Sky Dungeon

Chapter 676: Wasp Gu

Naturally, thanks to the explosion of the hidden attributes of the fox beauty race, the fear of 3 seconds was abruptly extended to 4 seconds!

The priests who had already raised their scepter and began to chant healing skills had to squat down and hold their heads to interpret the frights their characters were receiving at this time. Although the action is a bit exaggerated, this setting can protect yourself to the greatest extent.

After all, if you are controlled for 4 seconds, if you stand up straight and are attacked by the enemy, wouldn't it be more forceful and easier to be hit? On the contrary, you can squat down and hug your head and curl up, you can avoid most of the attacks, and you can also protect your head to avoid being directly attacked!

Four seconds was enough for melee professions such as Sitting in the Well and Watching the Sky, Falling in the Well Xia Shi, and Village Women to surround the Bubble Teapot, attacking it sharply, and the Bubble Teapot groaning, and tears almost fell in his heart.

Two-tailed Scorpio has not been idle since the beginning. Before Jing Tian gave the order to focus the fire, she had planted the [Wasp Gu] for the priest Shennong Heiluoheluo.

This skill of Wasp Gu is quite special. It can be regarded as a delayed attack skill. Players who are planted with Wasp Gu will not only suffer a physical damage due to the oncoming bee burrowing into the body, but after ten seconds, the attack will cause damage to the player. Paralyzing effect is added to poison damage.

The first-order Wasp Gu can paralyze the target for 5 seconds!

Some people naturally want to say at this time that this wasp gu is actually weaker than the female emperor's bumblebee! They are in the same line, it's a huge difference!

The author's Yebi Sublimation can only hehe, how many skills like Bumblebee can stably bring out the perverted bee venom paralysis effect, and still switch the target group control frantically?

Under the power of the Hornet, if the player cannot hit the enemy's head, let alone trigger the 6-second double paralysis effect, even the 3-second normal paralysis effect may be resisted!

Besides, the biggest difference between the Hornet Gu and the Hornet is the potential of the skill. The paralysis effect produced by the Hornet will not increase with the upgrade of the skill, but the Hornet skill will!

Although the paralysis effect of the sixth-order Hornet cannot reach 10 seconds, it can paralyze a single target for 8 seconds. Moreover, the sixth-order hornet is not the end of the skill. In the future, if you board the sky city, your skills can be further improved.

After that, the two-tailed Scorpio directly called for the wind and rain, and a filthy rain of chaos was dropped by her on the player character of the second element. Although the effect of this slow speed skill is not as sharp as the single slow speed skill, the second order chaos The rain is enough to reduce the speed of the player characters of the second element by 22%. Even if they sing first, they can be interrupted by the fast-responsive cloud-riding players. The more important thing is that after the thunder cage is broken, several demons who resume their free movement The movement speed of the clan characters dropped. Before they had time to run to support, they were affected by the two-headed Leo's battle of glory. Those tragic guys who had already run a few steps had to sigh and were forced to turn around by the system. The two-headed Leo.

This guy is really a mocking face, he really wants to rush up and beat him up, but is his skills wasted on this flesh shield, really good?

The two-headed Leo immediately shouted in the chat room: "Hurry up and get me blood, I'm going to die heroically!"

Sure enough, his cowardly attributes have not improved at all.

"Don't be ashamed in the chat room, they didn't plan to hit you at all!" One-eyed Aries said in a contemptuous tone.

After everyone glanced at the translated text, there was a direct urge to blacken this timid tank.

Of course, forcing the face does not mean that the player must attack the tank. The player is not a monster. IQ is unlimited. Even if you force my face, I can go backwards, right?

But the speed of walking backwards is really too slow, the speed is only half the speed of going forward, before they walked to the bubble teapot, she had been taken away by the system **** and waited for resurrection!

Although these backward melee professional ambitions are unwilling, but compared to the five comrades who are still in the thorns, they at least made an attempt to rescue, so as not to hurt their companions.

Don’t joke and blame these five players who are surrounded by thorns. They have a lot of bitterness in their stomachs. Although these mobile melee compatriots around me have cut off two or three thorns on them, they are in order to rescue the bubbles. Teapot gave up the five of them and ran away. This made their characters suffer extra damage without achieving the effect of de-control. Can they feel good?

There is really an illusion of being abandoned. Although I am trapped and can't die, but my comrades leave me alone, the baby is suffering!

The two-tailed Scorpio and Yun Xueyi controlled the remaining Shennong priest to be a miserable The magic flute and the magician are masters of control, the frog who turns into frog, the illusion of phantom killing. Kill, but at this time their control skills are basically empty. Fortunately, a few people sitting in the well and watching the sky have already turned to fire. Another Shennong priest, Heilo Heilo, has been set on fire even though Heiluo Heilao lasted so long. A little bit, but the two-dimensional melee players who can't find the north can't make any waves at all.

Finally, waiting for the effect of the Battle of Glory time passed, the two-dimensional forces regained their freedom and reversed the direction. As a result, just after changing their bodies, a big iron ball came oncoming!

That's right, it is the skill of the one-horned Taurus: death hammer!

Fortunately, this blow didn't cause any negative state, otherwise it would become an annoyance if it could not be released.

However, a second before their rejoicing, a blue magic circle suddenly appeared above the sky, and in a flash, the blue rain condensed countless sharp arrows leaning down, making them burst into tears.

It turned out to be another **** slowing effect!

Among the crowd, Albedo reacted very quickly, and immediately solved the continuous disaster, and quickly went to support Heilo Heilo.

However, Albedo did not even realize who the enemy he was facing was. Even if the disaster was slowed down, Yun Xueyiyi's magic bow was unhurriedly pulled away...

Albedo can attack the nearest werewolf hero. I have to say that the attack speed of the big knife in the hand of this werewolf hero is really amazing. I don’t know where the one-armed Cancer comes from. The good luck, unexpectedly summoned such a beast. The fierce werewolf hero, the weapon that seemed extremely clumsy should be difficult to wield freely, but in the hands of the werewolf hero, the attack speed is astonishing like a fruit knife!

It must be the enhanced buff imposed by the heroic summoner of the one-armed Cancer, and the attack of the werewolf hero must be suppressed! 14

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