Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 250: This is a private hospital, you know the rules

It's late at night, why is Wu Mian still hanging around in the hospital?

   "Dean Sun, I'm busy." Wu Mian raised his hand and said hello.

   He is smiling and amiable. But in Sun Ximing's eyes, that top-notch face was so bored. This person is over, there is no future, and even he can see a bad breath from Wu Mian's body.

   Dean Sun reminded himself that he must deal with him less.

   "Teacher Wu, I just finished this side. Why are you still in the hospital?"

   Although I thought so in my heart, Dean Sun still greeted Wu Mian politely.

   "I just went and took a look at Mr. Zhuang's condition. He is in stable condition and can go home in 3 days." Wu Mian nodded and said, "What are you doing?"

   "Car accident, rescue." Sun Ximing sighed and said, "The patient is sent to the operating room, I will rush now, you are busy, I will take the time to take a look."

   Wu Mian paused, and his ears moved slightly.

   "Why is the monitor alarm so loud? There are still patients to be rescued?" Wu Mian asked.

   "There is another wounded person inside." Sun Ximing was very tired of Wu Mian's questions.

   What's up with him! No wonder this person would quarrel with Dr. Anthony.

   Suddenly, the alarm in the rescue room became louder again, and the beeping sound reminded the patient that the patient's condition was extremely critical.

   Wu Mian strode subconsciously to the rescue room, Chu Zhixi followed behind him, and trot. This is the habit of a doctor or doctor of Huaxia Public Hospital.

   "Teacher Wu, you"

   Dean Sun just said half a sentence, when his shoulder and Wu Mian's arm hit each other, a huge force came, and his body staggered.

   "Intubation! What are you doing in a daze!" Wu Mian took a look at the situation after entering the room, and immediately said in a deep voice.

   Several young doctors looked at each other, and one of them said, "This is the rescue room, please leave."

   "I am a doctor." Wu Mian's face suddenly sank.

   He didn't have an episode, and saw the film hanging on the reader, he walked over and looked carefully.

   After a glance, Wu Mian realized that the patient had an atlas fracture, and his blood pressure forced the brainstem. This person must be choking.

  Atlas fracture and dislocation is a common type of upper cervical spine injury, accounting for about 50%.

The neurological symptoms of atlas fractures and dislocations seen in the clinic vary from severity to severity. Some patients died on the spot, and some patients were severely ill with varying degrees of high brain stem and spinal cord injuries, manifested as cranial nerve palsy, quadriplegia or incomplete paralysis And breathing disorders, it is often necessary to assist breathing immediately.

  Some atlas fractures are only manifested as occipital and neck pain and mobility disorders, with mild neurological symptoms.

   Although the patient in front of me is not dead, it belongs to the second more serious type. If there is no emergency operation, I am afraid that the breathing and circulation will stop in 1020 minutes.

   No matter how strong his body is, how tenacious his vitality is, he cannot escape death.

   "Why don't you do emergency surgery?!" Wu Mian asked sharply.

   This is the habit of a superior doctor, even if this is the Sanatorium and Hospital, Wu Mian still asked.

   A little doctor was terrified. The aura from Wu Mian's body was like a mountain pressing on his chest and head, and he couldn't breathe.

   "We have all gone to the operating room" he replied subconsciously.

   "How many groups of orthopedic doctors in Sanatorium and Hospital?!" Wu Mian frowned, picked up the tracheal intubation, and threw it to Chu Zhixi, putting on sterile gloves and preparing for the operation.

   "There are only two groups of people who can perform atlas surgery, both on the operating table." Dean Sun said very upset.

   This Mr. Wu Mianwu’s really special thing, as far as he is, he came up and asked why he didn’t have emergency surgery.

  Emergency department, the emergency department of the Sanatorium and the Sanatorium, the registration costs 90,000 Hong Kong dollars, and it is only for admission, not treatment.

   The people of the Zheng family have very big opinions on drag racing and car accidents, and all their anger is vented on the navigator, and they don't mention money at all.

   This is a private hospital, so I have the ability to go to a public hospital!

   There was countless disdain and contempt in Dean Sun's heart.

   Going to a public hospital is the same. Niubi doctors are all in private hospitals, and they don’t give money. Who will do this kind of difficult surgery most of the night.


   "Chang Jiaqi!" Wu Mian saw that Chu Zhixi put on sterile gloves and had already begun to tear off the outer packaging of the tracheal intubation. He fixed the patient's cervical spine while shouting loudly.

   "Uh, Mr. Wu, what's the matter?" Chuang Jiaqi ran to the door.

   "The patient needs emergency surgery. Can you call the shots? You can't tell your dad."

   Chuang Jiaqi looked at Wu Mian curiously, the gentle young man on the top of the mountain disappeared. Now his every word, every movement, every look is sharp, making Chuang Qiqi vaguely feel like a fierce beast standing in front of him.

   "I can," said Chuang Jiaqi.

   "Contact surgery."

   "Master Zhuang, this patient is the pilot of the Zheng family, and the Zheng family didn't say a word after sending it." Sun Ximing reminded in a low voice.

   Chuang Jiaqi suddenly hesitated. He saw Wu Mian raising his head with a fierce look in his eyes, and immediately said, "I'll talk to my dad, Teacher Wu, give me 2 minutes!"

After    said, he turned around and ran, not wanting to stay for a second.

"Mr. Wu, you come back from the United States, and you know the rules. We are the largest private hospital in Hong Kong. If you want to have an operation, you can go to a public hospital. Patients should also be sent to the nearest public hospital. You know the rules. "Sun Ximing frowned and said.

  "Fixed tracheal Wu Mian's stern voice came, and a blizzard was vaguely blowing in the rescue room, "Head frame, fix! "

  Several young doctors were all stunned. Wu Mian raised his foot and kicked a person's ass, cursing, "What are you doing in a daze! Follow the doctor's order!"

   The man was kicked awake, and he didn't care about the dispute between his dean and this ordinary dressed young man, as well as the complicated relationship with the dealer and the Zheng family, so he immediately helped to fix the tracheal intubation.


   Wu Mian shouted, suppressing his voice.

   "Come here." Another young doctor immediately found the head frame, assisted the patient to change the position, and fixed the forehead with the head frame.

   Atlas fractures should be prone position, try not to affect the patient's breathing.

   "Mr. Wu, this is a private hospital." Dean Sun stood at the door and persuaded him casually, "You know the rules, so why bother."

   "Bang" Wu Mian raised his foot and kicked Dean Sun's belly.

   "Go away! You got in the way." Wu Mian said coldly, "Send to the operating room for surgery."

   "Call Ren Haitao and ask him to be anesthetized."

   "Tell the operating room to make a hybrid surgery room!"

   A series of words flew out like bullets, and no one dared to neglect the young doctors. Dean Sun had already been kicked against the wall, his face was pale, and he didn't know if his internal organs were injured.

   Facing young people like prehistoric tyrannosaurus, several doctors all chose to obey at the same time.

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