Sky Dungeon

Chapter 663: Empty pet doll

   As expected, the same **** is true love!

   At this time, Jing Tian didn't know that everyone thought of such a truth in such a dirty mind.

Jin Chengwu was even more enthusiastic and said: "Fatty, why don't you ask me for a full-body plastic surgery? You will be the chairman. I have surgery. Don't worry, you can make sure that you will be stripped off and look in the mirror in the future. Can't bear nosebleeds."

   "I'm doing it! You want to castrate fat brother, you have to ask my wife if you want it?" Luo Xiaman said angrily.

   But, Jin Chengwu's next sentence almost made him carry his breath, and only listened to Jin Chengwu asking seriously: "President, are you willing to let the fat man change the trajectory of his life?"


   Jing Tian was speechless. He really couldn't answer this question. After answering, he admitted that he had a special relationship with Luo Xia.

   And he became Luo Xia's wife somehow!

   Fatty even knocked over the five-flavored bottle at this time. Although there are various flavors, the most unforgettable thing is bitterness!

   has said that you asked my wife, but you actually asked Jing Tian, ​​doesn’t this make it clear that you are a comrade?

   Luoxia vomited blood in her heart, and said angrily: "I'm doing it! You did it on purpose, my wife is Yang Mimi, what are you asking the frog?"

   Before Jin Chengwu could speak, the sister who did not eat mice had already sent out a voice message: "I agree!"


   agree with what?

   The plot developed too fast, everyone didn't react for a while, and after a few breaths, there was an uproar!

   Crit! Luo Xia was already thinking about which one of the hundred ways to commit suicide was the most reliable...

   What is the renunciation of the relatives, what is the catastrophe and flying separately, this has not yet encountered danger, Yang Mimi has already pierced herself in the back.

   "Ahem, since your wife agrees, I think you should stop struggling. Get your visa and air ticket as soon as possible and fly over to find me. If you don't come, I will also find you."

   Jin Chengwu didn't expect a joke to reach this point. This fat man is really wicked!

   "Okay, stop making trouble, everyone is here, I'll take the task."

In the end, the one who stood up and cleared the siege was still sitting in the well and watching the sky. Luo Xia was to blame, but it was enough. He knew that he was not so good-tempered in the bones of the best friend who had mixed up with society. Maybe Luo Xia had already begun to consider whether it was right now. I really should go to Korea, of course not to change my life, but to change Jin Chengwu's life!

The guild mission did not encounter any waves. The episodes encountered in the middle of the game did not happen during the game, but came from offline. Some of the game peripheral air pet pillows purchased in the morning were delivered to the door on the same day. Up!

   Jingtian was still a little curious at first. When he saw that the fast logistics turned out to be **** logistics, he suddenly realized that the cooperation that Liu Yaya mentioned before has reached this level.

Although Tengyi Company will not be its own logistics company, such a strong alliance is naturally a matter of course. What's more, the wearable device Liu Yaya showed to her before was also developed in cooperation with the e-commerce platform. It is normal for the logistics of business platforms to cooperate.

   However, Jing Tian and the others are doing tasks in the game, so they don't have time to unpack and test, they just put it in the living room and continue the game.

However, what was unexpected to Jing Tian was that after the guild mission, Qiyun Luoxue received the message of the demon clan’s declaration of war again. This somewhat surprised Jing Tian. He even suspected that the demon convention organization had already seen through Jing for the first time. Tian’s trick predicts that he does not have that much money to hire NPCs to defend the resident for a long time. Even if there are funds, as long as the wheel fights down and the NPC is consumed, it will not be able to replenish it in time. Then the guild is not far away!

   But after seeing the name of the declaring force, Jing Tian was relieved.

  Because it's just a little-known force, 80% of them are Qiyun Luoxue who declared war in order to speculate on income.

   The fact is just as Jing Tian thought, this small force used the banner of attacking the league's first guild to attract many demon casual players.

Of course, there is no need for a second assumption in the ending. Nearly five hundred mobs of this faction have been abused over and over by militant members of the Riding Cloud Alliance. Even if the demons are better at PVP, they can’t hold on to the numbers. Huge gap.

   But this little force is quite persevering. After defeating once and organizing again, defeating and fighting again, there is no idea of ​​giving up. This is much stronger than those big powers with good face and looking forward and backward fighting style.

   Jingtian also praised the perseverance of these demons. Obviously hitting a rock with a pebble, but being able to get more frustrated and courageous is really commendable. At the very least, it can be used as a good whetstone. In the later stage, Jing Tian even mobilized only 1.5 times the enemy's alliance members to fight with each other. The scene did not become one-sided, it was quite passionate.

   Then it was dinner time, but the people gathered at Liu Yaya's house weren't just here for dinner this time, everyone had guys in their hands...what guy?

That is naturally the smart air pet pillow that everyone received this But what makes Jingtian a little bit ridiculous is that, except for the smallest pillow that she and Luo Xia chose, the other women chose it. I have a large empty pet doll, and a female man like Zhao Jiaxue came here directly carrying a noise hornbill that is 2 meters high. Fortunately, the noise hornbill was deliberately made by the toy company, and even the noise rhinoceros The bird's strange head is installed on the penguin's body, and it seems to have an inexplicable sense of cuteness.

   Other women choose to follow the cute love route. Although they are not overly pursuing bigness, the dolls in their arms are not less than 1.2 meters!

   If other women like furry dolls, Jing Tian can still accept it, but Liu Yaya, a retired special force, how can you also like the set of soft girls?

   I thought that with so many dolls in your house, you would pick one that does not take up space, but how you look at the doll in your hand, it is several times larger than the other dolls in the room!

   It's really not that I don't feel bad about paying for it!

  What's terrible is that you even bought a fashion accessory with a doll. This fashion is of excellent texture and is not a stall. You know that many real people are not willing to wear it!

   More importantly, why is a maid apron suit?

   Liu Yaya, your pet doll is a little flying dragon, okay? What do you want to dress up so cute?

   Naturally, it is the female local tyrant Lin Yumian. Everyone is an empty pet pillow doll. Why did you bring the head empty pet No. 1 here? Are you not blatantly showing off your wealth? Are you afraid that everyone will beat you up?

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