Sky Dungeon

Chapter 630: Great kindness, unforgettable forever!

"Beauty Liu, you don't think I have anything important at home alone. Why don't you take me with me with kindness? I will definitely thank you for your great kindness, which will be unforgettable forever!" Luo Xia still said with a face, even if it was. I have to fight for the hope of my fingernails!

   Anyway, you don't need money to look at beautiful women, and there is a piece of meat on the beautiful women, let alone being pregnant by yourself!

   And, maybe everyone will give up their swimsuits when they are happy, you know, it's a mixed bath!

"Okay, I'll be compassionate and bring you. Everyone quickly prepare. If you are afraid that the steam in the hot springs is not strong enough, then bring a swimsuit." Liu Yaya said finally, it was mixed with a sneer , As if there is any conspiracy!

The bitterness in Jing Tian's heart: It turned out to be an artificial hot spring in the form of a private room. There are indeed mixed bathing rooms with particularly strong water vapor. People can not see the other person's body at all. Since you have planned everything, why not say it earlier Be clear!

  What have you been thinking about all this time?

   Really: Ask how sad you can be, just like the **** Xiangqinglou! Isn't you a little **** blindly active?

So, a group of six people drove to the destination in a commercial vehicle driven by Nan Lingxi’s maid. Nan’s family didn’t do too much. Although Nan Lingxi no longer manages the family business for the time being, it was given to her maid team. But still always obey her orders.

  Of course, there is also the possibility of surveillance, but it also provides some convenience to Jing Tian.

   After all, Liu Yaya's gadget comparable to an armored car is definitely not suitable for driving out casually. It is too easy to pull hatred, and so many people make it uncomfortable to sit!

   After arriving at the Hot Spring Villa, what made Luo Xia desperate and unforgettable is that Liu Yaya opened a small single room for him!

   That’s right, it’s a single room. Luo Xia immediately wanted to question Liu Yaya: I’m doing it. What’s the difference between this and taking a bath at home?

   For a while, Luo Xia Mingming seemed to hear Zhao Jiaxue's curse on herself: You deserve to be single, single for a lifetime!

However, before Luo Xia's anger ignited, Liu Yaya whispered a word to the fat man. Luo Xia's pig liver-like face instantly turned from cloudy to clear, and the corners of her mouth were even too happy to close together, plump. There was a faint springtime on the cheeks!

What made Jing Tian dumbfounded was that Luo Xia first apologized to Liu Yaya: "Great grace, I will never forget it." The next moment he took the initiative to bid farewell to everyone, and happily walked to his room, as if there was something in the private room. Jinshan Yinshan is waving at him!

   Everyone kept secret and didn't immediately ask the reason. After Liu Yaya opened a small room for the maid driver, he took everyone to the large private room.

After Nan Lingxi entered the room, he sent the maid and driver to take a bath too. On the one hand, he came out with herself and couldn’t treat her badly. On the other hand, Nan Lingxi didn’t want her to get too close to Jing Tian, ​​especially This kind of naked encounter should be avoided as much as possible.

   It's not Nan Lingxi's stingy, but the women around Jing Tian are a bit surplus. If it weren't for Jing Tian's suspicion, Nan Lingxi really wanted to replace the maid group with the deacon group!

   Try not to let your brother Jing and women come into contact!

   The maid did not shirk too much. After all, Liu Yaya was there, and she was not worried about the safety of Nanlingxi.

   After entering the private room, Jing Tian asked curiously, "What did you say to the fat man?"

   "Oh? You seem to be curious about this kind of thing... Without saying anything, I told him that the maid driver and him are the same."

   Liu Yaya's voice became as seductive as it was in the end, which directly evoked everyone's random thoughts.

Of course, there is one exception. It is naturally Nan Lingxi. Her face turned blue at this time, and she really wanted to rush to beat Liu Yaya. This guy actually gave her own maid yin, if Luo Xia did something to the maid , How can this be good?

   You know, my own maid is very heavy!

   Will you anger Brother Jing if you punch the fat man?

"Oh? Is Sister Lingxi worried? Worried about a domestic slave who monitors you, you really are fraternity. Don't blame me for doing a little investigation, after all, I don't want people who don't know the bottom line to appear often by my side. After all, I am very safe. Besides, if your maid is really dangerous, she has her own means of getting out. Why should you care?” Liu Yaya naturally interpreted the displeasure on Nan Lingxi’s face.

   The ghost is worried about the maid!

  What kind of escape method, the escape method after killing?

   I am really worried that the maid will kill the fat man!

   "Surveillance? Why are you so sure?" Nan Lingxi didn't want to admit it, even if she thought so in her heart countless times.

   "Oh? If you don't want to admit it, just forget it. Why do you need evidence? Even if I put the evidence in front of you, you can think that it's not monitoring you, right?"

   "Uh... don't worry, Luo Xia is not that kind of person. Although he has been in society, he is very principled and will definitely not attack a woman who has no emotional foundation." Jing Tian rounded off.

Naturally, he knows Luo Xia best. Although the fat man is a little, he is very conservative in terms of women. If the fat man is the kind of casual person, he would naturally not put that kind of toys in the room. , I'm afraid I went to see the feet washing girl early, right?

   Besides, the topic of the two women is really heavy and deviates from the theme of this event.

   "Well, since Brother Jing packed the tickets, the profiteer doesn't say anything, but no matter what happens, Brother Jing, don't blame the profiteer on this profiteer! Let's get started."

   Blame on you?

what happened?

   Jingtian was confused...

The hot spring time is infinitely hazy, and it is rare for everyone to enjoy this leisure time. Since devoting their energy to Sky Dungeon, everyone has less activities in all aspects. .

   Soaking in a hot spring is something that makes the initially morbid, bleak body glow with a brand new brilliance, and every cell of the body is refreshed to the limit.

It is precisely because of this that when everyone soaks in the hot springs, they are exceptionally quiet and peaceful, and there is no scene of harassment in the imagination. The girls are also quite tacit, and they did not choose to attack Jingtian at this time. A tacit understanding was reached.

   But even if the girls did not directly attack Jing Tian, ​​the impact on Jing Tian was unimaginable.

   Especially when Yun Yiyi said coldly, "Too hot, take it off", in the steaming mixed bathroom, Jing Tian's inner world instantly seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was shaking.

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