Sky Dungeon

Chapter 642: Holiday protection

Naturally, these people are not doing nothing. They just hope that the overbearing will place everyone into the forces as soon as possible. Does the reserve feel very lofty? As long as the power boss feels the crisis, he will naturally consider the proposal of building sub-powers.

Overbearing, who is also a person, he actually expected this moment long ago, in fact, he doesn't need to stand up and explain anything, as long as someone is arranged to remind everyone to watch the video of the resident battle, I am afraid that all the demons will be temporarily eliminated. I despise the thought of arrogance in my heart. After all, even the hegemony at this time in the previous battle was a lingering fear...

What is the skill of the **** of death that appeared out of thin air, if you don't figure it out, no matter which force breaks into the resident of Qiyun Luoxue, I am afraid that it will suffer the same Waterloo.

Sure enough, the overbearing play made such a hand, and soon the other power owners of the Demon Race gave up the idea of ​​despising Ruiyue and despising overbearing. They were also shocked by the strangeness in this battle.

Let alone the unpredictable skills, hundreds of npc mercenaries alone are enough to make them rub their eyes. Isn't this a bug?

Didn't anyone from the ruining moon force submit a bug? Or do you have hallucinations when you are old?

Obviously, the person who destroyed the moon guild naturally submitted this bug, but if it is a bug, I am afraid that it has been corrected at this time, and the system will at least give a statement. However, the system has been silent until now and has not done anything. I am afraid that it has already explained. Everything.

This has caused all the demons in a cold sweat. If in the future, every time they attack an alliance guild, there will be so many NPC mercenaries, so what a shit!

Soon the Mozu power managers posted in the official lùntán and asked Tengyi to give a reasonable explanation.

Of course, it's not just the demons who are in a commotion, but the leaders of the Alliance Guild can't sit still at this time, and even some friends who are sitting on the well and watching the sky have sent a voice message to ask.

Although this is not a nuclear weapon, it is also a Scud missile. One more method will eventually give you more chances to win.

Of course, Jing Tian didn't think there was anything to conceal, so he told the secretaries of the mercenaries to the guild leaders who came to inquire.

As Jing Tian expected, these guild leaders sighed after they understood Jing Tian’s explanation. After all, the system setting was actually impeccable. Under the premise that they were equal to the demons, it was impossible to make so many. NPC mercenaries participate in the battle, not to mention the biggest advantage of alliance players is the number of players, and there will be no way to use them in the future.

However, these guild leaders also fully realize the importance of npc mercenaries, because according to Jing Tian’s description, the number of mercenaries that can participate in the battle may be related to the number of online guilds and demons, not simply by the total population. Comparison calculation.

In other words, you must hire more npc thugs in the future. In case of special circumstances, such as holidays in your country, many players cannot go online. At that time, if the demons come to invade and attack, then npc mercenaries can be used for big purposes. Up!

Maybe it can still have a miraculous effect, even if it doesn't have a miraculous effect, you can't let the Demon player be the soft sister of Shui Lingling, everyone will come up and pinch.

Indeed, it is inevitable that world-class online games will be less online during the festive season. There used to be a survival-based online game with a zombie outbreak. Because of the Spring Festival, most players did not go online and the hard-built base was Japanese players took advantage of the emptiness and broke through in one fell swoop. Although Chinese players have been online after the Spring Festival, the number of people crushed and bloodbathed the Japanese players' base for revenge. However, it is unavoidable that this may be a vicious circle. Wouldn't Chinese players next year be the Spring Festival?

Not only in the game world, but even in the history of the real world, didn't some wars break out when they chose to launch sneak attacks on holidays in other countries when their defenses were relaxed?

Struggle is not a sports game. It does not pay attention to fairness and unfairness. The soldiers are not tired of deceit, and the approach of taking advantage of the void can better reflect human wisdom.

Of course, some people may want to say, Sky Dungeon does not have a guild protection time, it can be further developed into holiday protection, and a certain number of days are allocated each year for the guild leaders to set the protection by themselves. Then the problem is coming, you can guarantee Are the guilds in an alliance resident all the guilds of a single country?

Even if there are, it is still a small number. The protection time of a guild residence is unified, but it is impossible to achieve the same for all guilds in each alliance residence. Then if holiday protection is given, it may cause the guild relationship in the residence to become tension.

After all, which country’s holiday is celebrated, this involves the issue of respect and disrespect.

Therefore, Sky Dungeon does not respect countries very much. It is hoped that players from all over the world can mix and match to establish guilds and But the will of Tengyi company cannot influence the players’ will. National guilds and influences are still It sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain in the game.

Therefore, adhering to the idea of ​​seeking common ground while reserving differences, Tengyi’s main strategy, Kitianongjing, did not adopt the holiday protection scheme, but focused on strengthening and continuing Jingtian’s idea of ​​npc mercenaries, which not only helped to balance strength , To make the battle interesting, and to avoid the problem of the holiday unmanned city as much as possible. After all, no one still has an NPC, and it is not that simple to take the alliance guild station casually.

Speaking of strengthening, actually kicking Tiannongjing is a chemical reaction between the holiday protection and the npc mercenaries, creating something that even Jingtian did not expect. That is: strengthen defense.

Enhanced defense is a powerful state that strengthens npc mercenaries. Affected by this state, the level and strength of npc mercenaries will be significantly improved, and the opening of this state of enhanced defense is not affected by the alliance resident owner’s guild. It can be opened freely. Every holiday, the guild president can activate the enhanced defense according to the national holiday of the main members of the guild. The enhanced defense can only be opened for 10 days a year. It is just a good knife that is used on the blade. If you use it at will, these 10 days , I am afraid that once the truly critical holiday comes, there will be no reinforcement available.

Therefore, with the development of the game, everyone is more accustomed to calling enhanced defense as holiday protection. After all, even if the demons invade, as long as there are NPC mercenaries, they will come to deliver food, and there is no need to consider whether to arrange normal defense.

In the future, when Jing Tian came into contact with the concept of strengthening defenses, he was also full of praise for the idea of ​​kicking the sky and playing the well. He had troubled his two sets of plans, and finally chose a more compromised idea, but he did not completely solve the holiday. The problem of sneak attacks.

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