Sky Dungeon

Chapter 652: Bought nearly 1 commercial building

If you want to help, why did you go early, and now you are all home, didn't you take credit for it?

Liu Yaya unkindly stared at this love rival, who had a tender and plump face but an astonishingly big chest. While complaining in her heart, she had to admire: It turned out to be bigger than mine. Did she grow up on hormones?

No, no, shouldn't it be the Korean **** hospital filled with two oversized silicone implants?

Liu Yaya is not a special soldier. Although 80% of them are not special soldiers who lick blood, but the physical fitness and self-protection methods are absolutely top-notch. After all, this woman can't see a trace of muscle, but she can breathe evenly and freely on the stairs. It is not comparable to Jingtian and Nanlingxi.

The most embarrassed is Nan Lingxi. She has poor physical fitness since she was a child, and she is still a coward. She always hides in inconspicuous corners. When Liu Yaya finishes thinking, she can breathe calmly and focus on the big eyes in front of her. On the cow.

That's right, Nan Lingxi has already labeled Lin Yumian a "big cow" in his heart. Of course, the envy and irony are self-evident.

Big **** are amazing, can you eat grass and squeeze out eight cups of milk every day, and drink it by yourself?

Although the two women knew that they were inferior in their hearts, their complexions remained unmoved. Even if their bodies were not big enough, their hearts must be bigger than her!

Since knowing that the plastic surgeon is Jin Chengwu, Nan Lingxi always thinks of Jin Chengwu every time someone stabbed the painful spot. She naturally considered whether to find that guy for a magic drop breast augmentation surgery. Once she secretly secretly I asked Jin Chengwu: "What kind of cup can be done from a- after an operation?"

Jin Chengwu did not conceal it and replied: "It depends on your body type. If you are a thin body type, although you can achieve c or even d from a, the fullness of the **** may not be as full as fat women. The b mask. After all, the cup is just the difference of the bust, not the bust. If you want to really make your bust proud, at least you have to eat a little bit fatter, you can think that the larger the container, the more prosthesis is. The bigger the bust is, the more the bust will increase. Of course, you may not understand that, but think about it. A thinner woman is a small balloon, and a fatter woman is a big balloon. You blow into it, but the small balloon If you want to be bigger than a big balloon, what will happen?"

Support bàozhà!

The elasticity of the skin is limited. If an external force is used to squeeze a prosthesis larger than the body's ability to accept it, there will be considerable side effects.

But, b is b, it's better than the current a- isn't it, Nan Lingxi, who has a mentality rather than a nonchalant, has been always ready to move.

Now such a big cow appeared in front of her again, and it was still fat and big breasted as Jin Chengwu said. This fat physique can make the hemisphere under the same cup more húnyuán. Can she not feel a sense of crisis? At this time, she just wanted to ask Jing Tian: "Why do you like **** so much, and one is bigger than the other? Can't you consider the charm of poor breasts?"

The charm of poor breasts?

Poor milk is really charming, it's the kind of cool charm!

Lin Yumian raised his hand and wiped the crystal clear liquid on the corner of his mouth, like a small fat cat licking his front paws. At this moment, the other two women stared at him. They didn't understand how there could be such a cute one in the world. Young beauty?

That's right, Lin Yumian's chubby pink face has an indescribable beauty...

In the face of such a novel woman, Liu Yaya and Nan Lingxi instantly lost the smashing mandarin duck...Ah, oh, they lost the murderousness of the smashing Xiaosi...

Open the door and enter the house. Needless to say, Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue both stared at Jing Tian with cannibalistic eyes. When Jing Tian introduced Lin Yumian’s identity, and announced that Lin Yumian would supervise the use of funds and the food for some time in the future. After the matter, only the heartless Luo Xia clapped her hands in praise.

After all, Luo Xia's heart is dark and cool, and there is another peerless landscape, and Jing Tian's Asura Field Prison Index instantly soared to a whole new level. How could he not clap his hands to express welcome?

This is definitely another new topic of Mai Taijing Tian!

However, where Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue welcomed them, they don’t know what Lin Yumian’s background is. They only know that the other party is a female local tyrant, and the poor love the rich. They even think that investing in riding the clouds and falling snow is to pave the way for raising a well. After all, Jing Tian is the hero who saves the United States.

Therefore, the meal in the morning was extremely depressing, and everyone seemed to be holding their stomachs and unable to vent.

Luo Xia is an exception. Naturally, he suffocated a smirk and didn't dare to laugh. After all, gloating too much might become a punching bag for all the women.

However, when Jing Tian was about to run out of breakfast, he still asked the doubts in his mind: "Uh...Sister I don't know if you bought all the houses in this building? "

She's all called Sister Shanglin!

You see money and have no lower limit!

Zhao Jiaxue cursed in her heart, and the other women were stunned, and their thoughts were not much better. They all locked in the sky with fierce and evil eyes, as if the next moment the stream and clouds would start to enlarge their moves, the rain and the wind would be full. floor……

"Well, yes, yes, I bought the vacant house first. The lady in the sales department was happy to have flowers, but today I learned that I bought the house from the tenants at a high price, and now I regret it." Lin Yumian also Without concealment, he casually told the truth, and a drop of crystal liquid spilled from the corner of his mouth when speaking, as if a little girl had just made a small prank casually.

Gudong! Everyone swallowed unconsciously.

That is to say, her casual tone made everyone a little shocked, and she bought nearly a commercial building in one go. What a courage!

Although Liu Yaya is not short of money, her family is not a business man. I don't know if she can get so much money out of her family in one go.

Although Nanlingxi is the queen of the business world, even though he once held astronomical wealth, he casually used his family's money to buy a commercial residential building. This shows that Lin Yumian has an unimaginable status, and at least spend the money. You don't need to go through the family's approval, it's like spending your own pocket money, you know this is hundreds of millions!

Asked Nan Lingxi, even if he was in the best position in the family at the time, if he had to spend hundreds of millions of dollars without the consent of the family elders, he would be questioned by people in the family. After all, the bigger the family, the less easy it is to spend the family's money. 14

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