Sky Dungeon

Chapter 667: Vent sandbag

   Why didn’t I think that there is such a cure? After all, as long as my sister doesn't see strangers, she won't get sick!

   At first he didn’t understand the white and he was happy for his sister’s change, but as time went by, he found that he had become a little transparent person...

   That’s right, with Xinhuan’s sister, she even disliked herself and talked to her. This is something that has never happened in history!

   This night, to Bai, who has a serious sister-in-law, doesn’t understand Hei, it’s just like a testament. Seeing his sister and the big mandarin duck have a hot conversation, can he not be jealous? Bai does not understand black and even counts, will his sister stop loving herself...

   White does not understand black. I really hate the main strategy for designing game peripherals. I can’t wait to put my air pet pillow directly into the main strategy!

   Of course, the saddest thing is the smart pillow nose ring cow, which does not understand black, and successfully developed a new function of smart pillow: venting sandbag.

   This night the nose ring cow pillow was often beaten by the white and the black!

   Everything was developed step by step the next morning. The only difference was that the elevators of the whole building stopped on the floor where Jingtian and Lin Yumian lived, like an exclusive maid, waiting for everyone to use at any time. Because other residents actually moved out within one day yesterday!

Not only that, there are two security guards sitting on the first floor. Although a security suit is the standard clothing for the security of the Konghai Garden Property, Jing Tian recognized these two people as two of the eight guards responsible for escorting Lin Yumian. people!

   Not only that, but on the negative first floor of the safety staircase and in front of Lin Yumian's room, there is also a security guard. Yes, they are both Lin Yumian's guards.

   These eight people apparently formed two shifts, guarding the entire building.

Of course, what Jingtian is not even clearer is that careful monitoring equipment has been deployed in the underground parking lot and some important locations of the entire building. At this moment, there are two guards facing the entire building. The external environment of the building is fully monitored.

After Jing Tian greeted the two door gods casually, he led Liu Yaya and Nan Lingxi together to push the door and leave. Before the glass door on the first floor was completely pushed open, Jing Tian heard the two security guards turn back. I whispered casually, what kind of master there really is, what kind of guards... You guys didn't mean to pretend that you were so arrogant and arrogant at the last moment?

   The more important whispering content is also related to the two beauties around you. Could you please suppress the volume when you whisper, we have all heard...

   "What do you think of these two, can you beat our eldest lady?"

   "I see nothing, the milk content is not a level, my uncle likes the milk volume."

   "That's right, my aunt also likes to be younger, they are older all over the body."

   Can I bear it? Of course I can bear it! But the two beauties next to him are of different origins, how can they endure it? Although they beat the dog to see their master, the two women never considered swallowing such a thing like being poked at the back of the back. Only the weak can swallow it.

So, the two women turned their heads and walked back to the two security guards. The two security guards didn't seem to think that the two women dared to do anything to them. They just sat down, but the next second made them change their faces. The pain spread from the soles of the feet to the whole body!

   That's right, the two women stepped on the soles of a security guard, one by one, and they stepped on their heels. You must know that they both wore high heels today!

   However, the two security guards are indeed masters, and as if nothing happened, they forcibly retracted their feet. Even though the legs were trembling because of the pain, the two of them didn't groan.

   Real man!

   However, the two women are also very image-conscious. They never intended to become cursing shrews, so after a really adequate punishment, they turned to catch up with Jing Tian and went to buy early.

   Perhaps this kind of warning is enough to make these two nonchalant security guards unforgettable forever!

   is of course unforgettable for life, which makes them have to be more careful. After Jing Tian and the three of them came back earlier, the two security guards showed a gentle smile. Is this showing weakness?

   Soon, the three of Jing Tian had an answer. The three of them entered the elevator. While the elevator doors were closing, the two security guards immediately continued to tease.

   "Whose legs do you think look good?"

   "Uncle's looks better."

   "Sure enough, my uncle likes our lady's jade legs more."

   If the elevator door had not been closed, I am afraid the two women rushed over again and trampled on their willpower!

  In other words, didn't Lin Yumian say that he should not launch an offensive face to face and cause trouble to himself?

   Maybe this is not her arrangement, but the guards' heartfelt?

   These two security elder brothers really know how to play tricks that hurt people behind them, and they chose to speak out the moment the elevator door closed, and they deliberately raised their voices, obviously deliberate revenge!

   You know, both women were wary before, but the moment the elevator door started to close, they completely let go of their That is to say, the two women didn't react for a moment.

At this time, the two women probably want to press the button to go to the first floor, but in front of Jing Tian, ​​neither of them wants to be so small, they can only curse the two security guards secretly in their hearts, and even plan their next return. How to teach them a lesson after seeing them.

Lin Yumian, who got the news, was already waiting outside the elevator at this time and happened to take part of Jingtian’s breakfast. After all, Jingtian was about to open the door, but when Jingtian passed the breakfast, he could vaguely feel left and right. The invisible murderous aura from the two women.

   said that, the two beauties worked hard to accompany them to buy breakfast. Lin Yumian seemed to have accompanied the three of them to buy breakfast.

   Isn’t this just cutting off Hu?

   In addition, Lin Yumian's guards verbally attacked the two women, and now they can't wait to strip Lin Yumian alive!

   So, after Jing Tian proposed to give Lin Yumian a spare key, she didn't have to pick up her hand earlier, just open the door.

However, Lin Yumian refused at will, and replied: "That's your home, why did you give me the key? Isn't it afraid to cause misunderstandings by several beauties? Or, do you want me to sneak in at night to attack? Net celebrities do have This power."

Jing Tian was grateful for Lin Yumian's carefulness, after all, he really didn't think about that much, but Lin Yumian's next sentence made Jing Tian's gratitude disappear. He just listened to Lin Yumian very casually: "Just put it in your pants pocket. Yes, I can just touch it out by myself every day."

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