Sky Dungeon

Chapter 672: Diarrhea at a critical moment?

Obviously, the average equipment strength of the players on the side of Qiyunluoxue is better, so the next battle is a battle against the tower, and both sides put all their energy on the opponent's arrow tower.

The existence of arrow towers is a bit against the sky, and the indiscriminate range of arrows rains. The arrow towers in the past tower pushing games may be ashamed of themselves in front of the arrow towers in Sky Dungeon.

Fortunately, the range of damage caused by the arrow tower is about 10% of the player's health. As long as there is a healing profession taking turns to clean up the blood, it will be a matter of time to knock the tower down.

Soon, the faces of the two-dimensional players changed. The first tower was overthrown by the Guild of Riding Clouds. It can only be considered that they were opportunistic and took advantage of the opportunity. How come the second and third towers were also taken down by Riding Clouds. Take the lead all the way?

According to normal principles, the combat effectiveness of one's own forces should catch up. Even if the overtake cannot be completed before the third tower, it should be equal to the Guild of Riding Clouds!

However, why is there no feeling of tie-in at this time, and the Cloud Riding Guild is still far ahead in time to push the tower?

Could it be that the players on your side are not paddling? Raising troops for a thousand days and using troops for a while, but the result is fading at the critical moment?

Others didn't pay attention, how could Ainzurgong not pay attention, the fact that all the forces did not have the phenomenon of paddling, obviously, the output capacity of their forces 25 people is actually not as good as the people who smashed together to Qiyun Luoxue!

This slap on my face was really hot and painful. I was so naive that I could easily win with the gap in the number of people. No wonder Cloud Riding Guild no longer harassed me by pushing the tower. I was still there before. If you have a headache, if the other party sends someone to interfere with the progress of pushing the tower, should you arrange for a stalker to kill the enemy? Now I know that my worry is unnecessary, and the other party does not need to harass!

After recognizing the facts, Ainzur Gong did not lose sight of being the leader of the power, immediately dispatched troops and generals, separated twenty people and rushed to the right. In fact, he has already thought thoroughly: if he continues like this, his own power will obviously lose the game. Although losing the game will not lead to the completion of the power mission, but the reward is only half, so the reward for the seven-star mission is also It's almost the same as four stars.

At this point, as long as the twenty people separated can attack the Cloud Riding Guild and the remaining team can move forward steadily, then the ultimate winner of this game will still be their two-dimensional force.

"Enemy attack." Yun Yiyi coldly reminded everyone that her game role and profession have certain advantages in vision, and Yun Yiyi herself has amazing eyesight, which is simply the clairvoyance of the team. She reminded that Jing Tian focused on looking. After a breath, the figure of the two-dimensional player appeared vaguely in the distance.

However, you can't be careless now, Jing Tian immediately commanded indifferently: "First retreat strategically, exit the attack range of the arrow tower, and keep a distance from the enemy, waiting for the skill to recover."

Jing Tian is not yet confident enough to withstand the attack of the opponent's arrow tower, and can wipe out the main force of the second element when most of the skills are cooled.

Then a strategic retreat is necessary. At this time, the combat state must be adjusted, and the enemy must be defeated with one effort.

Soon, Jing Tian saw the enemy’s situation clearly. It was about the appearance of four teams. The two-dimensional power stalkers are very few. After all, the stalkers are indeed pitiful in the anime. The two-dimensional powers' player occupation composition does exist. The big limitation is that the tactical play of five sneakers is impossible.

Then, Jing Tian doesn't need to think about it to understand what the last team of the second element is doing, it must be pushing the tower in the middle!

So, Jing Tian's mouth rose slightly, revealing a weird smile, and faintly commanded: "Yang Mimi, bring Feng Ji, black and white, kill the five people in the middle."

"Take us as coolies again, obviously there are more people on this passer-by." Yang Mimi looked at the enemy team, with a little reluctance in her heart. After all, with his strength, killing the other five people is obviously an overkill.

"That is, I don't want to be separated from the hero!" Feng Ji was also unwilling.

"Hurry up!" Before Jing Tian issued a military order, everyone issued an expulsion order in unison.

The three of them immediately left the right and rushed to the middle. On the right, Anzurgong brought the main members of the forces to the thirteen members of the Cloud Riding Guild and shouted and killed them. However, sitting in the well and watching the sky and leading the players were not positive. The challenge is all the way back, making the two-dimensional guild players have the illusion of a punch on the cotton candy, and they start to open the current channel and provoke: "Don’t run, I’m scared to see you, the first guild is nothing more than that. , We have a video, and we will post it to lùntán in a while. What title should I give?"

"The first guild in the league is the sick man of East Asia?" Kayaba Akihiko sneered.

Sick man of East Asia? Unexpectedly, this word would actually be used on his own head, Jing Tian felt a little However, in the face of the enemy's saliva, the next second he would remove the side effects from the excitement in his heart. .

"It's a good name, and the number of hits will definitely be high!" Lisbet's voice turned out to be very kawaii.

"I think they recognize their own strength, they simply can't beat us, they are ready to hide within the attack range of their arrow towers and rely on the arrow towers to suppress us." The Terrorist said in a military commander's tone that sees everything through.


The members of the Japanese two-dimensional forces are fully hydraulic, screaming, and have no idea of ​​actively attacking. After all, the purpose of their trip is to block the progress of the tower pushing of the Cloud Riding Guild. The players of the Cloud Riding Guild shrink up, and the game is won by their own side. .

I have to say that these defeated players will really find psychological comfort! All of them are still masters!

Jing Tian thought of it this way. Seeing that his skills were almost cool, he didn't talk nonsense with the other party, and directly ordered, "Kill back."

Seeing that everyone in Qiyun stopped and turned around, the defeated generals of the two-dimensional element naturally thought that their radical skills had succeeded. No one was more ashamed than they were. After all, they were not convinced at all. Just now Qiyun Luoxue used more to bully less, and now Feng Shui turns, it is their turn to rely on the strong and bully the weak!

However, can they really bully less with more?

Sitting on the well Guantian unceremoniously launched the [halberd·Yibatian] at the moment when the two sides were about to enter each other's range!

However, in the face of the eclipse effect that swallowed the sky and the earth, the players of the two-dimensional forces did not panic, but showed a disdainful smile. They threw their skills forward, and they had already shared the information sent by the treaty organization. In their opinion, this tyrant is nothing more than an over-range blinding skill. Sitting in the well and watching the sky is the skill that allows one's own personnel to take the lead every time. 14

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