Jing Tian a fugitive? Still caught by the victim?

No, you have to quickly let Jing Tian run away!

However, to Jing Tian's surprise, the female local tyrant Feng Ji actually pulled off her skull mask, revealing her plump but very cute childish face, and the two groups of pink apple muscles are charming. Although the chin is short, but because of the sensuality on the cheeks, it looks wonderful and immature.

This wiped out Jing Tian's previous fantasies about Feng Ji. He never expected that although a woman's face could be so cute and beautiful, even though it was large, it was like a four or five-year-old baby face. 14

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