Sky Dungeon

Chapter 622: The hero in my heart!

Oh, that's not right... If you say the biggest change, it's probably your own "shunng" fing.

Thinking of her "shu" xing", Feng Ji's face instantly turned red. Fortunately, she had a mask as a cover, otherwise her shy appearance would definitely have to be seen clearly.

She suddenly felt a bit regretful: her previous behavior would not let Zuijing Guantian think she was a frivolous woman, right?

I have always been more casual at home. Although I am a little open, I have never had any special contact with boys, let alone video with strange men. Today is my first time!

So far, he still retains his first love, and is ready to dedicate himself to the boy who saved him.

No, it's no longer a boy, but a man... Feng Ji only had such a short distance contact with that man, but inexplicable changes have taken place.

Today's short reunion has wiped out the previous history, and Feng Ji has unknowingly changed the object of her dedication into a man who seems a bit decadent, and that person is naturally Jing Tian! The hero in my heart!

Feng Ji's thoughts slowly drifted towards her naive and ignorant childhood: she lived with her parents in city d. At that time, she didn't know her own life experience, and lived happily without worry, until that day, she was caught in the street. Attracted by the marshmallow hawker on the opposite side, I don’t know who my parents stopped and asked what at the time. They didn’t notice my crossing of the road. Although it was a green light, a stray truck didn’t seem to notice it at all. Just keep moving forward unscrupulously.

Nor can he be cursed because the other party didn't find himself. After all, I didn't realize the danger and disaster that was coming at that time, until when I found out, everything was too late!

For me, it was really late. The car was so big, but I was so small. At that time, I seemed to see the **** of death, his cheek was fast approaching myself, ready to kiss me, but I dodged in fear. I have forgotten it, as if he had been cast by the **** of death, the brain was completely empty, as if waiting for the truck to hit him and end this short life.

At that time, children learned to give up, give up their lives, give up their parents, and give up the whole world. Now that I think about it, how sad, how ridiculous, and how sad it is, every moment when I dream back, the sweat on my forehead will fall down unconvincingly.

However, at the moment when my life is about to come to an end, when I completely abandon myself, when God, Buddha, and all gods give up on myself, and the whole world abandons myself at the last moment, a pair of small hands from behind me Hugging myself tightly, my body woke up again from the evacuated state...

What followed was a feeling of being taken away by a powerful force, as if being thrown out by a cheetah. However, when I twisted my neck and saw the person behind me clearly, I was actually taken away by myself. The two-year-old boy flew out!

At that moment, my whole body became relaxed and warm. It turned out that the whole world had abandoned me, but there was still one person who did not abandon me...

Then came the pain of falling heavily to the ground. Although it was painful, he fell into the arms of the little boy. The warmth that was protected at that moment rushed to every cell of his body.

However, I didn't live up to it, just because of the slight pain in my body, I burst into tears.

Of course, it may not be because of the pain, it may be because of the inexplicable fear delaying the onset of just rubbing shoulders with death...

My parents finally realized that there was a situation on their side and rushed over. I was lifted up, except for being frightened, without any trauma at all. However, the boy who was lifted up had bruises and blood on his legs and arms.

My parents began to ask what happened, but when I was crying, I didn't know where to start. Even at the time, I didn't have the language ability to tell everything clearly, but I remembered it for a lifetime.

Maybe the parents even doubted the little boy for a moment, wondering if he did something to himself. After all, the truck didn't mean to stop at all, as if nothing had happened, it had long gone.

However, the little boy was very strong and didn't want to give back at all, so he ran away without our attention!

But after a while, the little boy ran back again, but there was a big white cotton candy in his hand. He only heard the little boy comforting with a tender voice: "It's okay, little sister, don't cry, this cotton candy , My brother will give it to you!"

Brother will give you this cotton candy...

This shouldn’t have come from the mouths of kindergarten children. Even though he was injured, he still thought of ways to comfort others. How mature is this?

Even my parents recalled using "unbelievable" to describe the little hero.

At that moment, the expression on the little boy’s face was so gentle, but the expression on the little boy’s face was so brave and solemn the moment he saved himself. When he fell to the ground and saw that he was safe and sound, his expression became instantly happy. Brilliant, he seems to be a guardian knight sent by heaven to protect him, but unfortunately he is a knight who can only be used once.

When he wiped away his took the marshmallow and took a big bite, the little boy took the opportunity to leave silently. This time, it was a real departure... He even made a sound "Thank you" did not have time to say it.

Sometimes I really hate my parents and just don’t know what to do. Why do they ignore the benefactor hero because they care about themselves?

Why not control the little boy as a bad guy who bullies him?

In fact, as long as you ask clearly about the identity of the other party and what happened, and then go to the door to thank the little hero and his family, then you still have to look for him so hard?

That’s right, after a few years, I consciously wanted to repay the little boy, and then I began to wonder how to find him, and even stupidly asked my father to accompany me to the crossroads to stand by the side, but unfortunately I never met the boy again. child.

Although my father loved me, he couldn't let my temperament do things. Even if he wanted to repay the little hero, he was hard to find and he gradually forgot.

However, I never gave up, never let go, and made up my mind secretly that one day, I must find that boy! 14

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